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Book reviews for "Johnson,_Pamela" sorted by average review score:

The Talking Parcel
Published in Hardcover by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers (1975)
Authors: Gerald Malcolm Durrell and Pamela Johnson
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $245.18
Average review score:

Great Book to start children or young adults with
I read this book as a young child, and absolutely fell in love with it. I checked it out of my home town library many, many, many times. I truly wish it was still in print--I would buy it for my home and the libray I am director of. The characters are charming, funny, scary, loveable, and very imaginative. The story draws you in, and makes you wish there was a sequel so you could read some more. Would highly recommend to someone else.

A true Utopia!
The first book my dad ever bought me ( I was seven years old and have read it at least once a year since - and I'm now thirty!) If you want to teach your children how to use their imaginations - get your hands on this book - by hook, by crook or by any means necessary!

A blaze of colour, a masterpiece of imagination and a real bloody shame it's out of print. If ANYONE knows a cartoonist - PLEASE get them to animate this story!

The Talking Parcel
I wish this book was back in print. I am now in my mid thirties and I remember it very fondly. It introduced me to the world of mythology. I would love for my own children to be able to read it so they can be transported to a wonder. Could we not convince someone to republish it?

Tenderheaded: A Comb-Bending Collection of Hair Stories
Published in Digital by Pocket Books ()
Authors: Juliette Harris and Pamela Johnson
Amazon base price: $9.99
Average review score:

Tender View of All Aspects of Black Hair
From the symbolism of braiding and hairstyles in Africa to the customs and traditions of African American women and their hair there is so much history which connects all of us to our ancestors. Tenderheaded takes perspective from a diverse audience of authors- writers, anthropologists, beauticians, hiphop historians, poets, doctors, mothers and fathers share their stories and just how entangled hair is into every single facet of black life.

Definitions and explanations with detailed pictures and inspiring quotes are featured throughout Tenderheaded providing a vast array of entertaining and educational lessons. This book will evoke feelings varying from childhood nostalgia, passion for rights, romantic interludes, and a cultural solidarity. From natural hair to relaxed from wigs to weaves from afros to bald fades and every hair style in between no aspect of black hair is left untouched. Excellent read and thorough resource for every possessor, scholar, and admirer of all types of black hair.

"Tressed Out"

Black women and their hair -- it's a loaded feminine topic, say Juliette Harris and Pamela Johnson (respectively editor of International Review of African-American Art and a columnist at Essence Magazine), in Tenderheaded, a wise, joyous anthology. All their sisters are "tenderheaded," or sensitive about their hair one way or another. Some could never stand the heat of a curling iron, while others feel their scalps sting at the mere sight of a fine-toothed comb. Others, reading W. E. B. Du Bois' comment that a woman "black or brown and crowned in curled mists" is "the most beautiful thing on earth," pat their own misty crowns and mutter, "mailman's hair: every knot's got its own route."

Reading this anthology feels a little like talking with your girlfriends, grown daughters, or favorite aunts on a lazy afternoon. Now and then a simpatico male drops by--maybe Peter Harris, gloating at finally having learned how to box-braid his six-year-old daughter's curls, or maybe Henry Louis Gates musing on the "kitchen," which isn't just the place at home where your mother and her sisters tended each other's hair but the place at the nape of the neck that's "Unassimilably African" because, says Gates, nothing can "de-kink" it.

Kinks can be a trial in a world where the fluid, silken tress is beauty's trademark. From the Sixties through the Eighties, if a black woman straightened her hair or wore extensions or a weave she was routinely accused of hating herself or insulting her race--the righteous and the rappers loved to diss fake or processed hair. Having naturally straight "good hair" has never been a picnic, either. Even if the "lucky" woman's friends weren't resentful, she missed out on the intimacy and catharsis of hair-wailing sessions, and if she decided on a short style she was said to have thrown her luck away.

Opinions are still divided, and everyone in these pages has a different one, whether the writer is Alice Walker or the great-great-granddaughter of Madam C.J. Walker, America's first black woman millionaire, whose hair care system gave dignified employment to thousands of impoverished women during Jim Crow times. Angela Davis discusses the Afro that made her a media icon, and bell hooks argues that hair-straightening is not about wanting to be white but about longing to grow up--the practice marks the graduation from braided girlhood into womanhood. Art historian Judith Wilson links the pompadours, hair extensions, turbans, and long fingernails popular in some American communities to African aesthetic traditions in which the self is ritually extended through deliberate overabundance and artifice in bodily decoration. Cherilyn Wright, in "If You Let Me Make Love to You, Then Why Can't I Touch Your Hair?" offers the hilarious survey she took among her friends, male and female, about how they handle lovemaking when a hot, damp breath can snap a woman's expensively sleeked hairstyle right back into its original "b-b's."

