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Also, though as other reviewers point out, none are in the Protestant "canon" (the original "Revised Standard Version" issued a one volume version of them a few decades ago, introducing them to many Protestant lay people for the first time).
They are, in various combinations, in the Roman Catholic canon (e.g. New American Bible translation, authorized for use in the American Catholic Church), and in the canons of the various Orthodox (Eastern) Churches. Communicants of those churches should consult their own authorized canonical versions of the Bible to determine which specifically are recognized by their church. Anyone generally interested can consult the New Oxford Revised Standard Version with the Aphocrypha, which includes notes on the various books and a table of which are included in the various "canons" (often under different names, or incorporated in the text of books recognized as canonical by Protestants, e.g. Esther, Daniel.)
Protestants might like to inquire into the process of exclusion of various of these books; often it was becaused they are used by the Roman and Eastern churches to support doctrines rejected by Protestants, e.g. prayers for the dead. A single verse might have been enough to result in exclusion.
The "canon(s)" of the Bible as we know it (them) are the result of centuries of argument, and many of the early church fathers rejected or accepted books that were later held the opposite when the Bible as we know it finally settled into its current form.
But the "Apocrypha" can at the very least supply missing Western cultural references for Protestant readers (the stories of Bel and the Dragon and Susanna), and at best provide some beautiful spiritual reading from late Jewish Wisdom literature.

Used price: $1.70
Collectible price: $6.99
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This is an easy-to-read book, written shortly after the war and the writing is fresh, undiluted by time.
One of the classic books of WWII, it should be required-reading for anyone wishing to understand what it was like for a young pilot to fly, fight and survive for five long years.

List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $14.64
Collectible price: $21.18
Buy one from zShops for: $9.98

I only gave this book three stars because of the horrible proof-reading. It appeared as if the original documents had been scanned in and run through OCR software without a human bothering to check the results. Some examples: in one story, Tekeli-li is printed T>k>li-li; in one story all instances of "he" are printed as "be".
Other than that, I would recommend this collection to anyone interested in weird fiction set in Antarctica.