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Book reviews for "McNaught,_Judith" sorted by average review score:

Double Exposure: From a Gift of Love
Published in Hardcover by Simon & Schuster (Audio) (1996)
Authors: Judith McNaught and Melissa Errico
Amazon base price: $12.00
Used price: $4.40
Buy one from zShops for: $5.25
Average review score:

Audio version
Nicely done in audio form. The reader, Melissa Errico, did a nice job. I recommend this story with confidence. Sometimes the past is shoved in your face again, and it's nice to have the option of changing the outcome, albeit reluctantly. It's nice when two people can push and pull, yet still find equal ground.

From one of the best romantic writers
I reccommend this to all romantic readers.

Keep it!
This is a book well-worth both time and money

Un reino de ensueño
Published in Paperback by Random House Espanol (24 October, 2000)
Authors: Judith McNaught and Jose Manuel Pomares
Amazon base price: $9.50
Used price: $6.55
Buy one from zShops for: $6.04
Average review score:

Es una de las más grandes autoras de este género.
Esta novela es una clara muestra de la gran maestria de la que es capaz esta gran autora. Recomiendo su lectura tanto por los personajes como por la tierna historia. Espero que se publiquen en español más novelas de ella.

Sencillamente maravilloso.
Tengo todas las novelas de JM y esta es una de mis favoritas. Es una de esas historias que te llegan al corazon y que lees una y otra vez. He leido cientos de novelas de este tipo y definitivamente Judith Mcnaught es la mejor escritora romantica que he leido en mi vida.

Os aseguro que os encantara...

Published in Mass Market Paperback by Pocket Books (01 June, 1992)
Author: Judith McNaught
Amazon base price: $7.99
Used price: $1.00
Collectible price: $2.25
Buy one from zShops for: $3.00
Average review score:

I am a die hard Linda Howard fan. Because I was running out of LH novels to read, I started reading authors whose style compared to LH. I read a good many of them based on reviews on and none seemed to make me squeal with anticipation as I turned the pages.
Then I read Paradise by Judith McNaught and I have truly found an author equal to LH. The story of Meredith and Matt are imprinted in my mind because their love was so beautiful.
There were "magic" or poignant moments that will stick in my mind forever. From their first encounter in her father's library, to the moment Meredith revealed to Matt what really happened 11 years ago, to the moment Meredith realizes with clarity that it is Matt she wants and not her precious B&C.
This was definately an all-nighter. My head still aches because I had all but 4 hrs to sleep (good thing it was a Saturday evening). However, it was well worth it!!! I look forward to conquering the rest of JM's books.

I have to admit. I was skeptical about this book in the beginning. The description at the back sounded boring and the length didn't help either but I told myself ' What the heck, just give it a try ' In the end I was totally captivated by the very true and everlasting love that was experienced between Matt and Meredith. Their story touched my heart and made me yearn for a love like theirs. If I had only 1 wish in the world, I will wish to be Meredith Bancroft. I guess the same goes out to many of you too, right? Anyway, I've read all of JM's books and my favorites are Paradise, Whitney my Love and Once and Always. I think that these 3 books have truly captured the essence of true love. I'm desperately awaiting the release of Water's Edge. I can't wait ! I've tried other romance authors but I feel that JM's still the best! Keep up the good work and keep on writing good books......=)

I must confess I love all of her books. When I read "Paradies" & "Perfect" I became slave of love. I fell in love with all the characters. I just wish one of these stories will made into a TV movie for lifetime. If anyone out there has not read any of her book with eyes close I strongly recommend these two books then you'll let me in your review. you will laugh, cry then there will be time you want to kill them all then you turn the page and you just fall in love over and over again. in paradise my favorite scene is the meeting between Meridith and Matt at his place she went to tell him the truth about the baby. I cried and cried along with them. I read that scence so many time the pages of the book just disappear on me. if you're going on vacation stop by a book store take Matt, Mer & Zack, Julie with you believe me you won't regret it. I thought "whitney my lovve" was it until I read these 2. judith keep up the good work and if you could write a little more often it will help. some of us are suffering waiting for the next novel. I felt she takes an eternity after "Remember When" came out until "Night Whispers". but you're my # 1 author. Love always your fan

