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Book reviews for "Linaweaver,_Brad" sorted by average review score:

Free Space
Published in Paperback by St. Martin's Press (01 Dezember, 1998)
Authors: Edward E. Kramer, Brad Linaweaver, Poul Anderson, and John Barnes
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.95
Buy one from zShops for: $4.99
Average review score:

Not just a book of libertarian stories...
This is a book of some of the BEST Sci-Fi stories ever. With such authors as Poul Anderson, James P. Hogan, Ray Bradbury, Gregory Benford, L. Neil Smith and Dafydd ab Hugh you can't lose. The stories don't just focus on freedoms and rights, but also deal with time travel, murder and some are in the form of poems. So, come, visit Free Space and enjoy the future of mankind. Just make sure to leave your hang-ups behind and bring lots of money!

Thanks for holding out!
This book combines two things I really love: short stories and science fiction...with an added bonus - libertarian themes! Stephen King once said that if novels are like long romances, then short stories are like a brief kiss. 'Free Space' gives you tongue.

Competitor at the Mountains of Madness
Published in Audio Cassette by Sunset Productions (1995)
Authors: H. P. Lovecraft and Brad Linaweaver
Amazon base price: $12.00
Used price: $19.95
Average review score:

Another fine adaptation by the Atlanta Radio Theater
The Atlanta Radio Theater produced a radio play adaption of H. P. Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness. It changes the structure a good deal (the original is one reminiscent monologue), but remains faithful to the essence of the story.

I can't judge the adaptation of Brad Lineaweaver's short story as such, not having read the original, but I enjoyed the play based on it.

My review of the original Lovecraft novel is at

Profile in Silver: And Other Screenwritings
Published in Paperback by Pulpless.Com (1999)
Authors: J. Neil Schulman and Brad Linaweaver
Amazon base price: $27.50
Used price: $22.33
Buy one from zShops for: $22.33
Average review score:

the TWILIGHT ZONE stories you never got to see
If you loved THE TWILIGHT ZONE, you will love this book. But - fair warning - this book may make you *hate* THE TWILIGHT ZONE for not having filmed all of these stories and screenplays (most of which author J. Neil Schulman wrote for that series). One - the title-story - eventually made it to production; others got accepted and then ended up suddenly pulled as insufficiently "politically correct." So mourn what you have missed - but enjoy what you have. Fans of time-travel paradox will especially enjoy Schulman's "Figure 8," which provides the neatest, strangest, hardest-to-guess-in-advance temporal puzzle-piece since Heinlein's "All You Zombies." No - I take that back - "Figure 8" actually BEATS "All You Zombies" on every count: and I'd never have thought that an inveterate Heinlein-addict like me could say so.

Knee-Deep in the Dead (Doom, Book 1)
Published in Paperback by Pocket Books (1995)
Authors: Dafydd ab Hugh and Brad Linaweaver
Amazon base price: $6.50
Used price: $5.00
Collectible price: $9.99
Average review score:

My favorite book of all time!
This book is in a word, awesome. It is wonderfully written and tells the story of a tough corporal and his friend, Arlene, who must fight an endless army of alien zombies and demons who have infested the moons of mars. This book is very fast paced, very action-packed, very bloody, and very gory. The dialogue is great, and at times, the book is really funny. The different levels are described really cool in the book, and if you have played the game, you will recognize some parts of the levels. Another neat thing about the book is how Fly and Arlene learn about the demons and their intelligence and use it to fight them. Another cool thing about this book is that it is easy to read. The most complicated sentence in this book is probably, "The first demon at my buckshot and its head opened up like a melon." A few parts are a little cheesy though, like when the aliens use deimos as a spaceship and the aliens using genetic engineering to grow human clones for soldiers. That didn't have much to do with the plot of Doom, and I thought it could have been done without. Another thing I think they could have changed would be to keep the names closer to the video game. I mean, in the game there are zombies, shotgun guys, imps, demons, spectres, lost souls, cacodemons, barons of hell, cyberdemons, and the spider mastermind. In the book, they have the zombies, imps, demons spectres, but the cacodemons become pumpkins, the barons become hell-princes, and the cyberdemons become steam-demons! I guess I can let the shortening of spider mastermind to spidermind, and the renaming of the lost souls to flying skulls slide. Also, they didn't have the plasma gun or the chaingun! That sucked. But other than that, the book is awesome, with not much room for improvement! I've read this book to death and it is in tatters now!;-) Buy this book now!

