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Book reviews for "Jones,_Marie" sorted by average review score:

Buddy Goes to Canterbury Camp
Published in Paperback by Inst of Higher Living (1995)
Author: Beverly Marie Jones
Amazon base price: $8.00
List price: $10.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $5.50
Average review score:

This is an excellent counseling tool for troubled youth
Buddy Goes to Canterbury Camp is an exceptional novel about a teenage boy faced with tremendous pressure to choose a path tainted toward destruction or a path of positive change.

During the course of the story, Buddy is sent to live with an older couple who are the owners of Canterbury Camp. The couple demonstrates unconditional love toward Buddy and the other teenage boys who live at the camp; thus cultivating an atmosphere of inner healing and revitalization of broken hearts and spirits. Buddy and the other teenage boys are given a second chance at their lives, while incorporating positive character changes.

The author stresses intergrity a great deal in her book, and the importance of developing a sense of overall purpose for one's life which is essential for the main character to develop.

I applaud Ms. Jones for writing such a brilliant piece of work at such a time as this; youth today need guidance and character keys such as intergrity that will enable them to become future leaders of tomorrow equipped with strong moral and personal values.

My desire is to see this book at every grade school and high school across the country as a counseling tool to help troubled youth. This book is a necessary counseling tool and if you are a counsellor like myself whether in the field of law or social work or teaching . . . "Buddy Goes to Canterbury Camp" would provide and answer countless questions that one might have on the topic of troubled youth.

This is a masterpiece -- we should all hope for a sequel.

Excellent tool for instilling integrity into today's youth
After reading this book, I believe the author has hit upon something that has been overlooked in today's youth. Every parent should read this book along with their child. It is excellent for teaching youths integrity and instilling principles that will last a life-time. In light of all the school shootings in this country, I believe what is taught in this book will help prevent such events from happening again. If we teach kids to love themselves, then they are less likely to get involved in self-destructive behavior.

a book every mother and child should read
Buddy Goes To CanterBury Camp is an exceptional book which should and must be read by both parentand children.It is a counseling tool that help parents understand what is inside of their children.Thanks for writing such a great book.

Stones in His Pockets
Published in Paperback by Applause Books (2001)
Authors: Marie Jones and Mel Gussow
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $5.95
Buy one from zShops for: $6.17
Average review score:

One of the best plays I've ever seen
I first saw this play at the Edinburgh Theatre Festival in Scotland, which was the loftiest goal that its authors and performers had set for it. The world quickly recognized how small they were really thinking to have produced such a masterpiece, and the show had a run on the West End and then came to Broadway.

This is one of the funniest plays I've seen/read since Noises Off. Although it takes some imagination when reading the text, one can easily see how utterly comic and tragic the production is. I love this play because it allows actors to stretch, because it doesn't rely on big sets and fancy costumes to engage the audience, and because it's funny as hell. A good read, and a definite must-see.

Excellent play
This play is genius. It is hysterical, touching and heartbreaking. However, one cannot grasp this from the text. I rated this five stars because the show itself is unbelieveable, and the show is the exact text of the book. Regardless, one must see the show to comprehend the genius inherent here.

Poignantly truthful hilarity
I had the privilege to see this play performed at the Duke of York's Theatre on St. Martin's Lane in London this January. I was rolling in the aisles and laughing so hard that my stomach hurt. Marie Jones' masterful understanding of the rural Irish makes for an incredibly funny and deeply authentic portrayal of two Kerrymen who are hired as extras on a big-shot Hollywood filmset. For a good laugh and a stunning view of real Irish people, read it. Then see it, if at all possible. Excellent.

Stealing the Show
Published in Audio Cassette by ISIS Publishing (01 March, 2000)
Authors: Christine Jones and Marie McCarthy
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

This one should cross the ocean
One of the advantages of flying internationally is the ability to pick up books and authors one does not normally see in the States. Christina Jones is definately a worthwhile find. Her books, although they can be read independently, also have several interconnected characters. If given the option, read Going the Distance, Running the Risk, and then Jumping to Conclusions. Walking on Air and Stealing the Show are pretty-much stand-alone. In all, Christina Jones gives you likeable, real (but not silly) characters who are truly trying to make something of their lives. In addition, you get some British flavor (yes, some things are different than in the good ol' USA). Stealing the Show is the story of a family run travelling circus trying to make it in modern day UK. One is fascinated by both the lifestyle while Christina gives you a plot which discusses the challenges of a small family run business with family members who do not all hold the same dream (don't worry, this is not a depressing book). This is definatly a worth-while and enjoyable read.

Stealing the Show Stole My Sleep
Great plot, terrific characters. Can't wait to hear more about them. I've loved Going The Distanec, Running The Risk and Jumping To Conclusions - Stealing the Show was unputdownable!

Walking On Air (the next christina jones book) published 2nd May is also fantastic, with another great cast of characters who make you alternately laugh and cry. I had to sit up all night to read this one, too, and she just cannot write them fast enough for me! Read it - and make some new friends.

