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Book reviews for "Meriluoto-Paakkanen,_Aila_Marjatta" sorted by average review score:

The Essential Flower Essence Handbook: Remedies for Inner Well-Being
Published in Paperback by Hay House (2003)
Author: Lila Devi
Amazon base price: $11.16
List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $4.97
Buy one from zShops for: $4.95
Average review score:

A must for flower lovers!
We all enjoy the smell of a cherry blossom in Spring. In this book you will learn that cherry is 'the good cheer messenger.' That makes a lot of sense and so does Ms. Devi's explanation of 20 flower essences called the Master's Flower Essences. This comphrensive book on the aspects of these 20 flowers is easy to read, easy to understand, and will certainly change your perspective about the flowers that until now may have only delighted your senses. I discovered that flower essences also have healing qualities that can make life so much easier. I recommend that you purchase this book before the flowers start blooming in your area. It will make the spring and summertime experience with the flowers so much more enjoyable.

Gently, Profound Wisdom for Healing the Personality
This is an excellent book for guiding oneself in healing self-limiting aspects of one's personality. I have found remarkable success in following the principles and essences outlined by Ms. Devi in moving beyond some negative thinking patterns. With a focus on the positive prototype of one's potential personality or being, rather than a focus on "what is wrong or not good enough", I begin to see immediate success and reassurance that I can free myself to become more of who I know deep within myself I am. I cn stand back (with Banana) and see my traditional patterns of reaction and thought to situations, (with Avocado) find new thoughts and possibilities, and (with Tomato) feel more capable of changing old patterns for new ways of thinking and feeling. This is such a gentle, yet highly effective methodology. I have seen several of my friends respond as immediately as I did to the higher qualities of the flower essences which Ms. Devi outlines in her book. Bravo!

Fascinating and delightful!
I was immediately drawn to reading this wonderful book from the start. The first line of Lila's introduction reads:' This is a book about becoming the master of your own life'. How? In addition to healthy living, by keeping ourselves in a state of psycho-emotional balance through the use of flower essences. A few years ago I had the pleasure of attending one of Lila's weekend workshops on Master's Flower Essences. I came away feeling emotionally and spiritually uplifted as well as being energised. Lila brings her wisdom and practical experiences of these flower essences, along with her own beautifully composed music for each flower essence, which she plays and sings joyfully! Master's Flower Essences are practical for use in everyday situations. Both my wife and I have used them with positive results, helping us to live more in the expression of our highest potential. I enjoyed reading Lila's delightful and fascinating stories, illustrating the positive and practical benefits of using Master's Flower Essences. This book is easy to read, very clear, informative and ajoy to read! I would recommend all therapists, councillors and those who seek to master their own life to read this book.

Flower Essences for Animals: Remedies for Helping the Pets You Love
Published in Paperback by Beyond Words Pub Co (10 November, 2000)
Authors: Lila Devi, Lila Devi, and Devi Lila
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.63
Buy one from zShops for: $8.75
Average review score:

A must have book for pet owners!
This book is a must have! I learned more about my cats in Lila's book than I did in all my years living with them. Her approach to explaining remedies that will help our pets is done in such a loving manner. Even if you don't have a pet now, this book will guide you in being a responsible pet owner when you do adopt a pet. I have found her remedies and flower/fruit essences to be very helpful in managing the health of my cats. The advice works!!

Amazing animal refrence
This book is for any loving pet owner. Whether it be cats or dogs you favor, this book will come as an amazing resource for anyone looking to help or better understand our four-legged friends. Ms. Devi offers a very thorough explanation of animal behavior and their reactions to the flower essences. She also does a surprisingly understandable walk-through of the flower essences. Definetly a five-star (*****) book.

Provides remedies for helping pets
Flower remedies for humans have been covered, but Flower Essences For Animals is the first tailored to animals which provides remedies for helping pets. From using essences to understand animal behaviors to learning how different essences benefit different animals, Flower Essences For Animals provides an intriguing survey.

Love You Can Touch
Published in Paperback by Harvest House Publishers, Inc. (1999)
Authors: Jane Cabaniss Jarrell and Lila Rose Kennedy
Amazon base price: $12.99
Used price: $12.95
Buy one from zShops for: $12.99
Average review score:

I was Wonderful
It was a wonderful book full of creative ideas. I really enjoyed it. And got to put it to use with some new nieghbors.They loved it. Thanks again for all your creativity. :-)

Creative Ways to Show Love
Love You Can Touch is a creative collection of beautifully illustrated ideas for giving away gifts of love. After enjoying the book so much myself, I purchased several copies for friends as birthday gifts -- especially appreciated by young, active moms. Not your average book of creative ideas, this one's more than "a cut above." Don't miss it!

