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Book reviews for "Marks,_Stanley" sorted by average review score:

Going Boldly on Your Inner Voyage: The Unauthorized Starfleet Daily Meditation Manual
Published in Paperback by Inner Faith Resources (1999)
Author: Mark Stanley Haskett
Amazon base price: $11.95
Average review score:

Surprisingly astute readings
I was given a copy of this book in a chaplain's office and I was pleasantly surprised by the wisdom provided from these daily readings. For example, "...when we risk the first step toward our dreams, the next step will become clear, then the next, and the next- as if light begins to illumine our way ~ From Captain Picard: A Matter of Time: 45350." This is a positive step in the right direction and affirms some of the readings I have gained from such books including "The Secret of Letting Go" by Guy Finley and some of the works of Anthony Robbins and Dennis Waitley.

A "Must Read" for thoughtful "travelers" and Trekkers alike.
I found this book filled with the kind of character building contemplations which make the application of "right actions" possible in our daily lives. A complimentary volume to Roberts and Ross' "Make It So". the author employes quotes from "Star Trek" episodes as insightful launching points for consideration of many of life's deeper questions. Presented in a format of daily meditations, it makes easy and thought provoking reading. Enjoy "the Journey"!

Excellent spiritually oriented daily meditation book
I am a Star Trek fan, and bought this book as a lark. I have been delighted to find that it is a well written, thought provoking guide for daily meditation. The daily thought starts with a Star Trek quotation, then integrates elements from many different facets of spirituality and self growth. An excellent way to start the day.

Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fractures
Published in Paperback by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers (15 January, 2000)
Authors: Stanley Hoppenfeld, Vasantha L. Murthy, and Mark A. Thomas
Amazon base price: $69.95
Average review score:

The "other" Hoppenfeld text
Most orthopaedic surgeons are aware of Hoppenfeld's Anatomical Exposures text...this is the other one, which is just as important and helpful for the general or specialist orthopod. For residents who often are in a quandary regarding routine followup and rehabilitation goals with regards to patients, this paperback proves invaluable. Chief residents who often run clinics will find this as an excellent tool for evaluating the progress of their patients postop. Another excellent text with self explanatory illustrations and photographs.

THANK YOU , Professor Stanley Hoppenfeld.
An excellent,a great work by professor Hoppenfeld and his team. The best book worldwidelly on his field as offer advices and protocols on rehabilitation of fractures day by day,week by week,both for Orthopedic surgeons and for Physical therapists they work together.Me,i'm a Physical therapist for over 22years and i'm working in the Physical Therapy Department of Social Security Institute (I.K.A) of Greece in the city of Thessaloniki. This book is "a diamond" for every medical library.I really feel very lucky to have this book in my hands.

a real success in trauma...
Iam a orthopedial surgeon with all most 25 years on my practice, and I 'd like every resident may read it, it is a critical review of the fractures that gives a line for the junior or senior surgeon, the autor is a rarelly formative teacher, that has help me and others to find easy the job, with his anterior books, and this new one is extremelly good,since I receipt it I readed it in two days, and now Iam checking my knowledge with it. Its is a new AMAZON SUCCESS and Dr. Hoppenfeld gift to the medicine...

Prime Time: The Lobels' Guide to Great Grilled Meats
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (01 May, 1999)
Authors: Evan Lobel, Leon Lobel, Stanley Lobel, Evan Lobel, and Mark Lobel
Amazon base price: $25.00
Average review score:

Such a unique grilling book
The Lobels' have introduced a very nice and unique cookbook with the release of this one. I own several other grilling cookbooks, and there are many good ones out there. This one is my absolute favorite because the recipes are a little more than your basic grilled steak or hamburger. Try the grilled filet mignon with gorgonzola-scallion compound butter and the sirloin steak with rosemary brushed potatoes and red peppers. Don't forget to try the barbeque sauce. It's fantastic. The book's contents include tips on grilling, burgers, beef and veal, lamb and pork, poultry, game and game birds, and sauces, salsas, maranades, rubs and other condiments. There are no fish recipes so if you are looking for that specifically, find another cookbook. If everything else sounds good to you, you will enjoy this inovative book by the Lobels'.

This book is the best source for grilling meat.
Finally! A book that really tells us everything we need and want to know about grilling meat. As author of 3 cookbooks on grilling, including "Marinades, the Secret of Great Grilling", I can tell you that I am buying this book for everyone I know who grills meat - and that is just about everyone I know. It's so well organized that I can find information at a glance. The recipes are readable, do-able, and taste terrific.

