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JLA: Tower of Babel (Book 7)
Published in Paperback by DC Comics (2001)
Amazon base price: $10.36
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List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $6.99
Collectible price: $12.95
Buy one from zShops for: $8.88
Average review score: 

First, the weapons Batman designed that were used against the other heroes were incredibly complex. There is no way he would have had the time, expertise, and facilities to build all those intricate weapons. I know it is science fiction, but each of the super-heroes are defined by their own limitations, that's why you have a story. Otherwise Superman could just fly around and save everybody and Bruce Wayne could just finance reparations and they would live in a perfect world. This one pushed even comic book credibility a little too far. Also, the Lazarus Pits are used to regenerate Ras Al Ghul when he is nearly dead or recently dead, they should not have been much of a threat to Bruce Wayne's parents bodies. Other than that, the concepts of trust and betrayal made a thought provoking story. I do like stories that show Batman as the preeminent member of the JLA.

Grant Morrison, who? Now Mark Waid is a man who knows how to write comics! After over 40 issues under the helm of Grant Morrison, this book collects the first issues written by Mark Waid. With the talents of Mark Waid, the stories are more personal and smaller in scope. Gone are the masses of JLA members. (No Zauriel, no Steel, no Huntress, etc.) Mark Waid uses the main members, and we get to know them a bit better. (Wonder Woman is finally put to good use again!) The stories are not wild nonsense. They don't ramble on just to sell more issues. Each incident is there for a purpose. This tightly told story tells of Batman's fall from grace from the JLA. It also includes a few one-off issues, the best of which features only Aquaman and Wonder Woman. My favorite line is by Aquaman to Wonder Woman while he's holding her lasso, "Actually, I think you're a little vapid and boring -- and often more than a little Pollyanna-ish. I hate it that people keep assuming we have anything in common simply because we're both royalty. And for the life of me, I can't find any rational reason why I want you so badly."

JLA: Tower of Babel reveals the deadly genius of Batman and one of his greatest foes, Ra's Al Ghul. His paranoa leads him to develop a secret weapon against each of the Justice League members, in case they became dangerous for any reason. The effectiveness of these "fail-safes" becomes all too real when the files fall into the wrong hands. The League will never be the same again.
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