Annotations: A Guide to the Independent Critical Press
Published in Paperback by Alternative Pr Center (1999)
Authors: Marie F. Jones, Charles D'Adamo, Beth Schulman, Les Wade, Alternative Press Centre, Independent Press Association, and Marie Jones
Amazon base price: $28.00
Used price: $4.75
Average review score:

A necessary, well-conceived antidote to media monopoly
This directory does a terrific job exploring and exposing the diverse choices that exist outside of the mainstream magazine and newspaper world. The book seems to have been designed to appeal to a number of serious "professional" researchers -- librarians, booksellers, editors, writers, activists, even philanthropists. At the same time, its simple and elegant design makes Annotations an enjoyable, accessible way to learn about new independent voices. Sadly, it's one of the few resources the public can turn to for non-corporate opinion. But that just makes it all the more valuable....

Blood and Marrow Stem Cell Transplantation: Principles, Practice, and Nursing Insights (Jones and Bartlett Series in Oncology)
Published in Hardcover by Jones & Bartlett Pub (15 January, 1997)
Authors: Debra, Rn Wujcik, Marie Bakitas, Rn Whedon, and R. N. Bakitas
Amazon base price: $72.95
Used price: $60.00
Average review score:

Blood and Marrow Stem Cell Transplantation
This book is an excellent resource for BMT nurses. We use it at our center for quick reference, and for training new BMT nurses. It covers diseases that are treated with transplantation, effects of transplant on each organ system, different conditioning regimens and specific side effects common to each, oncologic emergies, nursing interventions, quality of life issues, future trends in BMT, ethical questions, and much more. The 1997 edition differs most notably from the 1991 issue in that the pediatric chapter was omitted. The book is thorough and user friendly, with easy to read charts that organize information for quick reference. I use the book regularly for practice and for teaching, and plan to purchase each new edition that is released.

Looking for God in All the Wrong Places
Published in Paperback by Paraview Press (2003)
Author: Marie D. Jones
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $14.65
Buy one from zShops for: $14.65
Average review score:

Thank you for this wonderful gift!
I was first attracted to the book because the title was so tongue-in-cheek. Turned out, so was the book! Looking for and finding God (if you're lucky) can be a heavy task, but in Marie D. Jones' brilliant book, it is treated in more of a light vein. With chapter titles like "Do You Validate?," "Might as Well Face It, You're Addicted to ___________," and "Catechism Cataclysm," I was able to laugh at myself and others as we take many wrong turns in our life's journey. The book led me to People, Places, and Things where I and others have looked for and not found God or Spirit or Peace. When I finally arrived at "Where to Find God," it all seemed so simple, so obvious. Yet so elusive at the same time. It made me remember how important it is to take "time outs" during my hectic days to sit in the silence, rub my cat's belly, take three deep breaths, and know that God is everywhere and God is right here where I am. Thank you Marie, for this wonderful gift!

2 Thumbs and 2 Big Toes Up
Get out today and order this book. You and your God will not be disappointed. Take an essay journey through this Californian's (and ex-Connecticut native)eyes and I promise you and your God will be friends forever.

Simple yet profound, fun yet intelligent
As a young spiritual person I appreciated the author's personal experience and use of humor. I am not a boring intellectual who wants to read somebody's doctoral thesis on spirituality. This book is perfect for all ages, but especially for readers who like to laugh even as they are being made to think seriously about a very profound subject. I related to so much of material here, and found myself smiling in recognition many times at behaviors and concepts I myself have engaged in. I really recommend this book to anyone who is trying to simplify their life, and their spirituality, and get back to basics and to the truth, especially in these anxious times of religious confusion, where our government is trying to turn us all into "good little Christian soldiers."

Totally Taylor: Hansons's Heartthrob
Published in Paperback by Scholastic (1998)
Authors: Michael-Anne Jones, Marie Morrale, Marie Morreale, and Michael A. Johns
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $0.10
Collectible price: $0.99
Buy one from zShops for: $0.01
Average review score:

It's about Taylor Hanson! What else could be better?
I absolutely LOVE this book. Of course, I love all Hanson bio books, because they're about my fave band! It's got lots of facts about Taylor I didn't know about, but I do now! If you don't have it now, get it NOW! I mean, beg your legal guardian to drive you to the local bookstore and search high & low for it, because it's worth finding!

An awesome Tay Book
I loved this book. It was the best ever! The color photo insert had great pix, and there was alot of info in it. I think everybody who like Hanson or at least Taylor should get a chance to at least read this book.

Oh yeahhhhhhh!! I love tay!
Well, I think this book is the coolest and the best book i ever read!!!! I love tay and now, I know more since I have read this book!!! I also have Taylor Hanson "totally taylor" and is so cool too!!! oh yeah!!! hanson are the best group!!!! see ya..

