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Mushrooms of North America
Published in Paperback by E P Dutton (1987)
Author: Orson K. Jr. Miller
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $32.31
Average review score:

Mushrooms of North America
Mushrooms of North America by Orson K. Miller, Jr. is a worderful book that is complete with pictures and very good description and keys and an illustrated glossary of the mushrooms that grow in North America.

This is a flexible field guide and is comprehensive and has full-color pictures of mushrooms. It has a how, when and where to collect mushrooms. The book has a key to determine the exact species, a bibliography and a special section on mushroom toxins.

An index to all the species (680) and all the genera described or mentioned within the book. It is well written and logical book that meets and satisfies the need of all types of possible users: from the casual observer, the ardent amatuer mycologist, and the student of biology.

This is one of the books that gives only positive chemical reactions... odors, tastes, etc... and are given, such as amyloid (blue) spores in Melzer's reagent, or bitter taste when the flesh of a mushroom is tested. This is a very valuable book to have while hunting mushrooms.

If you can find it... get it... you won't be disappointed. Every attempt is made in this book to show the fungus in its natural habitat or to illustrate the diagnostic features which one should see in order to be sure of identification.

All around a superior book and field guide.

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