Almost Heaven
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Pocket Books (01 September, 1997)
Author: Judith McNaught
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $1.00
Collectible price: $4.99
Average review score:

almost heaven
This was one of the best Judith McNaught books I have read, if not THE best. I liked this book much more than *Whitney, My Love*. In my opinion, Ian Thornton is the ultimate hero. He's compassionate, romantic, intelligent....where can I find myself an Ian? :) I love how he comes to Elizabeth's rescue when he finds out what she has gone through in the past 2 years. This book kept me crying one second, then laughing the next. I didn't like the whole issue with Elizabeth's brother though. How could she have done that to Ian??? That was when I just wanted to go yell at her. I mean, I thought she was smarter than that!! How dumb can she be to not trust Ian, but trust her stupid brother instead?? I just didnt' like that whole conflict in this story, and then the courtroom scene. That was funny, but still, I started to not like Elizabeth after that. You can't blame Ian for being so angry like that. Overall, this was a good read, and i highly recommend it.

At the age of 18, I have only read about 30 romance novels, most of which were only "so-so". From the moment I read "Once and Always" by JM, I was in complete and utter awe at her talent; I couldn't seem to get enough of her work! "Almost Heaven", however, is without a doubt my favorite one of them all. The characters are so lovable and seem so REAL, making it almost impossible to put the book down. (even at 2 in the morning on a work day :) Elizabeth is wonderfully witty and intelligent; who knew that this sweet, charming girl possessed such an uncanny knack for bargaining? Ian is definitely the man of my dreams. Yes, he was stubborn and extremely exasperating at times, but he said things to Elizabeth that made ME swoon! This book captivates you from the first page to the last; I love it so much, I'm in the process of reading it for the seventh time as we you can probably guess how highly I recommend it!!

It's heaven!
I have read countless novels for many years, but Almost Heaven is undoubtedly still my absolute, number one favourite of all time. The love, humor, poignancy, and main characters are all unsurpassed and unforgettable. I have read it and reread it many times, and I still feel every heartwrenching emotion that Ian and Elizabeth experience. There are so many tender scenes that make me smile and cry all at the same time. Ian and Elizabeth's reunion in the Scotland cottage had me crying like I had never cried before!

Judith McNaught is a goddess!! Her books have an irresistable charm that will make you fall in love... I cannot find the words to describe the magnificence of Almost Heaven. You will have to experience its unbelievable love and touching emtions for yourself...

Could someone please recommend another book/author like Almost Heaven/JM? I have tried other authors, but was always disappointed. I have yet to find another author who can tap into emotions as deeply as Judith McNaught does...

Published in Audio Cassette by Simon & Schuster Audio (2001)
Authors: Judith McNaught and Kim Cattrall
Amazon base price: $9.98
Used price: $6.99
Average review score:

Why, oh why do I like this book?
I do NOT like romance novels, I am NOT a movie fan, and I think Zack, Julie et al. have a few problems too many, and Ms MacNaught a few plot twists and name-droppings too much.

In fact, the whole thing reminds me of those reader's digests editions I see around whenever I go to the doctor's office.

I can logically see all its faults, I can logically see it's no great literature, BUT I like reading it and rereading it. Perhaps because it is a sweet (yes), warm book that leaves me with a happy feeling. I like reading about Julie (isn't there a bit of Cinderella in all of us), I like her little town, I like her wonderful family, and I like her sense of values.

And while I have a hard time forgiving Zack for the little "oh yes you want me" scene (if you've read it, you know what I mean), a girl could forget a lot for that freezing yourself to death stunt he pulled. Their love story is truly lovely.

It's a book that you can curl up and be comfortable with. And in the end, that's what counts.

A wonderful story
Perfect is my favorite book. I enjoyed the whole thing. It was very moving. Julie was a wonderful character, and so was Zack. I fell in love with him myself. The writing was simply amazing. Judith McNaught made me want to laugh at some parts, cry at others, and at some points, I wanted to throw the book against the wall I was so angry. But I loved the book all the more for that, becasue it made you feel. It wasn't a book that you can just casually read and then put it somehwere and forget about it for years until you decide to clean and discover it among a pile of junk. I've read this book hundreds of times, and it only gets better each time. The way Paul Richardson goes to Zack's house was amazing. I loved that scene (but not as much as all the time Julie and Zack spent in Colorado. That was the best). I gave it to my best friend to read, and she told me that it was the best book she had ever read. I agree wholeheartedly, and I hope that others feel the same way. If not an absolute favorite book, than perhaps one of the best you've ever read.

