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Book reviews for "Meiden,_Walter" sorted by average review score:

Spanish for Oral and Written Review
Published in Paperback by International Thomson Publishing (1991)
Authors: Mario Iglesias and Walter Meiden
Amazon base price: $42.50
Used price: $15.11
Average review score:

An overall comprehensive guide to learning spanish
I had taken two years of spanish in school and wanted a book over the summer that would help me remember all that I learned because I knew that I would probably forget everything because I didn't speak spanish everyday like I did in school. This book was it. It's all very clearly laid out and gives numerous, lucid examples of grammatical rules and different well-known stories that teach you vocabulary and grammar in context. The good thing about it is it's challenging at the same time. It isn't like one of those "Learn Spanish in a Week" type of books. It's comprehensive, teaching you grammar, new vocabulary and pronunciation. In other words, it's really going to teach you spanish in a way you won't forget. But if you don't feel like seriously studying spanish and actually working hard at understanding all the material, this book isn't exactly for you. It's isn't a Cliff notes for spanish and it's pretty long around 550 pages. But maybe that's what was needed to teach so well. The book takes a while to get through but I found all worth while because it made spanish so much easier in the fall. Debes comprarlo!

Priceless guide to proper Spanish
I had over 40 books on Spanish grammar and 30 of those books went to charity after discovering this gem. I have never seen a better organized, more comprehensive and fun text on grammar, its a delightful read but doesn't pussy-foot around ... it gets it on! It spans the gambit of intermediate Spanish. It's one of the few books on language that can advance your skills sans teacher.

Chess Master Vs. Chess Amateur
Published in Paperback by Dover Pubns (01 March, 1994)
Authors: Max Euwe and Walter Meiden
Amazon base price: $24.99
Used price: $7.00
Collectible price: $12.95
Buy one from zShops for: $7.61
Average review score:

Instruction in middle game strategies by former world champ.
Euwe shoots for the amateur and is right on target. 'A' players and below find the weak spots in Master strategy and gain confidence in Euwe's text that illustrates that amateurs can defeat stronger opposition by excluding inferior moves from their middle game play. The first in a genre that has been duplicated for twenty years but not exceeded. A current pretender is Jeremy Silman's 'Improve Your Chess'.

Great instruction for intermediate level players
This book,along with its companion `The Road to Chess Mastery ',offers splendid instruction for middle level players.Euwe understands the thinking of both the master and the amateur,and explains them beautifully.The book also gives great insights into different opening strategies.

Master vs. Amateur games annotated by former champ.
Euwe's books are always highly instructive, and this is no exception. Annotated for intermediate level players. As good as this genre gets, which includes Chernev's "Most Instructive Games Ever Played," "Logical Chess," and Pandolfini's "Russian Chess." The Dover edition is a high-quality paperback at great price. Descriptive notation. See also Euwe's "Road to Chess Mastery."

French for Oral and Written Review
Published in Paperback by International Thomson Publishing (1992)
Authors: Charles Carlut and Walter Meiden
Amazon base price: $26.00
Used price: $3.65
Collectible price: $5.25
Average review score:

French for oral and written review fourth edition
I am a French teacher and live in Switzerland. I am teaching French to women who travel the world. They usually stay in Switzerland for a few years. This book is simply the best and answer all the questions people could have about this difficult language to learn! My mothertongue is French and I always find - in this book-all the particular questions people are asking me.
There is ,unfortunately- A MAJOR PROBLEM with using this book. I have been looking everywhere for the ANSWER BOOK, which is the teacher book. The publisher can not provide it, eventhough it is mention in the first pages that an "ANSWER KEY" is available! Therefore, I wouldn't recommand this book. The exercices are difficult and take a long time to be solved!

French student echoes French teacher
I can add this student's complete endorsement of Carlut & Meiden to that of former French teacher Robert Mazzola. It is one of only two French textbooks I've kept years after taking the course, and the only one I recommend to others. This book helped to put me into Phi Sigma Iota (foreign language honorary.)

"Simply the BEST Review of French Language Available
I don't need a thousand words to extol the virtues of this compact, totally accessible (to those interested in French at any level of study)handbook of French structure. When I taught French at the university level, this was the only French text students uniformly praised for its clarity and abundance of usable examples of the grammar and idiomatic points it presents. If you have been frustrated in the past by the two extremes in such texts (the hopelessly obtuse--for the beginner and intermediate students at any rate-- on the one hand, and the simplemindedly childish on the other), Carlut and Meiden will come as a refreshing breath of common sense. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. --R. L. Mazzola, PhD

Beginning French: A Cultural Approach
Published in Paperback by Houghton Mifflin College (1978)
Authors: William S. Hendrix and Walter Meiden
Amazon base price: $43.56
Used price: $6.94
Average review score:
No reviews found.

French Oral and Written Revision: Exercise Manual
Published in Paperback by International Thomson Publishing (1997)
Authors: Charles Carlut and Walter Meiden
Amazon base price: $43.95
Used price: $19.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

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