Excellent story, and awesome characters...
This book, like the others in it series, was an excellent book. The author did an awesome job of researching how a Marine thinks and acts, and he portrayed that in this book. I'm a fan of the game by ID, and i've put many hours in it, but i found myself beside the Corporal through his journies to find Private Sanders, killing "re-worked" pals, imps, and demons on his path to rescue his recon buddy. If there's any book i would buy two copies of, one to read and one to store, it would be this book, and all the others in it's series. Daffyd Ab Hugh also did a good job of keeping you interested in the next book, by cutting each one off in a suspensful point. A point so suspenseful you couldn't help but put one book down to pick up the next. I can't share the excitement for this series, you have to read it for yourself.

Gore, humor, action, sci-fi, and even some theology
This is one of the best books I've ever read. It takes elements unknown to each other and blends them in a way that makes them fit.I saw Hell On Earth one day and picked it up before I read this. Two and a half years later I found this after looking for it constantly. This is the best of the four, as I've read it three times. I practically memorized the game levels so this was even funner to see how they added some action to familiar rooms. Taggert's occasional talk about the Catholic faith adds a bit of serious knowledge to the book, making it seem less like a mindless shoot-em-up(I myself am Catholic and alot of what he says makes sense). There are a few gaps between this and the game, such as the levels called "pandemonium, House of pian, Mt. Erebus, Limbo, and Unholy cathedral" are never mentioned, and the cacodemons(refered to as pumpkins) are described as having trunk-like mouths, but this is still Doom and unmistakably Doom. Quotes like"She's such a man I bet she got herself pregnant." add an irresistable laugh to the book. If you enjoy Stephan King this is a must have for you. I can already see the movie soundtrack featuring bands like Slayer, Cannibal Corpse and other death metal types. The lyrics match the book's Gore-and-Hell themes exactly.

Endgame: A Novel (Doom, 4)
Published in Paperback by Pocket Books (1996)
Authors: Dafydd Ab Hugh, Brad Linaweaver, Dafydd Ab Hugh, Daffyd Hugh, and Dafydd Ab Hugh
Amazon base price: $5.50
Used price: $21.99
Collectible price: $25.62
Buy one from zShops for: $75.00
Average review score:

Great books never put them down
The book Final doom was good. I have read the whole series and I loved them. Because I could not ever put them down, I always wanted to know what would happen next. What was around the next corner, what the new monster was. The Doom series was more than books, it felt like I was actually there. The authors made a great series out of a game that I liked to play. The last two were more adventure than action but good none-the-less. I just can't wait for the new book to come out. After Final Doom they can't end the series the way they did. They hav e made it big and very good. It's a gripping book that says "Read me". This is deffinately the best series of books I have ever read before in my life.

This is way beyond DOOM! I love it!
I have read the entire series of these books at least six times through, and I still love them! Yeah, you can say that after the second book they had nothing to do with the original game, since the entire first three episodes were in Knee Deep in the Dead, and then DOOM II being in Hell on Earth. The two after that were completely original in story....well, okay as original as anything can get. I think they were really great, the characters seemed to me as old friends once I had been through all of them. Yes, even those wacky Klave, Sears and Roebuck. All in all, a great book, you should read them in order, though, or you'll lose the story. Goes to show you that you just may be able to teach that old dog some new tricks.

Jeez, I wish they'd do this in the Quake 3 Engine
I know this isn't a gaming forum. but having played Doom I\II and Final Doom completely through, I LOVED all four books. Even though they didn't follow the game's storyline, they were still great. After putting down Endgame from reading the series for the umpteenth time, I found myself longing for them to make the third and fourth books into a game... This book is a must have for anyone who has ever played or even thought of playing the game!

Sliders: The Novel
Published in Paperback by Boulevard (Mass Market) (1996)
Authors: Brad Linaweaver, Tracy Torme, Robert K. Weiss, and Brad Lineweaver
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $5.95
Collectible price: $8.47
Average review score:

This was a GREAT book but.....
This was a great book! It was filled with action and suspense. If I hadn't seen the Pilot episode I would have constantly been guessing what was gonna happen next. The only problem I found was that the author used the wrong character's name for stuff sometimes. That detracted from the book quality.

A must for slider fans
This book captures the magic of the first two episodes. It is very unusual that a book and a TV series are almost identical. Little know facts that appeared on TV as a blur can be reviewed at length. Hats off to the author and let there be a Season six!

Chicken and the Egg time
I can't recommend this book enough! It's just so well written. If I didn't know this novel was based on the tv series pilot script, I'd have thought that the show was based on this book! I love Sliders, it's my favorite show. I have yet to see the premiere episode, but this book surpassed all of my expectations and I look forward to seeing more Sliders novels from this author. It left me nostalgic for the first three seasons of the show (currently rerun on the sci-fi channel), especially now that the cast has suffered a major change/loss. Jerry O'Connell has left the show, and so has Charlie. Of the original ensemble, only Derricks (Rembrandt Brown) remains. Let's face it, they should have just ended the show and moved on to the big screen, like Star Trek. I wish good luck to the new cast members, but it's just not going to be the same show anymore, even with Maggie and Remmy's presence. I hope author Brad Linaweaver will write other excellent novels featuring the original cast. And just because Arturo died in one world, it doesn't mean he has to be dead in all worlds. Think about it. ;-)

