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Book reviews for "Leonard,_George_K.,_Jr." sorted by average review score:

How to Buy a House in California (5th Ed.)
Published in Paperback by Nolo Press (1900)
Authors: Ralph E. Warner, Robin Leonard, and George Devine
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $2.85
Collectible price: $39.95
Average review score:

An excellent reference for first-time CA buyers
If you've bought a house before, some parts of this book may seem somewhat elementary. And, admittedly, a lot of the information about how much you can afford is available on the web on various home-buying sites. On the other hand, I found the location-specific information very helpful, and the advice in the book is solid and reliable.

The real winners are those who are preparing to buy a house for the first time. This book will take you through pretty much all the steps, from thinking about what you want in a house and finding good neighborhoods, through figuring out how much you can afford. It's an excellent reference guide for somebody who's just starting to think about buying, and will be useful all the way through closing. IIf I had to choose just one book on buying a house, it would be this one.

As usual, the only book you'll need.
I used the Nolo Press tenants' rights book in the past to (successfully) sue my deposit-greedy/law-breaking landlords. I just used this book to buy my first home in the competitive Bay Area (yes, it's still highly competitive even in these "tough times"). Nolo's book is accurate and insightful, written in a voice that's accessible and, at times, fun and tongue-in-cheek. The organization of information, as usual, is right on. And the links and helpful sidebars are fantastic! Don't waste your money on other books. I swear this one is the only book you'll need.

Highly recommended - Nolo Press does it again
This book was recommended to us by a friend who bought a home in California. Since then, we've bought it for other friends and family. Nolo Press publishes excellent books, and this is no exception. If you only read one book on buying a home (in California), this should be it.

Somebody Else is on the Moon
Published in Paperback by Pocket Books (1977)
Author: George H. Leonard
Amazon base price: $1.95
Used price: $73.54
Collectible price: $65.00
Average review score:

This book changed my life
George H. Leonard's work definitely changed my life. Better, it changed my way of considering humour. I still can't remember the innumerable times I've spent the entire evening rolling on the floor with my brother, laughing, both desperately trying for hours to identificate the "T-structures" and "bridges" Mr.Leonard was writing about. And, well, pretending to see them, at last.
A book that can't be missed. But prepare a good amount of towels to wipe your eyes from tears.

Unadulterated Magic
This book is great, I was in need of inspiration, direction, and education, I got it. And more. I saw photos that clearly show that the moon is indeed a place of mind boggling interpretations. Discover in this work, the mind and spirit of the author as well as his unique and heartfelt dedication to his friend, Dr. Samuel Wittcomb, whom he said, "helped me feel cocksure while I wrote it".

Reprint this book
This book is still ahead of its time in analysis of pictures taken of the moon's surface. The more widely publicized digital blurs make no sense and are open to visual speculation. I still have my copy, but I'd like another one to wrap and keep.

The Life We Are Given: A Long-Term Program for Realizing the Potential of Body, Mind, Heart, and Soul (Inner Work Book)
Published in Paperback by J. P. Tarcher (1995)
Authors: George Leonard and Michael Murphy
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.00
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $8.17
Average review score:

Extraordinary book
A wonderfully-written, powerful approach to self-realization. Two main resources have been helping me transform my consciousness and habits into a life of fullness and joy: this book and Pema Chodron's audiotape series, "Awakening Compassion." I recommend both unhesitatingly.

One of the Finest Self-Help Books Ever Written.
People have been writing manuals for transformation for millenia. One only needs to pick up a copy of the Dhammapada or the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali to find instructions for self-transformation that go back as far as civilized man. A trip to the bookstore can show you that this certainly hasn't changed- self-help books on the shelves today range from the practical ("Achieve Optimal Health in Eight Weeks!") to the unlikely ("Pick Winning Lotto Numbers Every Time!") to the downright wacky ("Awaken your Gerbil's Psychic Powers!"). Many of these books promise change and transformation in a short period of time... a few days or weeks. Instant enlightenment.

