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Book reviews for "Lerman,_Rhoda" sorted by average review score:

Eleanor: Her Secret Journey
Published in Audio Cassette by L. A. Theatre Works (10 December, 2001)
Authors: Rhoda Lerman and Jean Stapleton
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $16.41
Buy one from zShops for: $6.98
Average review score:

A superb, eighty-minute monologue
Dramatically narrated by Jean Stapleton, Eleanor: Her Secret Journey is a superb, eighty-minute monologue drawn by Rhoda Lerman from Eleanor Roosevelt's writings. We are introduced to a woman who justifiably became known as the "First Lady of the World" and perfectly captures the duality of a complex personality both in her public activities and her private life. Eleanor: Her Secret Journey is a wonderful addition to any school or community library audiobook collection, and a "must" for those with an admiration for one of the most influential American women of the 20th Century.

God's Ear
Published in Hardcover by Henry Holt & Company, Inc. (April, 1989)
Author: Rhoda Lerman
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $4.12
Average review score:

God's Ear
You don't have to be Jewish to love Rabbis. If you have never read Rhoda Lerman, you really should. God's Ear delves into the depths of Orthodox Judaism in the context of an amazing father and son relationship. Highly comedic, deeply spiritual. Yussel's dying father begs him to come west from New York and his excellent insurance business to take over his father's rattrap synagogue. The last thing Yussel wants is to be a rabbi and experience the pain of his father's congregration. The temptations (a gorgeous redhead) of the world drive Yussel to feel the pain of others and ultimately to secure a place in heaven for his father. You can read Lerman on various levels: humor and story; language or history. All of Lerman's novels carry the same weight in terms of the type of indepth subject matter research as well as amazing language. She has a great ability to play with the origins and connections of words. Although her novels are considered fiction, you can learn a lot! Happy Reading and Laughing.

In the Company of Newfies: A Shared Life
Published in Hardcover by Henry Holt & Company, Inc. (April, 1999)
Author: Rhoda Lerman
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $69.95
Collectible price: $79.95
Buy one from zShops for: $50.00
Average review score:

It's coming back in print
This magical book is coming back in print, with new photo's and the same enchanting tale (pardon the pun!). Rhoda's "In the Company of Newfs" is available for just about anyone - and thankfully at 1/20th of the price I paid for it originally.

It's coming back
Rhoda's magical book, In the Company of Newfs is coming back. Complete with stunning photo's and the same enchanting tale (pardon the pun). I loved this book and unfortunately read the last chapter on a flight from Arizona to Colorado - there were tissues everywhere. I loved the fact that someone else shared the same spiritual connection with their Newf! If you want the new book at one twentieth of the price I paid go to katiesbumpers . com and order it now!

It's coming back!! with new photo's
This magical book is being reprinted and thankfully at 1/10th of the price I paid for it. It's being reprinted with amazing photo's and the same enchanting tale (pardon the pun). I have a copy but I can hardly wait to get the new version with photo's....

Published in Hardcover by Henry Holt & Company, Inc. (March, 1979)
Author: Rhoda Lerman
Amazon base price: $10.00
Used price: $1.09
Collectible price: $2.00
Average review score:

Eleanor from her own perspective
Eleanor is a moving account of a fascinating woman, involved in a complicated marriage with one of history's most influential men and his family, at a tumultuous time in world history. One has a sense of peeking inside Eleanor's heart and feeling the mixture of emotions she experiences in her often trying personal life. A wonderful new perspective on a woman we have come to respect for her many gifts.

Eleanor, A Novel
This is the most beautiful and truest book on Eleanor Roosevelt that I have ever read. The writing is gorgeous. A must read for any fan or historian interested in Eleanor Roosevelt and her influence on our lives. Not only is the writing elegant and intimate, you believe that you are reading a book by Eleanor Roosevelt. Great Fictional Autobiography. Lerman really is Eleanor.

Animal Acts: A Novel
Published in Hardcover by Henry Holt & Company, Inc. (May, 1994)
Author: Rhoda Lerman
Amazon base price: $22.50
Used price: $0.84
Collectible price: $4.00
Buy one from zShops for: $4.98
Average review score:
No reviews found.

The Book of the Night
Published in Paperback by Womens Pr Ltd (March, 1988)
Author: Rhoda Lerman
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $2.75
Collectible price: $8.47
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Call me Ishtar
Published in Unknown Binding by Holt, Rinehart and Winston ()
Author: Rhoda Lerman
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $1.90
Collectible price: $8.47
Average review score:
No reviews found.

The Girl That He Marries
Published in Paperback by Pocket Books (July, 1977)
Author: Rhoda Lerman
Amazon base price: $2.25
Used price: $0.89
Collectible price: $6.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

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