Doom: Hell On Earth
Published in Paperback by Pocket Books (1995)
Authors: Dafydd ab Hugh and Brad Linaweaver
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $10.59
Collectible price: $21.18
Average review score:

[Guns & Glory]
I've been a "Doom" fanatic for a very long time. The computer game revolutionized "shooting" games and gave a futuristic story about "alien invaders" (Demons & Satanic beings from hell) who've escaped their chains and cellblock's in the under-world through ancient "gates" in space. In my oppinion, the Doom series of books put a story and characters behind the senseless killing, thus creating a thrilling story line in the grand tradition of Heinland's "Starship Troopers" as the title at the top of the book suggests. This book (Hell on Earth) was my favorite out of the series and is highly recommended. After reading the first two books, you'll wonder why the major-motion picture starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as the main hero was cancelled!

The Best interpratation of the DOOM PC game
This was a wonderful book and I really enjoyed reading it. I can't wait to read the next two. Dafydd Ab Hugh and Brad Linaweaver Did a great job of bringing out the Characters thoughts and emotions. I really liked the way the authors portrayed an Alien invasion also. Hey I love the book so much that My AOL screen Name is Fly Taggart, the exact same name of the main character. If that doesnt show How much I love the books, I dont know What would! If you get a chance to read this book Do it, It doesn't matter if your a doom fanitic or not, I'm not and I usually HATE science fiction books, and I EXTREMELY enjoyed this book. To sum it up: READ THIS BOOK

HEll on earth is the most thrilling of the series. "Knee Deep in the Dead" is gripping but the grip is that of a Imp, okay a freaking big Imp. But "Hell on Earth" is where the whole book takes of, you don't know dick if you don't read "Hell on Earth" The story line behind Salt Lake, New York, and Hawaii, continues on through the next two books. People who havn't played the game will not like the books, but for us people who worship Doom the books are our Bible. All Hail DOOM! One problem though is the ending of the series in "Endgame" If you ask me I think that Dayfadd sould create an sutible ending, one fit for a couple of kick ass Marines!


Infernal Sky (Doom, 3)
Published in Paperback by Pocket Books (1996)
Authors: Dafydd Ab Hugh, Brad Linaweaver, Dafydd Ab Hugh, Daffyd Hugh, Dafydd, and Dafydd Ab Hugh
Amazon base price: $5.50
Used price: $25.08
Collectible price: $34.94
Buy one from zShops for: $69.99
Average review score:

A very good book
Okay, first of all, I'd like to say that some of the other guys who reviewed this book didn't get it. They were obviously confused about the (easy-to-follow) storyline. The monsters were refered to as aliens in the game as well as the books. I think the references to Einstein's Theory of Relativity may have thrown them off, to.
This book is very cool. It makes sense that it departs from the Doom game and enters it's own story-line, since the first two books in the series were about the first two Doom games.
In this book, Fly, Arlene, Albert, and Hidalgo (a new character) have to leave the Earth as they know it behind to travel through a Gate in an attempt to meet alien good-guys. They are successful. The aliens speak broken English and don't understand the concept of individuality. That is why they pick such wierd names for themselves (Sears and Roebuck). Now they must all go to an enemy alien military base and implant a virus in their computers.
I think this is a very fine set of books. They add so much to they story line of the game; I'd say you need to read these to understand Doom and Doom II. I must warn you, though, the 3rd book has a lot of really sad stuff, like when everyone has to leave Jill, or when they think of the effects of Relativity, when Arlene has to leave albert, when Captain Hidalgo dies, when Hidalgo thinks about his child,etc.

I stand by my review: this is THE best book of the series
I guess people have a problem with change.
One has to be a really open minded reader to really consume this whole series and like every bit of it. This book is completly different from KNEE-DEEP IN THE DEAD. It has been criticized for having nothing to do with DOOM. Like I said before, you can only stretch DOOM'S paper-thin story into so many pages before it gets repetitive. This book bridges the gap between the 2nd and 4th books. The 4th book, which I will review later, is one wild trip.

INFERNAL SKY drops a huge bombshell on the reader: Fly and Arlene must travel to the Aliens homeworld to destroy them. When they get back, however, 200 years will have passed on Earth. Wow. If you are into this series and really sympathize with these characters, this is a huge and mind-bending developement. The latter half of the book is genuine sci-fi adventure, and for readers who originally picked up the series, this is just too much to digest: it's so different from the original book.
But personally, I like it. I like it A LOT. There isn't much to say about the wit or humor in this book; it takes itself quite a bit more seriously than the originals. Again, my star review is misleading. I doubt most people enjoyed this book as much as I did, so although I am awarding it 5 stars, I only modestly recommend it. Although, if you have made it this far into the series, it would be a shame to stop. If you read book 1 and 2, and liked book 2, read this and ENDGAME. I recommend finding ENDGAME first, however.. It's torture if you can't get it to find out what happens after this one!

