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Book reviews for "Kokoris,_Jim" sorted by average review score:

The Rich Part of Life
Published in Hardcover by St. Martin's Press (May, 2001)
Author: Jim Kokoris
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.99
Collectible price: $9.53
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Average review score:

A Great First Novel, by fermed
There is something wonderful about a first novel that has so much humor, warmth and insight that its arrival heralds a new and assertive voice in the world of fiction. Surely we can look forward to more delights and joys as Jim Kokoris explores and shares with the world his extraordinary talents as a writer.

That so fine a creation would be sent into the world without the backing of proper proof-reading and editorial support is a small crime, but not an unusual one in these days of cost cutting. I mention this only because the profusion of typos in the book actually interferes with the joy of reading it.

The book is written in the first person, from the point of view of an eleven year old, who is hands down one of the funniest and most charming characters to appear in recent literature. Teddy Pappas was already in the throes of pre-adolescent quirks and and stirrings, when his father (a recently widowed, distant abstracted, History professor)purchases what becomes a winning lottery ticket, and Teddy's world (the subject of the book) is sudenly and madly out of control.

Some humor is quiet, like a tear seen through a smile, and there is plenty of that kind here; but there is the other kind also, when one suddenly starts laughing aloud at the vibrant shock of the immediacy of recognizing ourselves in another's folly, or by being suddenly surprised by a truth about ourselves, when we least expected it.

The extraordinary creativity of this book is (I hate to say) unevenly distributed; it gives the impression that too many cooks have attended to this broth, so that the narrative evolves from the superbly funny and moving first few chapters, through and adequate middle, to a wimpering end. Yes, there are many remarkable episodes that pepper the entire length of the book, so that indeed the novel holds together well enough. The characters are properly developed and rendered, and at no point does the book stagnate; but the raw, delightful creativity with which it starts is not sustained at the end.

"The Rich Part of Life" is a book of warmth, of humor, and of ultimate decency. Jim Kokoris has a deep and rare talent, and this book is a fine introduction to it. You should read it.

great book
this book is intelligent, funny, well written and full of wacky but believable characters. It takes you on an emotional journey. Without revealing the ending, let me just say that this is a refreshing change from all of those depressing dysfunctional family books that are so prevalent today. Read it!

Among the Best
This book is impossible to put down. Kokoris is a stunning new's nearly inconceivable that this is a first novel. It is so finely drawn, so remarkably crafted that Kokoris seems to have a dozen or so books under his belt. The characters are vivid and stay with you a long time after reading the last page. I have to say it's one of the best books I've read this year, and I read a lot. Kokoris is a name you'll be seeing again, so read this book before everyone else knows about him. You won't be disappointed.

Lo Bueno De LA Vida
Published in Paperback by Umbriel (August, 2002)
Authors: Jim Kokoris, Elena Barrutia, and Kohoris
Amazon base price: $16.95
Buy one from zShops for: $15.99
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Sister North : A Novel
Published in Hardcover by St. Martin's Press (October, 2003)
Author: Jim Kokoris
Amazon base price: $16.77
List price: $23.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:
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