Michael Murphy and George Leonard have been watching and inspiring the human potential movement (the fountainhead for the "instant enlightenment" approach) for decades- in fact, they gave the movement it's name. And, in the four decades that have passed since Murphy founded his world-famous Esalen Institute, they've learned an important lesson: there is no quick fix. No instant moksha, no express nirvana, no overnight transformation. Real change takes years or decades of intensive work. To this end, they have founded a new kind of practice for a real new age: Integral Transformational Practice, or ITP- which is introduced in "The Life We Are Given".

ITP is not a seminar, it's not a weekend retreat. You have to be willing to give up, evolve, and let the chips fall where they may. Moreover, you have to be willing to engage in intensive practice over long periods of time- years, at least. Combining a set of physical exercises based upon akaido, tai chi, and yoga, an aerobic and weightlifting regimen, a simple vegetarian diet, meditation, affirmations, visualization, philosophical and spiritual study, and community work, ITP practitioners can make changes in their lives that they never thought possible. Physical changes, improvements in health and fitness, reversing diseases and age-related ailments, improving emotional health and learning ability, and attaining spiritual states of mind are all possible for a practitioner who is willing to work dilligently and intelligently at the practice. Whole new worlds of opportunity are availiable by living the balanced yet aggressively evolutionary lifestyle proposed in "The Life We Are Given".

Recommended as companion volumes to tLwaG are Ken Wilber's "Sex, Ecology, Spirituality" (an important text on evolutionary psychology and philosophy with a focus on transformation), George Leonard's "Mastery", and Michael Murphy's "The Future of the Body". They are all excellent guides to the integral paradigm.

Good luck, and good journeys!

proof is in the pudding
There are lots of books out there that offer hope for genuine transformation. This is one that actually works, because it doesn't pretend that transformation is instantaneous, easy, or without some physical and mental work. However, by applying some discipline, the changes that are possible by following the methods described in "The Life We Are Given" are truly astounding. One way to confirm this without reading anything is simply by being in Leonard's presence. He radiates an extraordinary, palpable vitality that just can't be faked.

Sinister Serials of Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi and Lon Chaney, Jr.
Published in Paperback by Midnight Marquee Pr Inc (01 March, 2000)
Authors: Leonard J. Kohl, George E. Turner, and Michael H. Price
Amazon base price: $20.00
Average review score:

If you're wearing a hat, hold on!!!
Because Mr. Kohl will blow you away!!!! This is a fine book. The research is impeccable. The photos are sublime. Kudos to the author!!! I saw Mr. Kohl give the commencement address at the University of Chicago and the crowd was mesmerized. Most likely, because he hadn't been invited by the school to give it.

Thumbs up for a fine job
Leonard Kohl's first book is a fine effort, a splendid purchase for any fan of the big three horror icons who made serials. It is loaded with interesting facts. Where else could you discover that silent comedy star Harry Langdon almost co-starred with Lugosi in THE WHISPERING SHADOW. The book is chock full of rare photos, and they are a genuine treat. Fans of Charle Chan would be happy to find rare photos of Warner Oland from silent serials. This volume is a recommended purchase. As an author myself, I can see the hard work and dedication that went ito this volume.

A great read, and handy reference, for movie buffs
Kudos to Kohl, who has done a fine job in presenting an informative, and always fair-handed, look at a fascinating period in movie-making. This is clearly the product of pains-taking research, resulting in a heaping-helping of historical data, elucidating testimonials, with a rich array of pictures to boot. No true fan of "the screamsome threesome"--Karloff, Lugosi, and Chaney--and the too-often overlooked serials gentre, should miss this.

Alternative Realities: The Paranormal, the Mystic and the Transcendent in Human Experience
Published in Hardcover by Facts on File, Inc. (1995)
Author: Leonard George
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $4.19
Collectible price: $12.71
Buy one from zShops for: $6.00
Average review score:

This is a superb reference work covering almost every conceivable aspect of anomalistic psychology and its relata. Very refreshing in that George is fair but by no means a pushover and gives all the subject matter a clear, incisive treatment. A number of appendices document the results of various psychological tests and their relationship to paranormal belief.