Gifts Galore
Sometimes I know a gift is appropriate, but I'm scratching my head over what to give, then I'm shuffling through a stack of crumpled paper trying to wrap it up. Believe me, when I'm in such a stuck place, when I want to show love but can't figure out how, I don't mind borrowing an idea or two. Jane's book is chock full of ideas that make my friends feel special and happy. Thanks Jane!

Moving Lila: A Novel
Published in Hardcover by St. Martin's Press (2000)
Author: Julie Fleming
Amazon base price: $22.95
Used price: $1.25
Collectible price: $12.71
Buy one from zShops for: $3.95
Average review score:

Not just a house, it's a home
A very fun story. There are a lot of memories here that are shared and there's even a little bit of information that some of the family members try not to share. What a unique story.....moving a house because of a last request from a father who has passed away. Truely a fun, quick, unique read. Read this book, it's intriguing as well as fun and will give you a lift.

This novel had me intrigued at page one. The entire concept of moving a house, moving a memory, moving a life resonated throughout the novel. It is a journey, one that the reader feels a part of, one that the reader cares about. Mira, Kat, Ray, Wesley, all visable characters. And the house, it has a life of its own, filled with happy and sorrowful memories. Fleming shows that houses are not just objects, but homes, for good or bad, they are homes. A great read.

Delicious new voice
Moving Lila is a fresh and engaging novel that manages to be simultaneously moving, funny, and thoughtful. A wonderful read, enjoyable on every page.

Daddy, Up and Down: Sisters Grieve the Loss of Their Daddy
Published in Hardcover by Peaceful Village Publishing (01 October, 2002)
Authors: Lila Stenson, Anna Stenson, and Melanie Friedersdorf Humphrey
Amazon base price: $16.95
Buy one from zShops for: $16.50
Average review score:

A Great Book to Share with Children
For anyone who wants to help a child cope with the saddness, anger, and memories that come with losing a parent, I would recommend this book. While my children have not suffered such a lost, this book has helped them to appreciate the feelings that their friends who have lost a father or mother are having. Very well written and beautifully illustrated. Can help children and adults talk together about their feelings and move forward with their lives. I recommend that you share this book with anyone who is grieving or knows someone who is.

A life-affirming book
As a collector of children's books, it is rare to find one that is life changing. Such is DADDY, UP AND DOWN. Although dealing quite honestly with death, it is life affirming. I plan to add this book to friends' collections and predict it will be useful as it opens communications in one of life's adventures. Thank you, Lila and Anna for making your Daddy proud, for making us all proud.

A Gift from Children to Children of All Ages
This touching, poignant book speaks to the genuine grief and pain felt by children - grief and pain that too often goes unexpressed. Having worked with children for many years, I will use this book to help get the conversation flowing with children facing many kinds of loss. Truthfully, I believe the book will also help adults face their own grief and pain.

"Daddy, Up and Down" doesn't dodge or hedge the tough questions. With the forthrightness of children, Lila and Anna tell it like it is for them and, in doing so, allow other children (and adults) to find their own words.

Another book says, "a little child shall lead them." Lila and Anna lead us all into coping with the loss of one we love too much to lose. An excellent, beautiful book.

Lila's Secret Valentine (Sweet Valley Twins Super Edition, No 5)
Published in Paperback by Skylark (1995)
Author: Francine Pascal
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $0.99
Collectible price: $3.13
Buy one from zShops for: $2.47
Average review score:

Lila's Lies About LOVE
Lila Fowler tells her friends that she has a cool boyfriend..but it isnt true.She has even created an appearance,personality and NNAME! for this guy!!!!!!She is so scared of showing up to the upcoming dance alone after all her bragging about her terrific boyfriend.

One Of The Best Book Ever!!!!
I love this book.I just finished reading it yesterday,but today I read it again.This book is so romantic and exciting.I recommend this book to anybody who loves Sweet Valley.Read it,you'll LOVE it!!

One of the BEST Sweet Valley books!!
I gave this book 5 stars because this book is great! I f you like books that have a great ending then I suggest you most definetly read this book!

I'm a Girl!
Published in Hardcover by Cool Hand Communications (1995)
Authors: Lila Jukes and Susan Keeter
Amazon base price: $13.95
Average review score:

I'm a Girl
I'm A Girl, written by Lila Jukes, effectively delivers an important powerful message to young girls to be "courageous, smart and valuable." This, in the eyes of the author, is the inner beauty of the reader. It's a good message to young girls that is not often exposed to younger children. The book is easy to read, with a large font and the location of the words is consistent from page to page. Even though the style of writing is repetitive, it reinforces the importance of the message. One thing that seems off kilter is that the illustrations don't really fit with what the text is implying. The illustrations aren't sharp vivid images and the colors are plain yet the words are intense and confident. The girls depicted in the illustrations are young and are of different race. This is a good tactic because it involves all girls, not just one kind. This itself helps children feel like they are included in society. The illustrations also depict girls active in different kinds of activities. These activities range from sports such as sottball to spending time with a family member. I'm A Girl is a book that should be read to all young girls.

