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Book reviews for "Miller,_Miranda" sorted by average review score:

Citadel of Light (Dramatic Supplement)
Published in Hardcover by Wizards of the Coast (1998)
Authors: Steve Miller, Miranda Horner, TSR Inc, and Stan!
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $12.00
Collectible price: $15.88
Buy one from zShops for: $9.95
Average review score:

One of the best setting supplements for Dragonlance!
This boxed set represents the pinnacle of what the 5th Age should be about, and is a must for every narrator/DM that wants to adventure in the 5th Age. The Citadel of Light (the mystical organization Goldmoon created when she discovered the magic of the Heart in the 5th Age) is detailed in full, with enough adventure hooks and story ideas to keep even the most active campaign busy. More importantly, this supplement is written in an interesting way that allows readers to absorb it quickly without falling asleep from boredom. I highly recommend this product for both SAGA and Dungeons and Dragons.

Note: Many of the characters in CoL are also used in Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman's War of Souls trilogy, the first book of which is Dragons of a Fallen Sun.

Ravenloft (R) : Domains of Dread (Rulebook)
Published in Hardcover by Wizards of the Coast (1997)
Authors: Steve Miller, William W. Connors, and Miranda Horner
Amazon base price: $30.00
Used price: $23.00
Buy one from zShops for: $23.99
Average review score:

A Romp on the Dark Side for Fans of Fantasy Horror
Domains of Dread takes TSR's popular gothic horror Ravenloft setting and gives it a new soul: an evil one, naturally. Imagine a city whose sewers materialized from another dimension, a heart-eating mummy who retains her beauty, or a lithe and limber Frankenstein's monster as lord over his own land, and you'll start to get an idea of the new and improved Ravenloft.

This expanded version of Ravenloft contains a much wider geography of the Demiplane of Dread, and for the first time includes the option for playing characters who are Ravenloft natives. Included is a chronology that sets all previous Ravenloft publications, whether novels, adventures, or accessories, into context as the history of the current campaign book. Earlier Ravenloft material is also tied in, item-by-item, to each description of a land, realm, island, or kingdom (called domains) and the lord of each region. Enough background is presented so that an inventive dungeon master can proceed from the material given, while those interested in the novels and available adventures may single out which products they may be interested in buying.

Domains introduces four new character classes (avenger, anchorite, gypsy, and arcanist) as well as one new race, the half-Vistani. All changes and effects pertaining to spells, items, and character traits in Ravenloft settings are included, along with special rules applying only to Ravenloft. New sections explain the rewritten fear, horror, and madness checks for characters. However, dungeon masters will find that some of the other Ravenloft products, particularly the Monstrous Compendiums, are necessary in order to use this campaign book.

The emphasis is, of course, on creepy: many of the characters and situations in Domains will be familiar from classical horror literature, with different names of course. Vampires and lycanthropes abound; Dr. Jekyll's spiritual brother is here; and Dr. Frankenstein, as Victor Mordenheim, seems to have acquired an unwanted empathic link with his creation. Other classic characters with a delicious horror twist appear here, such as a domain lord called "Pinocchio" who led his wooden brothers and sisters on a murderous rampage.

A "nice" romp on the dark side for fans of horror and things of the night.

--Sharon Daugherty for Skirmisher Online Gaming Magazine

Very good book but some info were already printed in PHB
The book is very good and contains a very good cronology of the Ravenloft world, bit contains also much information that is already printed in the Player's Handbook and anothers AD&D basic rule books. The book add some new classes and races incluiding the half Vistani, also includes psionic but the Complete Psionics Handbook or the Player's Option:Skills&Powers book are needed to run psionics in Ravenloft. Here in Brazil this edition was printed in portugueese and the title here is ¨Dominios do Medo¨, and it's the only Ravenloft book printed in portugueese unlike the others books and boxed sets. So here this is the greatest , best and unique Ravenloft book. People that already have the Realms of Terror and Forbidden Lore boxed set should not buy this book, because this reapeats much of the info that the boxes contains. I agree with anothers readers that some valuable space in the book was wasted with things that was not needed and should be used to add new stuff in the game, but this book is the best and more complete Ravenloft book because contain much information. Get it if you are a new player in the Ravebloft World and if don't have the previously released boxes.

A great resource book
I collect Ravenloft stuff so I already had the first two boxed sets ("The Red Box & The Black Box") when I bought this book. DOD goes in to more detail on the various domains and offers a nice selection of player classes and races. The drawbaks that I have include the interior art and the repeating of some material from other sources. The interior art of earlier Ravenloft products is a bit more in tune with the Gothic setting than the art in DOD. I wish the would have included a nice map with the book. Overall, this is a great book for anyone looking to get into Ravenloft for the first time.

Dragonlance Classics
Published in Paperback by TSR Hobbies (1999)
Authors: Steve Miller, Joe Gillespie, Miranda Horner, Nicky Rea, Penny Williams, Michelle Vuckovicn, TSR Inc, and Steven "Stan!" Brown
Amazon base price: $25.95
Used price: $16.95
Buy one from zShops for: $29.00
Average review score:

This is the best roleplaying campaign ever!! I started reading Dragonlance about a year age, and When I found out it was also a roleplaying series, I was excited. But then I learned it was long out of print. This book comes at just the right time, since I plan on starting a small group focused on DL. It covers enough of the original series to be more than accurate with the novels, and also has enough new material to allow for any number of of the wall adventures. This definitely gets a five star in my book. Thanks a lot Steve Miller, Stan! and TSR!