A delightful reference book of extraordinary experiences
This book is an excellent reference book that includes almost every variety of unusual and extraordinary human experience. Leonard George's writing is clear and down-to-Earth as he describes such esoteric topics as ESP, telekinesis, lucid dreaming, meditation, and mystical experiences. I love the way each entry contains both an explanation and at least one example, so it's easy to quickly comprehend what is being discussed. Some definitions go even farther, and cover the history and background of the phenomena around the world. This book is a delightful encyclopedia to either read sequentially or simply as the need arises to look something up.

Wenzel's Menu Maker
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (1997)
Author: George Leonard Wenzel
Amazon base price: $250.00
Used price: $99.00
Buy one from zShops for: $200.41
Average review score:

Excellent reference text
An excellent reference text for restaurant owners, menu planners, restaurant consultants, or those who just need a couple thousand new recipes. I have found it to be an indespensible resource.

I highly recommend this book. The only caveat is that it is well over a thousand pages, so you'll need to make room in your kitchen for it!

Actual Author
This book was written by George Wenzel Sr., not William Wenzel as is stated here.

Applied Statics and Strength of Materials (3rd Edition)
Published in Hardcover by Prentice Hall (16 November, 1998)
Authors: Leonard Spiegel and George F. Limbrunner
Amazon base price: $118.33
Used price: $44.95
Buy one from zShops for: $56.30
Average review score:

Applied Statics and Strength of Materials
This book presents complicated problems in an easy to follow step by step manner. Calculus is not required to work the problems. An excellent reference or text.

Bull Cook and Authentic Historical Recipes and Practices
Published in Paperback by Ecco (1995)
Authors: George Leonard Herter and Berthe Herter
Amazon base price: $14.00
Used price: $9.40
Collectible price: $18.50
Average review score:

Everyone's Entitled To His Opinion!
The book was a gift to my father, years ago, who was a chef with some domestic and international training and experience. A fan of Escoffier, my father couldn't believe some of Herter's comments about the reknown French master of cuisine. This is a wonderful, mixed up collection of recipes, which seem to be second to a world history according to THE authority, George Leonard Herter. He claims authentic historical recipes, but the ingredients list begins with "Take a #2 can of whole corn..." I'm sure the early Native Americans had the electric can openers ready. In any event, a must-read, as I have devoured this book many times and keep howling with laughter. Oh, and yes, the recipes are quite good...and easy.

When I was growing up in the 60"s, my father (bless his crazy heart) bought ALL of the George Hearter masterworks (I think there are five). These bizzare creations were my family's font of knowledge for quotations, recipes, and distorted history. George Herter's opinions on everything from women's breasts to Ernest Hemmingway are discussed in these masterworks. If you have a sense of humor and know actual historical fact, you'll love these books! Don't hestitate to buy! A typical "recipe" runs something like this: "Cardinal Richaleau's Mayonaise" for which George gives you the background of France in the the days of Louis XIV, all Louis' mistresses, their breasts, the Cardinal's mistresses, their breasts, some pictures of their breasts, and, finally, a recipe that could very well include something strange such as Hellman's salad dressing or deer testicles. I'm looking to replace our family's tattered heirloom set (gold and silver lame covers on the originals!), with a new edition (hopefully), typeset, rather than typed (as was the original).

One of the funniest cook books I've ever read
This is hilarious, and I am sure it is unintentional. The author (the book lists husband and wife as joint authors, but I am sure it was the Mr. who wrote the cookbook, and the Mrs. who typed it) claims to know the only correct version of numerous recipes, as if he had talked to the creators of the recipes in person. However, the funniest part of all is near the end, in a recipe for homemade soap. The author sneers that modern women are too good to make their own soap, but a hydrogen bomb would take care of that! The text is so dense, and full of information, that reading it is like mining - and you never know when you'll come across another priceless nugget like the soap recipe.

The Way of Aikido: Life Lessons from an American Sensai
Published in Hardcover by E P Dutton (1999)
Author: George Burr Leonard
Amazon base price: $22.95
Used price: $3.43
Collectible price: $9.48
Buy one from zShops for: $3.44
Average review score:

Great lessons from life and aikido
At a recent aikido seminar, I asked some friends why they practiced aikido. All three of them had slightly different answers, but all mentioned that it made them a better person. I remember thinking they seemed to be on to something, but I couldn't authentically give the same response at the time.