A great children's book
The book "I'm a Girl" by Lila Jukes is a well written book designed for children of a young age. The book is very positive with flowing words easy to read for any youngster. It describes the attitude of what a growing young girl should have. The illustrations are very vivid and help attract the reader to what is on the page. I didn't enjoy the book because it's not designed for me but I would recommend it to anyone raising a young girl. This book gets right to the point by using powerful words in its text. This book is simple yet powerful and would be a great addition on any bookshelf of expecting parents.

that everyday positive reinforcement
Lila Jukes says it all, in a flowing, basic little book which is wholly positive and encouraging. It describes important attributes of healthy, emotionally functioning girls, provides beautiful, down-to-earth illustrations, which clearly illustrate the story being read,(perfect for 'picture-reading' age girls). I recommend it be read to girls from pregnancy onward! I'm a Girl! is enthusiastic, to the point, and uses specific words: 'independent', 'powerful', and 'valuable'--great for readers who wish to expose their girls to the capabilities of language, not protect them from them. It's the kind of simple, universally understandable book which makes perfect bed-time reading, and it will have an effect far beyond its size! Query as to how this book can possibly be out of print????

Veiled Sentiments: Honor and Poetry in a Bedouin Society
Published in Hardcover by University of California Press (1987)
Authors: Lila Abu-Lughhod and Janet L. Abu-Lughod
Amazon base price: $45.00
Used price: $21.01
Average review score:

a good read
the book is written by an american woman with mideastern roots -- she provides great insight into the traditionals of the bedouin and arab worlds. I read this before I went to Egypt and it provided great foundation for understanding the culture of the town and village. I like her writing style -- she makes anthopological analysis interesting by explaining in the context of her interactions with the bedouins.

Evocative ethnography
I agree with the other reviewers. It was the best ethnography I can remember reading. What struck a chord with me was her description and explanation of the women's submission to the men, that the submissiveness was valuable only when it was voluntarily given. The idea of women being submissive to men is not only Islamic, but exists also in Christianity.

A Tool for Understanding
"Veiled Sentiments" is academic. It is the outcome of the author's living in a Bedouin community in northern Egypt (the Western Desert) for two years, a feat of no mean proportions.

Lila Abu-Lughod came to a deep understanding of such aspects of the culture as blood ties, veiling and poetry not only because of her talent and training but also because she has ties to that culture. She calls academics like herself "halfies" because they belong both "inside and outside the communities they write about." She realizes that such a situation benefits them in terms of gathering knowledge within close cultures.

The veiling of women (or rather women's veiling of themselves) is an important topic because of recent events including world politics and of the ongoing research in feminism. It is also important because it is so often misunderstood and so difficult to understand even when it is explained.

After reading Abu-Lughod's renowned (in the world of academics) book, "Veiled Sentiments," I think I have a better handle on veiling than I ever would have had otherwise. It was not easy to absorb the concepts that surround it. That it took ΒΌ of a 315 page book to do it (a conservative estimate) is a testament to the intricacies of and the psychological motivations behind this cultural /religious practice.

Learning more about veiling alone made this study one well worth reading. But the surprise for both the reader, and-as explained by Ms. Abu-Lughod-the author herself is the discovery of this culture's use of poetry. To take it one step further, the insight into how societies in general (at least ours and that of the Bedouins) similarly use their poetry and relate to it.

Abu-Lughod finds that poetry is used somewhat differently among women in the Awlad ' Ali tribes than it is used by men. Because I am writing my own book of poetry called "Skyscapes: A Woman's View," I was especially interested in this aspect of "Sentiments;" it also was, by the author's own admission, an amazing and important cultural discovery. A group of women in China have their own secret language apart from the men; now this anthropologist brings to our attention how the poetry and veiling customs of these women reveal their emotions and are rooted in the traditions of a society in which they live quite separately from men.

Though this book is not meant for mainstream readers, I hope that many who have no ties to anthropology will make an effort to read it. I believe that women will find it especially interesting but men will also find pertinent information for today's political climate within its pages. No amount of travel could impart the depth of understanding of this culture, and-by extension-similar cultures that this book does.