Well kiddies, I'm back, and I'm here to comment on the 3rd novel in the DOOM series of books. This book (INFERNAL SKY) is quite cannot put it down. "Fly" Taggart and Arlene Sanders now have a new travel partner, Albert the Mormon. He is an ex-Marine sniper and very handy to the mission. Oh yeah...the mission...well, to put it simply, these 3 soldiers have to save the universe from an over-aggressive alien species. In order to do this...they need to actually travel to the aliens' homeworld...but that is in the next novel, ENDGAME. I don't want to give away the ending...hehehe...I highly recommend this book and sincerely hope that Dafydd comes out with new DOOM books soon to satiate my need to kick some demons!!! --Pudge

Moon of Ice
Published in Paperback by Tor Books (1993)
Author: Brad Linaweaver
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $2.90
Collectible price: $10.59
Average review score:

Moon of Ice
Winner of the 1989 Prometheus Award for Best Libertarian Fiction of the year, Mr. Linaweaver's "Moon of Ice" is incredibly frustrating.

It is not a bad book. In fact, the bulk of it is a rather good alternate history based on the premise that Germany won WWII. The frustration lies in the jarring lack of cohesion or integration.

There is a prologue which is not explained, and is brutal and cryptic at once. The meaning and context of the prologue are largely hidden until the final chapter, when it is revealed that they have no bearing on the main plot, but are merely a future (and rather arbitrary) consequence of it.

Then there is the first chapter, in which the consequences of the alternate history on the US are hinted at. This is a mixed bag, but drew me in. In essence, rather than creeping socialism taking control of all aspects of civilian life, the consequence of WWII in this time track was a creeping libertarianism and decreasing size of the federal government.

This is handled both well (the consequence of privately owned roads is that some roads are not owned or maintained, leading to moon crater potholes and the market solution of tires that can handle anything, but give a bone-jarring ride -- a concession to reality that few other libertarian novels ever make) and not so well (if a customer tips a waitress exceedingly well, she will serve him in the nude -- something I just don't buy at a posh restaurant in America, since the Puritan strain of our culture predates WWII by centuries).

But the various awkwardnesses are made up for in the fascinating background.

Then Mr. Linaweaver gives us many pages of autobiography from Joseph Goebbels's daughter, Hilda, which provide interesting insight into life in Germany after the victory. But it goes on too long. And then, the meat!

The daring conceit of this novel is that the bulk of it consists of the last entries in the diary of Joseph Goebbels himself, circa 1966. Whatever quibbles one may take with this portion of the novel, it is gripping, grotesque, and for the most part entirely believable. The only misstep, one that Linaweaver is quite conscious of and acknowledges, is the use of the hoary old cliche of the mad super-scientist who wants to destroy the world. The science he employs is simply not believable in the context presented, even for a super-genius.

That, however, is more than made up for in the scenes describing a Nazi propaganda film, and it's director, which turns out to be an exact analog of a very popular American film, right down to the racial stereotypes. And the American director, by implication, is skewered beautifully in the presentation of his alternate self.

So then the diary ends, and we are back in the mid 1970s with Goebbels's daughter and her publisher, and this is quite good too, living up to the diary. Until.




The final chapter is an epistle written in the year 2000, and clears up the "mystery" of the prologue. Once that is done, the letter then details events that would have been well-known to the recipient, and proceeds to semi-coherently relate the theme of the novel over and over and over again in a feeble attempt to bludgeon it into the reader's head. Then it does it again. And still again. It is so poorly written that one wonders if the author fell ill and somebody else filled in.

If I give the impression here of disliking the book, that is only because the last chapter was so incomprehensibly awful that it eclipses the considerable merits of the rest. Even without the ending, it is far from perfect, as noted. However, on the whole, I am glad to have read it.

original alternative history
This book was originally a novella published in the 1982 AMAZING. It's one of the earlier examples of alternative history, now a big subgenre.

Highly original vision of "what if" the Nazis won WW 2 (author predicts they would have ended up much like the USSR -- a corrupt and declining totalitarian state, whose Party leaders only give lip service to their early "ideals," and whose children are spoiled Party brats).

The heroine is a libertarian revolutionary.

This book won a Prometheus award.

The Land Beyond Summer
Published in Paperback by Pulpless.Com (31 Januar, 1999)
Author: Brad Linaweaver
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $9.98
Buy one from zShops for: $16.21
Average review score:

This book was reallly good! I loved reading it ! Just could not put it down!

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