The book has a marvelous array of photographs, from archive-quality portraits of 19th-century toddlers to Topsy cartoons and Aunt Jemima ads, to Ugandan foreign minister Elizabeth Bagaaya in splendid basket-braids. A New York City matron wears a Muslim head-wrap, and Grace Jones a gorgeous fade. Whoopi Goldberg sports a spoofy yard-long platinum wig.

Best of all, Tenderheaded brings to life the millions of women who give each other their touch and their attention (if sometimes also heartaches or a headache) through the intimate rituals of washing, combing, trimming, oiling, braiding, pressing, winding, wrapping--caring for--each other's hair.

....Tenderheaded, while long-winded and self-indulgent at times, is a great testament to our history and our hair. Not only does it traces our ever-changing styles, images and hair idols, but it's a wonderful timeline for our progress. If you or someone you know has hair issues, or you want to head off the tide of BS before it takes root in a new generation, this book is a must!!

Queen Must Die and Other Affairs of Bees and Men
Published in Paperback by W.W. Norton & Company (1988)
Authors: William Longgood, Pam Johnson, and Pamela Ford Johnson
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $8.49
Collectible price: $9.53
Average review score:

Long Live The Queen
A warm-hearted and touching look into the life of bees. Through the eyes of the author, the personality, social culture and care of bees are explored with love and wit. While scientifically sound, this book reads more like a novel than a text book. I highly recommend this book. Thoroughly enjoyable.

delightful read
Without being highly educated in scientific terms or history, this book was a wonderful and enertaining read. I have always been fascinated by insects, especially bees and ants, and this book fulfilled every question I had on bees. Longgood has written it so well that it is like reading a novel rather than nonfiction. This book makes one want to go out in the hills and study the nearest colony of insects all day long.


Unfinished Dreams
Published in Paperback by Echelon Press (2002)
Author: Pamela Johnson
Amazon base price: $11.99
Used price: $11.61
Buy one from zShops for: $11.61
Average review score:

A Must-Read for Romance Fans!
I found "Unfinished Dreams" by Pamela Johnson immpossible to put down. Her plot is perfectly paced, her characters are sympathetic and leap off the page, and the twists and turns she takes us through can't help holding the reader's attention. I highly recommend this book.

Mesmerizing -- Very highly recommended
Medical bills and caring for his dying father left Gabe Russell facing foreclosure despite his promise to his father to save the family farm. Now he makes a living at repair, side stepping randy widows and dreaming of regaining his birthright with his work on a graduate degree in agricultural science little more than a memory.

After two years of struggle and heartache, Tess Graham is ready to start over when she receives a promotion at work and an in for the perfect home. The farmhouse needs repair, however, and she requests help from the local handyman. She does not realize that Gabe suffers from mixed emotions as he works on the place that was his home. Despite the obstacles between them, things begin to heat up until secrets erupt.

In a powerful mix of romance, dreams and hope, UNFINISHED DREAMS will capture readers' hearts. Both Tess and Gabe are strong characters, determined to overcome the past and set their own course for the future. Unfortunately, they find themselves at cross-purposes over their respective dreams. Author Pamela Johnson demonstrates a mesmerizing ability to weave a story with fluid grace even as her characters confront difficult choices and circumstances. UNFINISHED DREAMS comes very highly recommended.

A winner all around!
This book is well deserving of all the awards it has garnered. P. Johnson will set the romance industry on fire with her soothing settings, real life characters, and skillfully designed plots. You can't help but fall in love with the characters, and that's what it's all about.

Crumbs in the Keyboard
Published in Paperback by Echelon Press (2002)
Authors: Pamela Johnson and Sheryl Hames Torres
Amazon base price: $13.99
Used price: $10.45
Buy one from zShops for: $13.71
Average review score:

Gathering Crumbs
I truly enjoyed "Crumbs in the Keyboard." Some parts I laughed and some I cried.. A book any woman, especially woman writers, can relate to! All this and benefitting the Women's & Children's Center. Wonderful! I highly recommend it :o)

An inspiring collection of stories by real women.
The stories in "Crumbs" will inspire you not only to write, but to keep on with your day-to-day existence. Read women's struggles with juggling families, homes, jobs and the love of writing.
Highly recommended!

