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Book reviews for "Miller,_Judi" sorted by average review score:

The Shy Person's Guide to a Happier Love Life
Published in Paperback by Times Books (1979)
Author: Eric and Miller, Judi Weber
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $11.13
Average review score:

Greatest pep-talk ever!
This is, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the best self-help books ever. The message is clear that the reader must not only listen to what the book says, but then must go out and actually implement the tactics in everyday life. And that's the problem with most self-help books. They aren't that persuassive.

Well, this one is. Mr. Weber convinced me so rapidly of trying to change my normal routine and break out of 'who I was' I can't thank him enough. Like the other reviewer of this book, I wasn't scared to change, and this book was one of a few that confronted the problem. Therefore, it seems to me that Mr. Weber has taken his time to dig deep in the psychology of shy people. As one myself, let me tell you he hits the nail right on top of the head.

The only book I have found to be of any help
The biggest problem with most personal advice books is that they tell you to just ignore your problems - if you're afraid of something, just don't care, go out and do it. This kind of approach doesn't always scare me off more, but it's definitely not encouraging either.

At the first glance, one could say that this is just what the authors are doing in this book. The message of the book is very clear from the beginning - go out and do it. On the other hand, however, this book is incredibly motivating. I really can't tell you how they do it, but the more I read the book, the more I started to feel the readiness to go into situations that would normally have scared the hell out of me. I noticed a significant attitude change in a few days.

It's still much less than what I would need, but at least it's some kind of a beginning. Though this book doesn't contain a final solution to your shyness, it's the only book I've seen that has been of any kind of help at all. I advise every shy person to try this book first. Maybe you're also interested to know that several other books by Eric Weber I have seen (including the don't-know-why famous How to Pick Up Girls) are quite useless, failing to deliver what is promised.

My Crazy Cousin Courtney Gets Crazier (Crazy Courtney Series)
Published in Paperback by Minstrel Books (1997)
Author: Judi Miller
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $7.40
Buy one from zShops for: $8.89
Average review score:

Realy great! Hower, all the Cousin Courtney book are great.
Courney does it again with crazy stunts and hilarious coincidence as she films her new movie and goes to school but, this doesn't change her she is still the same old crazy cousin courtney,...only crazier!

Save the Last Dance for Me
Published in Paperback by Pocket Books (1982)
Author: Judi Miller
Amazon base price: $2.75
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $1.99
Average review score:

From the back cover of "Save the last dance for me"
An intruder has entered jennifer's world... A glamorous world of music and movement and sensual excitement. Now someone is watching Jennifer. He watches her beauty, her grace, her supple young body. He watches the curve of her slender neck as she smiles at her lover. He watches from the shadows and smiles, plotting, imagining... imagining her dazzeling gifts are his alone... imagining her sodt warm flesh beneath his hands. He watches with tingling excitement as he watched all those other girls, all those other times. He waited so long, so patiently. Soon now, Jennifer will dance. For the very last time... Save the last dance for me.

Judi Dench: With a Crack in Her Voice
Published in Paperback by Welcome Rain (2001)
Author: John Miller
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.09
Buy one from zShops for: $10.79
Average review score:

Look into the life of a true actor
I'm an immense Judi Dench fan and waited for the publication of this paperback version of her biography. I wasn't disappointed. The author gives a complete picture of 'the Dame's' professional life--from her first stage parts up until her more widely known successes in the last couple of years.
Reading the book made me want to know this smart, funny woman who has now added 'M' (Bond movies) to her coverage of classical stage roles, television pieces and other movie parts. I came away with a somewhat better understanding of the enormous talent it must take to get to the heart of various characters. And, I greatly enjoyed the descriptions of the practical jokes JD loves to organize. I loved the 'corpsing' (the Brits use the term to describe actors 'cracking each other up').
Great reading for a 'Dame Judi' fan, or any fan of good acting, with an 'inside' view of the process.