(Carolyn Howard-Johnson is the author of "This is the Place..." )

Four Perfect Pebbles a Holocaust Story
Published in Paperback by Scholastic Inc ()
Authors: Lila Perl and Blumenth
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $3.98
Buy one from zShops for: $1.00
Average review score:

A very good read!
Can you imagine being torn from all you know in just one moment? well that is exactly what happened to Marion Blumethal and her family, which included her father, Walter, her mother named Ruth, and her brother Albert. This story of loses and triumph is told by Marion herself. She explains what she and all of the millions of jews in Europe had to go through each and everyday. Marion and her family lived in a nice comfortable town in Germany called Hoya. Her father had a small shop where he sold shoes and men's and boy's clothing and her mother was a secretary and did bookkeeping. The Blumethal's were happy and very content with their lives until a man entered their lives that would change then forever. He would not only affect them but but millions of families across the world. He was known as Hitler. He started to become more noticed in the 1930's when he became known as the leader of the National Socialist German Workers' party, also known as the Nazi. They were against Jews, Communists, Gypsies, Slavic peoples, and deformed or crippled people. This hatred led to the death of millions of people and the Blumethal's were there for it all After Ruth and Walter found out about Hitler's plan, they decided to move to Holland and try to get papers to the U.S. But unfortunatly they did not get them in time and were taken away by the Nazi. For the next six and a half years, the Blumenthal's would go through a lot. When they were first taken away, they were taken to Westerbork which was in Holland, and then were taken to Bergen-Belsen which was in Germany. But through all their hardships, the Blumethal's survived. Finally in 1945, they were released. They were taken to eastern Germany and let free. But one thing would change, Walter, their father would no longer be with them anymore. He got a bad case of typhus just after the liberation and wasn't strong enough to survive. Now that mother, Marion, and Albert were free, they still wanted to go to the United States for a new life. It took three years until they got the necessary papers to get into the U.S. It was a very tough and tragic road but they had survived, and that was the most important thing.

Its a great story of a family's courage during the Holocaust
I am in 6th grade and 11 years old. I love holocaust stories better than anything and this is definitely a five star book! I have read this book and it is fabulous. Marion and her family show great courage as they fight the battle of antisemitism. I love this book and I want Marion Blumenthal to know that it has touched me very much. It was so stirring that I couldn't put it down. If you liked this book, you should read Never to be Forgotten by Beatrice Muchman. (You can order it here on Amazon.) Marion, her mother, brother and father are wonderful testimonies of strength and courage during WWII. Anyone else who has a story like this should tell it. There are to many people out there who love these stories alot, I'm one of them. Thankyou for sharing your story with us Mrs. Blumenthal!!! It is fantastic!

Four Perfect Pebbles
Four Perfect Pebbles is an emotional tale about a Jewish family during the Holocaust. The author of this book, Marion Blumenthal Lazan, was around four years old when her family moved from their home in Germany. Soon after that they moved to a work camp in the Netherlands, which is when she started to collect pebbles. Marion thought that if she was able to find four pebbles, almost exactly alike, then her family would survive. "Look closely. I have these three pebbles, exactly matching. Today I will find a fourth." I liked this book because it gave me so much information, so much to think about. I don't think that if I had gone through the same things I would have held up as well as Marion or her brother Albert. "As the food that had remained in the farmhouses was consumed, people began to go on foot or by bicycle to quite distant farms and villages to beg, borrow, or trade in order to keep their families nourished. My brother, Albert, was an expert at this. He was always off somewhere scrounging for food and other necessities." Four Perfect Pebbles is one of those books you can read over and over, catching more details each time. I would highly recommend this book. It is an amazingly touching account of what it was like for a Jewish child to grow up during World War II.

When the Sails Go Up and the Waves Come Ashore
Published in Paperback by PublishAmerica, Inc. (2002)
Author: Lila B. Mullins
Amazon base price: $9.98
List price: $19.95 (that's 50% off!)
Used price: $7.67
Buy one from zShops for: $18.81
Average review score:

This was a delightful book with enough turns to satisfy the interest in mystery and romance in most of us. There were also lessons taught in friendship and care of the environment. I am looking forward to her next book.

Lila Mullins has written a most interesting and intriguing story. The plot moves steadily along keeping the reader's interest from start to finish. It is refreshing to read a novel in which intimate relationships can be brought up without lurid details. I recommend the book unreservedly to those who enjoy wholesome reading.

Beautiful Read!
"When the Sails Go Up and the Waves Come Ashore" is a beautifuly written love story about Lilly, who has always had an affinity for the ocean, and the two men she loves. Ms. Mullins has done an excellent job with her first piece of fiction, offering a romantic read with a touch of mystery. I loved the way she weaves the environmental issue into the story as well as the inspirational cast she has given it. This is for anyone who wants to read a book that will make you feel good.

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