Every Dragonlance fan should buy this!
I own the original adventure series and have played them several times, but this book still gave me tons of new possibilities to explore!My favorite things Steve Miller and Stan! did were the way they interwove subplots throughout--like the way they used Kitiara and her henchmen, for example--the suggestions for using dragons in a DL campaign, and the way they staged the climax in Neraka. It was much better than both in the original adventure series AND the novel! I also liked the way newer book characters like Ariakan and Dalamar have been placed into the storyline. It's also great to finally get maps and adventure material for Kalaman and Port Balifor!The art was also some of the best that has graced the pages of Dragonlance, ever. I don't think the Companions have looked this good since Larry Elmore drew them way back in "Dragons of Mystery." My favorite illos are the one of Tanis on p.13, Tas on p.17, the one of Sturm on p.18, and the ones of Laurana on ps. 23 and p. 208. I also love the picture of Alhana on her griffon on page 153. I hope Daniel Cramer is going to be doing more Dragonlance art.Another very cool aspect of the book is how the writers managed to write it so it works for two game systems, yet still did it in such a fashion that non-gamers can read the book and enjoy it. (Like my roommate is doing.)If there's any complaint, it that some of the maps are a bit hard to read. I would have liked a bit more definition on some of the terrain maps. There are times when it's a bit difficult to tell a lake from a plain, or the ocean from land.Still, this is definately a Five Star effort!

A Masterpiece
While it's probably more appealing to SAGA Partisans such as myself than to hardcore D&D fans, this deluxe adventure belongs on every DRAGONLANCE lover's bookshelf as a comprehensive guide to the locations and characters of the War of the Lance, as well as one of the best tellings of that era I've yet seen.

I've seen it compared with the original adventures, of which I own about half. In my view, this rewriting lacks some of the encounters and elements of the original, but makes up for that with stronger characters and plotting, tighter continuity, and a greater sense of scope and freedom.

_DRAGONLANCE Classics, 15th Anniversary Edition_ has become my fundamental reference of the last years of the Age of Despair, and I recommend that everyone with an interest in DRAGONLANCE or in epic fantasy campaigning take a look at it.

The Sylvan Veil: An Epic Adventure in the Silvanesti Forest (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Dragon Lance Saga 1999)
Published in Paperback by Wizards of the Coast (1999)
Authors: William W. Connors, Miranda Horner, TSR Inc, and Steve Miller
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $16.95
Collectible price: $15.88
Buy one from zShops for: $11.95
Average review score:

Would you like to be an elf?
Would you like to be an elf and save your folk? This epic adventure around the land of the elves. It includes history, lore, legendary heroes, and a quest beyond the magical Silvanesti Shield.

A good adventure, but it tends to move a little too fast moving in the begining. The default characvters are ok but it would be more fun if you hade the PCs make their own. This is for characters around level 7.

Silvanesti unveiled
Finally we have a good book about the old society of Silvanesti Elves. In this book we see their history and the recent events of the fifth age. Here is the truth about the Shield, that not only protect the elves, but at the same time, drains all the life of the green realm. And we see the most important characters of the land, and how Silvanesti society works. And we still get a great adventure to save elves from the horrible destiny that may awayt all their race. Meet old foes and allies, like Konnal, Cyan Bloodbane and Alhana Starbreeze; learn about the magical itens of Silvanesti; and be a part of the epic history of Dragonlance, in a book that open way for a new chapter in the long history of Silvanesti elves.

Miranda (Springwater Seasons)
Published in Paperback by Pocket Books (1999)
Author: Linda Lael Miller
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $1.49
Buy one from zShops for: $0.49
Average review score:

LLM books are always a joy to read. This is no exception.
I love when Ms. Miller writes a "series" book. Her "Vampire" and "Corbin" series were wonderful. I always waited for the next books. This "Springwater" series is in that same tradition. It has exceptional storytelling, excellent writing, and wonderful characters. The only fault I find with it is in presentation. Why couldn't this be one book instead of four? If she wants the series to continue indefinitly, she could have written it in the style of the popular "Outlander" series by Diana Gabaldon. This will not prevent me from getting hooked and reading all in the series. They are too good to miss!

A nice Vacation for the Brain
This whole series of books was a nice vacation for the brain. When you're tired of hearing about tragedies and violence and worst possible scenarios, when you've used your brain all day and just need a little quiet time, these are just what the doctor orderred. They are broken down into tiny little books, too, so you can begin and finish them in an afternoon. No high-brow intellectual stimulation, but better than the TV soap-opera drivel. Check them out they're fun!

Loved it!
Contrary to popular belief, this was an adorable romance that started off slowly but ended strong. In this story we are introduced to the third woman in this series, Miranda (she was the girl who had the illegitimate baby in "Rachel"). Although i'm not fond of stories which are classified as Marriage of convience, this was an exception. Miranda is proposed to by Landry Kildare who is raising two boys alone without the help of his late wife. You can't help but fall in love with pair, especially when Miranda's boyfriend comes back to claim his child and the big shoot out begins. This is in no way a sensual romance but, it does have one sentimental love scene. This was is a very good book for the kindred soul so pick it up!

Bed and breakfast : women and homelessness today
Published in Unknown Binding by Women's Press ()
Author: Miranda Miller
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Published in Unknown Binding by Hutchinson ()
Author: Miranda Miller
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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Miranda's Ghosts
Published in Hardcover by North South Books (2002)
Authors: Udo Weigelt, Christa Unzner, and Marisa Miller
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.97
Buy one from zShops for: $10.52
Average review score:
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Smiles and the Millennium
Published in Paperback by Time Warner Books UK (16 July, 1987)
Author: Miranda Miller
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $7.15
Average review score:
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A Thousand and One Coffee Mornings: Scenes from Saudi Arabia
Published in Hardcover by Peter Owen Ltd (1990)
Author: Miranda Miller
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $10.95
Average review score:
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