Fascinating view of the British Theater and one of its Best!
I became interested in Judy Dench when I first discovered the British comedies that appear on American Television. "As Time Goes By" is my favorite and of course stars Judi. When I heard about her most exceptional career I wanted to learn more about her and see more of her acting. I found this book, which does give an "arm's length" view of Judi, the person, which I understand is her choice, and more power to her. However, I was fascinated with the in-depth information on the British Theater and those who have performed there over the last 40 years as told in this biography. It certainly describes many of the wonderful theatrical productions, and all that goes into making these possible. While Judi Dench is the central character, the book shows what a career in theater is like and all the many aspects of theater that go into every presentation. I did enjoy the book, and felt I had learned far more than anticipated about the recent British Theater.

Dame Judi Dench
This biography is a rarity. Its purpose is to share the tremendous career and achievements of Mrs. Judi Dench, and it happily is lacking what biography has often become. It is not several hundred pages of dubious gossip or borderline slander. It is not a litany of innuendo from those who claim some dubious relationship to the subject and then do their best to damage the individual's reputation. If you are looking for gossip-strewn trash, buy history as revised and fictionalized by Kitty Kelly. Mr. John Miller has written a wonderful book about a woman of substance and of great personal and professional merit. Unlike other biographers who survive based upon how low they will sink for tabloid attention, he did not write whatever someone would spew to relate a story that was not there.

Dame Judi's career has spanned a period that has allowed her to work with many of the greatest names of the theatre of the 20th Century. Additionally the actresses, the Directors and Playwrights also read like a list of those most accomplished in their fields. Many fans first met her as "M" in the James Bond Film Series, or as "Mrs. Brown", in her portrayal of Queen Victoria, or Queen Elizabeth in "Shakespeare In Love". The latter two films won her nominations for The Academy Award and the trend continued this year in Chocolat.

If you are interested in a story of a hard working actress, a woman who is a consummate professional, and respected by virtually all who have worked with her, this book is for you. However if you are like the journalist that opened a press conference by asking her a personal and intimate question, which caused her to rightfully dismiss the press conference format of dirt gathering from that day on, you will have to look elsewhere.

This is a great book about a woman who has succeeded in all areas she chose, and has done so with style and without the sordid notoriety that passes for fame today. Hers' is not a career of 15 minutes or 15, 30, or 45 years, but more like another legend Sir John Gielgud, who when he hit his 90th birthday never thought to pause.

Mr. Miller is to be commended for writing a worthwhile book and not a hardbound tabloid. If he seems less than objective due to the praise he has collected from her peers, it in fact only does "seem" that way. There are accomplished people today who can be admired and pointed to as role models. This book documents one. The other group tends to be long on press clippings and short on substance, but they also unfortunately sell books by the ton to book reading voyeurs.

Mr. Miller has written a work for the other readers.

Hush, Little Baby
Published in Paperback by Pocket Books (1983)
Author: Judi Miller
Amazon base price: $2.95
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $2.12
Average review score:

It was better thaN I expected
This book was better than i expected! It diffinitely had some turns and twists that were unexpected! Be prepared for a Stephen king type ending. The characters were okay although I don't like to read about rich people that much!

My Crazy Cousin Courtney Comes Back
Published in Paperback by Pocket Books (1999)
Authors: Judi Miller and Pat MacDonald
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $0.29
Collectible price: $1.25
Buy one from zShops for: $1.99
Average review score:

I think this was a very interesting book to read.
"My Crazy Cousin Courtney Comes Back" Written by: Judi Miller Number of pages: 122 Publisher: Pocket Books Price: $10.05 Special order Reviewed by: Farrah Fraser The book, My Crazy cousin Courtney Comes Back, is an excellent book if you like excitement. It's Cathy's turn to visit Courtney in lush, plush, palm tree, studded Beverly Hills. Cathy and Coutrney are two different people. Cathy is a goody, goody who has never had a boyfriend, and Courtney is a Beverly Hills brat who never gets into trouble and gets all the guys. Out of all the hundreds of guys Courtney could have, she has to want the one Cathy wants "Frank", but things eventually change. Cathy and Frank find out something they have never known before until that one moment. Courtney and Cathy get into many messes. For instance they first try to save a man in the mansion, the cops get called and they cause a lot of trouble. In a way they do help the little old man and his dog. Another thing they do is they try to get two different actors signatures. One time they try to, he is shutting a commercial and they didn't know it so they ended up being on national TV. They get into trouble with the police and don't even get the actors autographs. Another incidence is when they assumed something about an actor they had been following and then they find out the truth. So after all this Courtney don't even care about getting into trouble. Cathy is really worried that since her and cousin Courtney have been getting in all this trouble her mother will find out and she will not be able to come back. At the end Cathy learns a lesson something we all need to learn, how to say No! I recommend this book by Judi Miller, My Crazy Cousin Courtney Comes Back to any one who likes excitement. I really enjoyed this book because you never know what's going to happen from time to time. If I had to rate this book out of ten stars I would give it eight stars. Written by: Farrah Fraser

My Crazy Cousin Courtney
Published in Paperback by Minstrel Books (1993)
Authors: Judi Miller and Pat MacDonald
Amazon base price: $2.99
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $3.95
Average review score:

can we say 'predictable?'
Ok, I understand that this book is obviously meant for little kids. Otherwise it would be better. I give it 5+ stars for little kids at around the age of 10, but not for teens or adults. Everything they did, you knew what was going to happen...of course they are going to get in trouble...that way, it teaches a lesson at the same time.

Crazy is right
It is full of fun and adventure. Courney is as crazy as she looks. It is sure to keep you laughing it just lacks alittle bit of a story line.

Fun, fun, fun!
I got this book when I was about 12, and absolutely loved it! I thought it was so much fun watching level-headed Cathy and her crazy cousin Courtney get into trouble all over New York, and I've re-read this book so many times in the years that followed. I also really loved "My Crazy Cousin Courtney Returns Again" and I'd really like to make sure I read the other two! It was wonderful!

My Crazy Cousin Courtney Returns Again
Published in Paperback by Minstrel Books (1995)
Authors: Judi Miller and Pat MacDonald
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $7.41
Buy one from zShops for: $2.65
Average review score:

Please... Don't waste my time
This book was too confusing. I had to keep going over parts and try to understand them. Now there were some good parts like when they caught BooBoo and didn't even mean to. That was funny. Still it could have been better!!!! :( ugh

I think this book was great!
This book was really interesting; the part when Cathy's boyfriend gets into a fight at the Nowhere Club. Also, when Courtney and Cathy goes looking for the Vampire who changes her names. This book is interesting if you have a few days to read it!

It was OK, but could of been better.
This was and overall very good book. There were some parts that could of been explained better, like why Howard kept having laughing attacks.

Purple Is My Game, Morgan Is My Name
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Author: Judi Miller
Amazon base price: $11.55
Average review score:

A clunker
This book has a great cover but the content doesn't live up to it. The plot is stupid. The portrayal of the protagonist is very unrealistic. And there are lots of inconsistencies.

The Best!
This book was Great! My mom bought it for me and I thought it was great! Purple is also my favourite color so you can understand that I loved it! I give it TOP marks! AWSOME!

Phantom of the Soap Opera
Published in Paperback by Dell Pub Co (1988)
Author: Judi Miller
Amazon base price: $3.95
Used price: $1.00
Collectible price: $3.69
Average review score:

Terrible Book!
I am a lover of Phantom romances, not Phantom [garbage]. I stopped reading the book after the first few pages. In this book, the Phantom wannabe befriends soap opera stars, kills them, then wears their clothes. He's out to get revenge on all beautiful women that remind him of his mother, whom dumped him off at an orphanage because he was a boy and not a girl. When he killed his first victim, the writing was so difficult to comprehend that I couldn't tell if he raped her and killed her, or just killed her. Yes, the Phantom suffers and kills, but he would never be this unstable-minded. I do not recommend this book to
Phantom fans at all.

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