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Book reviews for "Manly,_Peter_L." sorted by average review score:

Unusual Telescopes
Published in Hardcover by Cambridge University Press (1992)
Author: Peter L. Manly
Amazon base price: $59.95
Used price: $39.95
Average review score:

Interesting book on general telescope topics
This book is NOT about telescope building or optical construction. It is a tour of the odd and unusual telescopes that have either been made or that have been proposed. It is an interesting text for the telescope fan but useless for someone wanting to purchase or construct their own telescope.

A necessity for telescope builders and fans
A marvelous little book, and completely unique so far as I can tell. Manly's book is a tour of unusual telescopes. What's an unusual telescope? Well, I suppose it's something you just don't see discussed anywhere else. He discusses unusual mirror and lens materials- obsidian, aluminum foam, mylar, spun mercury and even heated air. Mounts get quite a bit of discussion, sorted by degrees of freedom. There are fixed telescopes, one axis telescopes, and on up to multi-axis sattelite tracking telescopes.

This is an expensive little book, but at the same time I think Manly has written a modern classic of the sort people will be consulting well into the next century. Not that this is a dry reference; it's a wonderfully entertaining tour of the world of the possible. I'm very glad I bought my copy.

The 20-cm Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope : A Practical Observing Guide
Published in Paperback by SIGNATURE SOUNDS RECORDING (2000)
Author: Peter L. Manly
Amazon base price: $21.00
Used price: $10.58
Buy one from zShops for: $16.00
Average review score:

Good Book, But Now Dated
This is a good introduction to the SC telescope, and when first published it helped to fill a great void. While most of the information in the book is still useful and valid, it needs an update to include the modern computer-enhanced SCT (GO TO scopes). I would love to see a new edition.

Good info., style takes some getting used to
There really are some genuine nuggets of wisdom in this book. One has to become accustomed, however, to the first-person narrative and the sometimes "I'm so cute" humor.

if you can look past the stylistic concerns, there's a lot here to like.

A good book
This is a very good book; at times humorous, and at times just plain warm-feeling! It deals with many aspects of SCT's , some chapters are a bit too thin for my tastes now.

Although I read it cover-to-cover already; I keep going back to it quite often..

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