Don't Judge A Book By The Prologue!
We are introduced to a hero who's been shunned, disowned, and charged with murder. I had actually put this book aside because I don't like meeting a hero SO down on his luck. Then I read the reviews...
I didn't think any book could be as good as PARADISE, but I was wrong! This book was indeed PERFECT! I've never read a better story than this one!
Zack and Julie were wonderful; both beautiful, kind, and so realistic!!
Rarely can a book move me to real tears, but I cried while reading the letter that Zack wrote to Julie, and again during the airport scene.
HOWEVER, I really didn't like what JM had Julie do there, even if Julie's actions were vital to complete the story. Although not applicable here, nearly half of all women would do what Julie did out of revenge - the other half out of some misguided belief that she's 'helping' the man she loves. No wonder men don't trust women! Zack expected complete trust and faith from the woman he loved and it was Julie's absolute duty to give it to him, no matter what! She needed only to look to Matt Farrell to see an example of complete and unquestionable loyalty.

Published in Mass Market Paperback by Pocket Books (01 March, 1989)
Author: Judith McNaught
Amazon base price: $4.50
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $2.85
Average review score:

Too Stubborn to please
I first heard about AKOD in romantic times online where it receieved a rating of five stars (the highest). I became curious and checked on where I read the high reviews it recieved from other customers. I deceided that I needed to read it (along with Whitney, My Love). I rushed to the library because I couldn't wait to buy the two books(since the shipping would take some time). Since AKOD recieved much higher reviews, I read that first.

It was my first "Judith" book and to my utter disappointment, it did not hold up to its great reviews. I don't know if my reading style is different from others here, but I found Jennifer too ambilvalent, one second liking Royce while the next hating him. She was too fiesty and too stubborn. I felt that she did not deserve Royce and it angered me when she was stupid enough to sit on her family's side at the touranment. Although she was clever and smart to think of ways to escape the Wolf, she was never smart enough to see the truth about her family or about her feelings for Royce. Royce was a harsh man, a romantic at heart but sometimes too caveman like for me (the scene where he teaches her a "lesson").

I do admit though, some scenes were very very heart warming and made me cry for the couple. Some were also very hilarious (like the mentioned "forty" scene). But both of these types of scenes were too few and far from each other. Most of the time, the couple were fighting or were at odds and ends with each other.

After reading this, I was very wary to go on to Whitney, My Love. I started with caution but my caution soon disappeared after the first chapter. I fell in love the Whitney, My Love and found it to be much better than AKOD.

Since Mrs. McNaught's second book was a lot better, I am very much a hooked fan of hers and am even considering to read AKOD again just because I loved Whitney, My Love so much.

The only 4-star novel from my favorite author
I love Judith McNaught. She is along with Jude Deveraux and Julia London my favorite authors. I rated every book I've read from her till now with 5 stars, since they were all brilliant. This one, good as it was -4 stars is still a very good rating- was lacking something in plot.
Jennifer and Royce are met under very bad circumstances: they are English and Scot, sworn enemies. But when Jenny is captured by Royce, living with him she starts to see another view of him, that of a very handsome, generous and attractive man. He too, is attracted to her mainly by her courage - to stand up to him- and her soft heart. Jennifer's loyalty though, lies firstly to her family, so when the first chance appears she escapes from him, thus making him the laughing stock of all England and Scotland. Royce feels betrayed by her, since he has reasons to believe that all the tenderness and attraction she showed to him, only served her purpose to get free. Jennifer on the other hand, is told that he called her a (...) in front of everyone. So when the king orders the two of them to get married, they both agree to do so with reluctance.
At this point of the story, I felt the plot weakening. How this fierce hate they felt for each other turns to tenderness and forgiveness so soon, is something I felt difficult to believe. Also, the story starts to loose its pace, and at some point I was very tempted to skip a few pages and see what happens next... Thankfully this didn't last long and soon I was once again drown to the story which came to a very very interesting ending.
The book in general is great though, her writing style uncoparable as usual and you definately won't regret reading it. But, since I have come to expect more that "just good" from Mrs McNaught, I couldn't rate it with 5 starts as I did with her other novels (Whitney my love, almost heaven, once and always, something wonderful).