The power of positive thinking!
This book is something every woman should read and then convince your husband to read. With something for every woman, it is well worth the time and money spent. Touching, funy, and more than worthwhile. And all the money made on this book goes to educate on Domestic violence. Fabulous!!!

And Then There Was One: The Mysteries of Extinction
Published in Hardcover by Sierra Club Books (1990)
Authors: Margery Facklam, Pamela Johnson, and Marjorie Facklam
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $3.45
Collectible price: $7.49
Average review score:

And Then There Was One
Dinosaurs are among the examples of extinct species examined here along with giant tortoises, passenger pigeons, and the dodo. Good discussion of environmental risk.

Decks (Hometime How-To Series)
Published in Paperback by Hometime (1998)
Authors: John Kelsey, Dean Johnson, Robin Hartl, and Pamela S. Price
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $5.94
Collectible price: $12.66
Buy one from zShops for: $6.16
Average review score:

very informative
My dad was a carpenter and a do-it-yourselfer person.So
I'm a do-it-yourselfer to. ROBIN HARTL is also that kind of
person. You learn alot from all the books and tv show.

Discovering Whales and Dolphins (Learn-About Books)
Published in School & Library Binding by Troll Assoc (Lib) (1990)
Authors: Janet. Craig, Janet Palazzo-Craig, and Pamela Johnson
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $11.96
Average review score:

my four-year old loves this book
This is a very readable, very interesting, and very comprehensive book written on a child's level. My four-year old loves it (of course we read it to him) and frequently requests that we borrow it from the library. I highly recommend it for children of all ages.

Hiss and Tell: True Stories from the Files of a Cat Shrink
Published in Paperback by Crossing Press (1996)
Authors: Pam Johnson and Pamela Ford Johnson
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $1.95
Collectible price: $8.00
Buy one from zShops for: $9.66
Average review score:

Excellent advice for cat lovers
Pam Johnson-Bennett offers excellent, common-sense advice for dealing with feline behavioral problems. The situations and solutions discussed in this book suggest that, no matter how bad your kitty's behavior, there is hope and light at the end of the tunnel. We humans just need to pay better attention to what our cat companions are telling us and to learn how to think like a cat. Johnson-Bennett is one of the best feline behaviorists around and this would be a great book to read if your cat has any issues. Highly recommended

hiss and tell: true stories from the files of a cat shrink
A wonderfully funny, easy to read book. Oh how true these stories and experiences are for cat lovers.

Sixteen Cat Mysteries and Their Solutions
Pam Johnson-Bennett is an expert on cat behavior and gives great advice on raising healthy, happy cats. But in this book, she relates sixteen cases of bizarre behavior by cats. We have a cat attacking its owner only on Sunday, or a cat carefully biting an owner's boyfriend in an embarrassing place, or a cat launching itself headfirst against a wall, or - well, you get the idea. Are these cats mentally unbalanced? No! Pam, the Sherlock Holmes of the cat world, uncovers the basis for each cat's strange behavior in sixteen entertaining mysteries. We cat owners know that cats actually behave in an amazingly logical fashion. It's cat owners that are mixed up, until our calculating cats train us to their satisfaction. This wonderfully-entertaining book illustrates these characteristics. Some of the stories are hilarious. One may bring tears to your eyes, but all of them will entertain you and are well worth reading.

Oaks of California
Published in Hardcover by Cachuma Pr (1993)
Authors: Bruce M. Pavlik, Sharon Johnson, Marjorie Popper, and Pamela C. Muick
Amazon base price: $29.95
Average review score:

Beautiful and useful
If you are used to books with line drawing of leaves that make it impossible to use as a reference, then you will love this book. It is a great study as well as a beauty. If you only have one book on the Oaks of California, this should be it. If you have many books on Oaks, this is still going to be one of the most used. Useful and beautiful!

If you love California's oaks...
this is a magnificent book. I just cannot get over the glory of the native oaks and this book captures that glory well. It covers all native species with a nice amount of detail. The photographs are beautiful. What I actually found the most intriguing was the great history the authors provide on the oaks, and the incredible ecosystem that depends on their existence. The book even provides information on parks and drives statewide where mature native oaks can be visited. I have had this book for many months now and it is one I continually pick up again and again. It inspired me to plant several native oaks at home and take inpeccable care of the one large oak (treasure) that came as an added bonus to a beautiful old home.

A nice book
I bought this book, on sale no less, at the Hearst Castle gift shop. I find it to be well written and informative with many pleasing pictures of California's native oaks. For any Californian interested in the natural sciences, this book deserves a place on your bookshelf between Lanner's "Conifers of Califonia" and Dave Arora's "Mushrooms Demystified".

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