Autumn World
Published in Paperback by Stone Dragon Press (1900)
Authors: Joan Marie Verba, Deborah K. Jones, Tess Meara, Margaret Howes, and Ruth Berman
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $7.79
Buy one from zShops for: $7.71
Average review score:

Autumn World
On a world not that different from our own a technology has risen and collapsed taking a civilization with it. The inhabitants can no longer make use of their spaceports and travel to the stars. Instead, there is a religion based on the belief that someday the Sky Dwellers will return. Others believe that they will not and do not exist while still others, the Knowledge Brokers attempt to resurrect the dead technology. Not only is the widespread use of mental telepathy by the inhabitants common, so are parts and remnants of the lost civilization. As an experiment the Knowledge Brokers have managed to activate a sound-sender (kind of radio) and have sent out a message.

High above, there are three moons that orbit this world of permanent fall coloring and the message has been heard. The Spiral Collective has been surveying the area and has heard the message. They send a ship to the planet's surface to find the source of the signal. However, the mission quickly becomes secondary as the ship crashes, making Leah the sole human survivor.

The crash was seen for miles and she is quickly captured by troops loyal to the Crown. Matvar and his troops believe that the old legends have proven true and the "Starborn" or "Sky Dwellers" truly exist. While a dead body would be easiest to deal with, live specimens also work, and Leah is taken prisoner for transport to the capital city, Oshune. Their arrival will validate their religion and expose the non-believers for what they are.

Proof will destroy the heresy, led by Valad. Valad and his followers do not believe the ancient legends or religion and seek to destroy it every chance they get. Valad, as magistrate to the area, half-heartedly supports the Crown while at the same time seeking his own twisted pleasure. One pleasure he desperately wants is Thiele.

Thiele is one of the Learned Ones of the Knowledge Brokers. Her mental telepathy abilities are a bit stronger that others and she knows what Valad wants with her. She has no intention of being captured and forced to spend time with Valad. After discovering Leah, captive among the troops she decides that Leah needs rescuing from them. Thiele knows what Leah is and wants her to get away and return to her people.

But the rescue quickly runs awry, and Leah finds herself chased by Valad and his men as well as Matvar and his followers. Along the way, she will learn much and still wonder just how far she can trust Thiele and her people. But, alone, on an alien world with little hope of rescue by your own, you have to trust someone.

This is a very good novel with strong characters and vivid descriptions. Despite the fact that the five authors collaborated on this project together, it does not have the usual hallmarks of such an effort. The work flows seamlessly from chapter to chapter, scene to scene and it simply is not discernable who wrote what. An excellent novel and a very enjoyable read that I would recommend to almost anyone that has an interest in science fiction.

The Foundation 1000 1997/1998: In-Depth Profiles of the 1000 Largest U.S. Foundations (Serial)
Published in Paperback by Foundation Center (1997)
Authors: Gina-Marie Cantarella, Georgetta Toth, Francine Jones, and Foundation Center
Amazon base price: $295.00
Used price: $75.55
Average review score:

If foundations were a forest, these would be Giant Redwoods
I can hear it now. "That's not fair!" I have two daughters. And when one perceives the slightest favoritism to the other, that's what I hear. Constantly. No doubt my teenage offspring, if they had the slightest interest in fund raising, would find that The Foundation 1000 is not fair, either. Inexplicably, this reference leaves out 97 percent of all USA foundations. Well, maybe not "inexplicably": The three percent of USA foundations it DOESN'T leave out award about 47 percent of all foundation grant dollars. If foundations were a forest, these would be the Giant Redwoods. If you want grant money, they're giving it out. Lots of it. More than $5.5 billion in grants awarded annually. The concept behind the volume (at 2,922 pages, "volume" is the right word) of in-depth foundation profiles is simple: compile profiles on the top 1000 grantmaking foundations from data gathered from published foundation reports, news releases, newspaper and periodical articles, and those famous form 990-PFs that foundations are required to file with the IRS every year. The book's foundation profiles provide the following detailed information: name; address; phone; contact; purpose; limitations on the foundation's giving program; support areas; program areas; financial data; officers, governing board, and program staff; number of staff; sponsoring company; background; funds; policies and application guidelines; foundation publications; subject area; recipient type; type of support; population group; geographic distribution; and sample grants. There's more. The Foundation 1000 includes five indexes to the foundation profiles: --Index to donors, officers, trustees, and staff; --Index of subjects, or giving interest of each foundation; --Index of types of support; --Geographic index; and --International giving index. I would rank The Foundation 1000 among the most useful starting points in grantseeking for any cause, whether it be in education, arts, health care, social, or cultural organizations and causes.

The Prodigal Principle: The Essential Handbook for Managing Personal and Professional Change
Published in Paperback by Worthbooks Pub Group (1995)
Author: Martis Marie Jones
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $0.98
Average review score:

The Prodigal Principle
Dr. Jones has writen in quick informative handbook on dealing with change in our lives, especially in the unpredictable workplace. She identifies 'Home'(self) as your safe place and oulines steps in finding the positive side of our lives. Great for use by any person or organization going through re-organization/re-structuring or any "re" .

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