AKOD is by far the best romance novel that I have read in years. I was introduced to the genre by Johanna Lindsey, and over time I have gotten tired of her quick-paced, somewhat unrealistic stories. After browsing, I came across Judith McNaught and decided to give one of her books a try. I am a creature of habit, and I like my historical romance novels to follow the standard scenario of virginal heroine and rugged hero coming together. However, depending on the writer, this tends to get old. McNaught took these basic elements that we have all seen before and crafted them into a fantastic plot. There was nothing that different about AKOD than other novels, so it was McNaught's writing style and attention to detail that drew me in. Her in-depth coverage of the characters, both primary and secondary, really made the book. Also, it's hard to put subtle humor in print without being obvious, but McNaught was able to do it, and I was pleasantly surprised. I just ordered two more of her books; this Lindsey fan is making a change! I highly recommend AKOD!!!

Until You
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Pocket Books (01 April, 1995)
Author: Judith McNaught
Amazon base price: $7.99
Used price: $0.46
Collectible price: $1.00
Buy one from zShops for: $3.58
Average review score:

Stephen's Story
Remember Stephen from "Whitney My Love"? Well is you have not read that story Stephen is the brother of Clayton and this is his story.

Sheridan is on her way to England as a companion for a young girl trouble is her young charge leaves the ship with a young man and leaves Sheridan in an akward position since Charise is on her way to England to marry another. Once Sheridan arrives in England she is injured in an accident on the docks and does not remember who she is or why she is there.

Stephen accidently runs over Charises fiance and kills him. He is on his way to the docks to inform her of this and does not realize that Sheridan is not Charise and takes her home to recover from her accident since he feels he owns it to her.

While recovering they get to know each other and a romance blooms. You get to meet other friends from previous Mcnaught books and of course you see Whitney and Clayton again.

Don't miss this wonderful book!

A really touching reversal of roles...
Isn't it nice when characters you've loved and read about in other books meet each other in one book? Well, that's what happens here and it was great learning about their lives after they ended up together. They all contribute to the love story of Sherry and Stephen, specially Whitney! Marvelous. And, of course, another happy ending. Wouldn't we wish that love could truly be this way? I hope, though, that UNTIL YOU is not the last in the story of those characters I've mentioned and that I will meet them again later, in another novel by Ms. McNaught. I'm on tenterhooks anticipating it!

This Book Doesn't Disappoint! Excellent!
We first met Stephen in WHITNEY, MY LOVE, the younger brother of Clayton Westmoreland, the hero of WHITNEY, MY LOVE. Although cast in a supporting role in that book, he still managed to shine, and to appeal to so many readers that they requested of Ms McNaught that she write a story just for him. I'm so glad she listened! And UNTIL YOU is just perfect for Stephen Westmoreland!

The relationship between Stephen, and the amnesiac Sheridan Bromleigh, is both fun and romantic. Although jaded by past events, Stephen still had a very strong sense of honor and responsibility, and allowing Sheridan to believe HE is her fiance is what sets this story up so nicely. Sheridan, like Stephen, is a well written and well-rounded character whom I came to like enormously. Her spunk shines through every scene, and their growing love had me on the edge of my seat.

In particular, one of my favorite scenes was when both Stephen Westmoreland and Nicholas DuVille were "vying" for Sheridan at Almack's, to the vast discomforture of both of them. Classic! And other favorite was the scene in which dottering, elderly spinster Miss Charity gets to the heart of the matter with Stephen, bringing him to blows with....Nicholas DuVille! (He, by the way, is another favorite of mine from this and past books.)

The fact that Stephen, unbeknownst to Sheridan, was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt when the truth first came out, further endeared HIM to me. I fully understand why he reacted the way he did later....and even later, following his conversation with Miss Charity and the altercation with Nicki.

The appearance of so many past favorites in this book just had me in raptures, as I love all of Ms McNaught's heroes and heroines...although admittedly, some more than others. I just can never read enough about any of them!

I HIGHLY recommend this book to all who enjoy Historical Romance novels, and although it would probably be best to have read, at least, WHITNEY, MY LOVE first, it's not really necessary. I am, however, glad to have not only read W,ML first, but also ONCE AND ALWAYS, ALMOST HEAVEN, SOMETHING WONDERFUL and A KINGDOM OF DREAMS (although the last is, actually, a PREQUEL to W,ML) before reading UNTIL YOU. It made the secondary characters in UNTIL YOU so much more fun, remembering when the spotlight was on them in their own stories.

And in MY opinion, the ending did NOT fall flat, but was perfectly written for the characters, and what had come before. Both Stephen and Sheridan acted within character, and the involvement of Nicki was a perfect touch.