I took up aikido six years ago in Asia because it was a martial art that fit my non-violent sensibilities. I continue to practice it because, like George Leonard, aikido represents a path to mastery that defies quick fixes. It's a modern day spiritual discipline that is challenging, fun and it trains my character. This book captures the essence of that discovery in George Leonard's own words and expresses it in language that most anyone can grasp. You won't find here a treatise on how to do aikido techniques (you learn that through practice on the mat), but you will find practical wisdom for everyday living.

George Leonard is a trained and seasoned writer, which brings ease and enjoyment to the reading of this book. He is also trained and seasoned in aikido, and his reverence for life and cultivation of the human spirit come through clearly in his stories. I recommend it to those interested in aikido, but also to the broader audience of those interested in a spiritual approach to life.

A Great Inner Guide
If I had a collection of books that I would run out of the house with in the event of a fire, this would be one of them. I have been studying Aikido for 3 years and this is the first book I have read that captures some of the inner spirit of the art. Leonard shares his journey in Aikido in a poignant and personal way. This book shares some rare insight into an american masters thinking and into living life in a more rich and full way. Although about Aikido, the non-aikidoist might find this interesting also. There is little if any talk about technique as much as it chronicles Leonards work in his art on the matt and off. I highly recommend this book.

An excellent overview of aikido and human depth.
George Leonard has put his years of self-exploration, curiosity about life, and a deep understanding of the mind-body relationship into this wonderful and informative book. He explains aikido in way that is both accessible and inspirational. Chapter titles such as "A Transformative Ordeal" and "Taking the hit As A Gift" reveal the depth of his relationship to this powerful martial art. Perfect for layman and expert alike, the ideas in The Way of Aikido are descriptive of the noble challenges of living. Mr. Leonard's writing reads like the poetry of science and magic. I highly recommend this book.

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Published in Audio Cassette by Simon & Schuster (Audio) (1999)
Authors: Simon & Schuster Audio, George Takei, and Leonard Nimoy
Amazon base price: $5.98
Used price: $6.95
Collectible price: $8.95
Buy one from zShops for: $7.85
Average review score:

An excellent novelization.
If you are familiar with the movie that this book was based on, I will say that this is one of the most faithful novelizations of a movie that I've ever seen; almost every scene from the movie is included, and most of the dialogue is faithfully kept as well. Ms. McIntyre satisfies her creative urge by filling in gaps in the storyline, adding internal dialogue and insight into the characters' thoughts as well as transitional scenes that further explain and clarify the storyline.

If you are not familiar with the movie, there are a few quibbles you might have with the story, but for my money, the quibbles are all things that originated in the movie, and that Ms. McIntyre is not responsible for: the running gag of Kirk attempting to "fit in" to 20th century society by cursing, which he does clumsily, and Spock's even more clumsy attempts to follow Kirk's lead. I'm not certain whether this was supposed to be purely a humorous bit, or whether it was supposed to be a comment on how silly vulgarity makes one look, and how foolish it is to try to fit in in that way. If it was intended for humor value, its humor wore thin very quickly, and if it was intended for the latter purpose, I'm not sure that it was effective. But in any case, that, as I say, is not Ms. McIntyre's fault; it was part of the movie that she was working from. Similarly, any part of the plot that referred back to the previous movie, and Spock's tenuous grip on his memories as a result of being recently "reborn", do not sit well with me (see my review of "The Search For Spock" for my objections to that movie/book) but again, this is not the author's fault. I also do not believe that a bit of ambient radiation causes malfunctions in phasers, as happens in one scene, but the same disclaimer of responsibility applies.

On its own merits, and outside of the consideration of how well it remains faithful either to the movie it was based on, or the Star Trek universe in general, or the previously established characters, this book is still quite good, and better able to stand on its own as a Science Fiction Action-Adventure novel than most Star Trek books, and it also does a better job of faithfully portraying the known characters than many. And as I said, it does a marvellous job of faithfully depicting the story from the movie while building on it plausibly and believably. All in all, by almost any measure I care to use, it is a very good book.

I liked it because it really helped to put the movie into prospective.

A real action filled, Sci-Fi Story
I believe that this story was the best that the Series of star trek books has. Great ending and begining. I especially enjoyed the time travel that goes into this. A very good book.

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