The Breath of Parted Lips: Voices from the Robert Frost Place
Published in Paperback by CavanKerry Press (01 September, 2000)
Authors: Mark Cox, Donald Hall, Sharon Bryan, Robert Cording, John Engels, David Graham, Mark Halliday, Dennis Johnson, William Matthews, and Gary Miranda
Amazon base price: $28.00
Average review score:

A remarkable anthology of twenty-four poets
The Franconia, New Hampshire, farm of the American poet Robert Frost was turned into a museum and center for poetry and the arts in 1976. From that time, "The Frost Place" has been annual event wherein an emerging poet has been invited to spend the summer living in the house where Frost once lived and wrote some of his greatest poetry. The Breath Of Parted Lips: Voices From The Robert Frost Place, Volume One is a remarkable anthology of twenty-four poets, each of whom won that honor of a summer's residency and document the success of the original concept as a means of generating outstanding poetry while nurturing the poet's muse in the rooms and views that were once the inspiration of the great Robert Frost. Poem At 40: Windwashed--as if standing next to the highway,/a truck long as the century sweeping by,/all things at last bent in the same direction./An opening, as if all/the clothes my ancestors ever wore/dry on lines in my body:/wind-whipped, parallel with the ground,/some sleeves sharing a single clothespin/so that they seem to clasp hands,/seem to hold on.//And now that I can see/up the old women's dresses,/there's nothing but a filtered light./And now that their men's smoky breath/has traversed the earth,/it has nothing to do with them./And now that awkward, fat tears of rain/slap the window screen,/now that I'm naked too,/cupping my genitals, tracing with a pencil/the blue vein between my collar bone and breast,/I'll go to sleep when I'm told.

Come Walk With Me
Published in Hardcover by Thomas Nelson (1993)
Authors: Melvin L. Cheatham and Mark Cutshall
Amazon base price: $15.99
Average review score:

Great Reading
This book was lent to me by a friend who is a physician herself from Harvard Medical School. Anyone interested in neurosurgery as well as general surgery, infectious diseases and preventive medicine would find this book engaging. I recommend this book to anyone who would like to become a physician or who is a physician--it is inspiring and causes one to think about medicine in a whole new light. Once I started reading it, I didn't want to put it down.

Essays in Decision Making: A Volume in Honour of Stanley Zionts
Published in Hardcover by Springer Verlag (1997)
Authors: Mark H. Karwan, Jaap Spronk, Jyrki Wallenius, and Stanley Zionts
Amazon base price: $167.00
Average review score:

this book is not edited by Stanley Zionts The third editor is Jyrki Wallenius btw, this is not a review. A comment.

Novels for Students: Presenting Analysis, Context, and Criticism on Commonly Studied Novels (Novels for Students, Vol 9)
Published in Hardcover by Gale Group (2000)
Authors: Deborah A. Stanley, Ira Mark Milne, and Gale Group
Amazon base price: $99.00
Average review score:

Volume 5, Novels for Students
This concise guide is even better than Cliffs NOtes and contains the author biography, plot summary, character analysis, themes, style, historical context, critical overview and criticism for 16 novels. Novels include: A Tale of Two Cities, The Sun Also Rises, The Pearl, Ethan Frome, The Color Purple, Les Miserables, One Hundred Years of Solitude, The Bean Trees, The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, How the Garcia Girls lost their Accents, The Outsiders, Like Water for Chocolate, Ender's Game, Love Medicine, Giants in the Earth, and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. This series covers the high points for each novel and also has great side topics: Compare and Contrast, Media Adaptions, Topics for Further Study, etc. Useful as both a study guide and a reseach source, it sucessfully highlights the points in approximately 25 pages per novel.

Parables in the Eye of the Storm: Christ's Response in the Face of Conflict
Published in Paperback by Kregel Publications (2001)
Authors: Stanley A. Ellisen, Daniel T. Lioy, and Mark Bailey
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:

A chronological study of Jesus' parables
A parable is a fictitious but true-to-life story designed to teach a specific spiritual, philosophical, or life lesson. Parables comprised about one-third of all of the teachings of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels. Jesus crafted his stories to confuse His opponents, confront the uncommitted, and teach his followers. Understanding Jesus' parables is essential to the revelation of His life-transforming message. Ideally suited for contemporary students of the New Testament, Parables In The Eye Of The Storm specifically addresses this necessity with a chronological study of Jesus' parables and is a highly recommended addition to personal reading lists.

Raised on Rock: Growing Up at Graceland
Published in Hardcover by Mainstream Pub Co Ltd (1997)
Authors: David Stanley and Mark Bego
Amazon base price: $29.95
Average review score:

Elvis' stepbrother tells all!
Author David Stanley tells the truelife story of growing up in Graceland.Stories range from daily life in Elvis' world, on tour with the King of rock & roll, to having the Beatles show up at the front door. Stanley leaves out nothing as he recounts Presleys downfall.This ones not just for Elvis Presley fans, as it shows the real life struggles in Stanleys personal life. An excellent read.

The Stanley Book of Woodworking Tools, Techniques and Projects
Published in Paperback by Popular Woodworking Books (1995)
Author: Mark Finney
Amazon base price: $19.99
Average review score:

A very handy book to have...
Mark Finney's book gives the reader complete coverage of the use of hand tools in modern contemporary woodworking. Covering topics such as measuring and planning your work, through making perfect joints, and woodwork finishing, Mark guides the reader in using hand tools to create masterpieces in wood.

While there is no advice in using power tools, Mark does mention in some of the projects that "a small electric router is best used to do this".

Projects include : a workbench, a chest, a small writing desk, bedside cabinet, and a small table with drawer.

A thoroughly enjoyable book for anyone using hand tools in woodworking.

Kerry Thompso

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