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Book reviews for "Marling,_William" sorted by average review score:

The Marling Menu-Master for Germany: A Comprehensive Manual for Translating the German Menu into American English
Published in Paperback by Altarinda Books (1971)
Authors: William E. Marling and Clare F. Marling
Amazon base price: $8.95
Average review score:

Don't leave home without it
Small enough to fit in a pocket and carry with you everywhere, this guide to translating the menus in Germany should be with you in every restaurant.

I read it on the plane and was able to know what I was ordering at the first meal. My co-workers thought that I spoke German because I knew exactly what I wanted and exactly what I was getting.

Thank you to the author. You made my trip a pleasant one.

No Guessing
I used the Menu Master (I call it a Menu Finder) for eight months in Germany. I also briefly used the French edition in France, and the Italian edition in Italy. My general comments are the same for all three. I look forward to using the Spanish edition someday.

A small, hip pocket, book bound in vinyl it can see rough service virtually anywhere. It is easy to use from Suppe zu den Nüsse (soup to nuts). And is actually organized from the appetizer to dessert. It is thorough in identifying the different preparations and nuances in service. Once you read the instructions and do the menu exercise included at the back, you will have little or no trouble ordering your favorites. Believe me, it is good to know the difference between Schinken (Ham) and Schnecken (Snails)...

Gasthaus essential
This is a small, durable book, designed to be used unobtrusvely at a restarant. I have been using it in Germany for about a month and find that it covers about 60% of the items on the menu. One feature that I like about the book was that it explains how the item is prepared so non-culinary types can understand. One area that I felt could be improved is an all-inclusive alpabetical listing to replace the "mit" section. It could also include some essential phrases like how to get the bill or ask for silverware, etc. I would rate this as an essential reference for anyone planning on eating alot on the economy in Germany.

The Marling Menu-Master for Spain: A Comprehensive Manual for Translating the Spanish Menu into American English
Published in Paperback by Altarinda Books (1973)
Authors: William E. Marling, Clara F. Marling, and Clare F. Marling
Amazon base price: $8.95
Buy one from zShops for: $6.22
Average review score:

One of the best books for visiting Spain
When my husband and I were transferred to Spain we knew some Spanish, but the names of dishes and how they were prepared alluded us. Without this book we would have been completely lost that first year. We ended up trying more new things because this book had such trustworthy translations, more often than not a rarity in many travel guides. We highly recommend this book to everyone travelling to Spain.

A must-have for travel in Spanish speaking countries.
Well-organized and easy to use. If you do not speak Spanish, you MUST have this. This small book is worth its weight in gold. Translates dozens of variations of foods in short, descriptive terms. I got what I ordered EVERY time, thanks to this book.

The American Roman Nair: Hammett, Cain, and Chandler
Published in Paperback by University of Georgia Press (1998)
Author: William Marling
Amazon base price: $12.60
List price: $18.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $12.51
Buy one from zShops for: $11.69
Average review score:

Best Study of Noir Literature I've Read!
William Marling's fine book is a wonderful introduction to the field of hard-boiled detective fiction for the serious scholar. He traces the historical background of noir fiction, provides several case studies of central texts, and gives biographies of Hammett, Chandler, and Cain. He respects the genre without being fawning. This book is very readable and academically sound at the same time.

The Marling Menu-Master for Italy: A Comprehensive Manual for Translating the Italian Menu into American-English
Published in Paperback by Altarinda Books (1971)
Authors: William E. Marling and Clare F. Marling
Amazon base price: $8.95
Buy one from zShops for: $7.21
Average review score:

If you are going to Italy, don't leave home without it!
The Marling Meanu Master is the best book I've seen for eating out in Italy. It breaks the menu down by category, antipasta, pasta, fish, meats, vegtables and desserts. It is written to translate the menu into english. Other guides I've seen do the opposite, which is very difficult to use.

Don't Leave Home Without It
As an eighteen year flight attendant with a major airline, I cannot express how useful and beneficial the Marling Menu series of books are. I have used not only the "Italian" version, but also the "Espana" "French" and "German" versions too.

If you love to travel, but find the menu to be particularly challenging ... this is the book for you. It is inexpensive, small enough to not weigh down your travel bags, and most of all - I have yet to run across any menu item that is not completely and accurately described in intimate detail in this little "bible." You will not believe how much easier meal time in a foreign location is with this book - and because it is so easy to use, you will find that your gastronomic adventures are no longer a guessing game, but are enjoyable experiences.

Personally, I will not leave home without my Marling Menu Master. This book should be #1 on your list, it is on mine.

Marling Menu-Master for France
Published in Paperback by Altarinda Books (1971)
Authors: William E. Marling and Clare F. Marling
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $5.50
Buy one from zShops for: $6.22
Average review score:

Waste of money
I rated it a "one" only because there is no zero or minus option. We just returned from three weeks in France and in our opinion this cute little book was nearly useless when trying to decode menus. We survived thanks to a combination of English-speaking wait-staffs and Rick Steves' French Phrase Book. The large number of omitted items is forgiveable--after all, this is a small book. What dooms this book is its unwieldy organization. Seven main sections, several of which are further subdivided, make the book a navigational nightmare. It is frustrating to have to wade through it page by page only to find that what you are looking for is not there. The book should be organized like Larousse Gastronomique--one global alphabetical list with pertinent cross-references. Also, we believe that the authors should actually visit Paris and Provence to observe the changes in menu lingo that has occurred since 1971 when the book was compiled. I say don't buy this book--instead, use the money to buy a bottle of wine. You'll get a lot more value from the wine.

Indispensable Info in a User-Friendly Format
No matter how well (or how poorly) you may speak French, this little book is an indispensable addition to your travel kit. It can help you navigate the dizzying varieties of delicious sauces, the hundreds of preparation styles, the regional specialities, and keep you from ordering kidneys when you thought you were asking for veal cutlets...Helpful pages, too, on money, numbers, basic traveller's phrases. Plus it's small enough to be consulted with discretion at cafes or bistros...and don't forget how helpful it would be for ordering with confidence in your favorite French restaurant back home.

Indispensible, even if you're comfortable in French
The specialized terminology of French cuisine is rarely found in any pocket dictionary. I carry this little pocket guide not only in France, but also when dining in authentic French restaurants in the USA.

If you know little or no French, you can consult this guide and the menus posted outside most French restaurants, and decide what you're going to order before you even go inside.

The unfortunate use of "entrée" for "main course" may lead to confusion outside the USA.

Dashiell Hammett (Twayne's United States Authors Series ; Tusas 458)
Published in Hardcover by Twayne Pub (1983)
Author: William Marling
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $26.47
Average review score:
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Pediatric Neurosurgery: Surgery of the Developing Nervous System
Published in Hardcover by W B Saunders (15 January, 1994)
Authors: William R., M.D. Cheek, Mavis Cheek, Arthur E. Marling, and William R. Checck
Amazon base price: $230.00
Used price: $32.52
Average review score:
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Raymond Chandler (Twayne's United States Authors Series, No 508)
Published in Hardcover by Twayne Pub (1986)
Author: William Marling
Amazon base price: $20.95
Used price: $19.75
Average review score:
No reviews found.

William Carlos Williams and the Painters, 1909-1923
Published in Hardcover by Ohio Univ Pr (Txt) (1982)
Author: William Marling
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $20.00
Collectible price: $25.41
Average review score:
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