Published in Mass Market Paperback by Pocket Books (01 April, 1988)
Author: Judith McNaught
Amazon base price: $4.50
Used price: $0.75
Collectible price: $2.38
Average review score:

Can I give it 4 1/2 stars???
I first read this book in the paperback edition, and I enjoyed it. Not my favorite Judith McNaught book, because that's Paradise, and I still can't get over that one, but it's a great book nonetheless. Clayton and Whitney are an amazing couple, and Judith McNaught spun this creation with a vivid imagination and only be described as loaned from God.

The hard cover is great because it picks up a little of what was left off of the paperback. And it just continues to add to the story. The paperback edition ends a little abruptly, so the hardcover takes care of the loose ends that you might feel. It's also great b/c other books were spun off from this one that I thoroughly enjoyed as well.

Fall in Love with this Book!
Whitney, My Love is the first book I read by this author, and I was awed. In this story, a young, unappealing girl becomes a swan and realizes that her childhood dream of marrying Paul is becoming an impossibility because of someone else's decision for her to marry a different person. Her immediate reaction and subsequent actions are delightfully humorous, yet at the time slightly frustrating. When she finally realizes that she wants the Duke, they have a misunderstanding and a separation occurs. When reading this part of the story, the reader can so easily feel the depth of emotion each character is feeling. Throughout several more misunderstandings, the same feelings occur. McNaught's ability to create emotion is outstanding. If you enjoy this book, be sure also to read Once and Always, which features Stephen, the Duke's brother you will meet in Whitney, My Love. A Holiday of Love also contains a short story about Nicholas DuVille, whom you will also meet. All three books convey the depth of emotion and desire involved in falling in love. It lets you fall in love all over again!

simply the best
This is the book that started it all. This was the first time I had heard of Judith McNaught and I fell so hard for Whitney and Clayton that I have eagerly awaited McNaught's every book. Her characters are unique -- believable, funny, charming and this story, in particular, makes you want to fall in love all over again.

La orquidea blanca
Published in Paperback by Atlantida Publishing (2001)
Authors: Judith McNaught, Valeria Watson, and Judith MC Naught
Amazon base price: $16.77
List price: $23.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Es una novela actual, bien manejada interesante todos los personajes, te atrapa la trama. Es un buen libro que recomendar.

Simple Gifts : Four Heartwarming Christmas Stories
Published in Paperback by Pocket Books (01 January, 1998)
Authors: Judith McNaught and Jude Deveraux
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $0.89
Collectible price: $4.50
Buy one from zShops for: $19.55
Average review score:

Longer please
I loved Corey, but found that the short story didn't allow the author to really develop the male character.

Deveraux Sparkles While McNaught Turns Out Rather Dull
My mother had this book on her shelf and I was a big McNaught fan for awhile so I decided to check it out, not having read Jude Deveraux before. "Miracles" was good for a short story, but I agree that Nicki Duville deserved his own full length story as long as it ISN'T a combination of recycled story-lines she's used before. "Miracles" reminded me a lot of "Something Wonderful" and I'm SO sick of her characters lack of mis-communication and how the men seem all the same. Gorgeous, brooding, slightly dangerous *yawn* She needs a book where her female character is a match for the hero not just brain wise. It is the age of girl power, Ms. McNaught! "Double Exposure" was boring for me and I enjoyed Jude Deveraux's contributions much better! "Just Curious" made me laugh out loud, especially at Karen's clever come-backs to Mac. I'd rather have one of the Taggert brothers any day than a Westmoreland; kudos to Jude Deveraux for making men who aren't all carbon copies of each-other and are truly dreamy. "Change of Heart" was also delightful. Randy was the most believable heroine I've ever read and I loved her romance with Frank. I haven't read any Deveraux books before, but I think I'm definitely going to have to start. Sorry, Ms. McNaught, you used to be my favorite, but unless you start coming up with something more original I think you've been bumped...

wonderful stories that should have been novels
As mentioned in the title of my review, each of the short stories should have been made into full length novels, especially Nicki DuVille's story "Miracles." Nicki was such a wonderful hero in Whitney and Until You, but "Miracles" was over before it even got started. Ms. McNaught could have easily made Nicki's story into another one of her amazing historicals. On the other hand, "Double Exposure" with Corey Foster was a great little prequel to Remember When. Spence was a wonderful counterpart to Corey, and I enjoyed reading their story immensely. My favorite over all was "Just Curious." I loved Mac, and Karen was a great foil to him. Their story was completely adorable and sweet and ended way too soon for my liking.

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