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Used price: $3.75
Collectible price: $10.00

Robert Jastrow is certainly not a Christan, and never proclaims to be. The God Jastrow argues for is very secular and can accomadate many religions. And perhaps that is the what makes his views special.
Much of what Jastrow says about the universe and how it had to have a beginning and a creator is very revealing. Jastrow has some famous quotes in this book that you may have read elsewhere. For this purporse alone the book is worth reading. One of the more famous views comes from his story of a philsopher trying to prove that God does not exist. The philsopher for years has come up against this unbearable mountain called God and just when it appears they are read to scale the mountain and proclaim victory, another mountain twice the orignal's size pops up. Jastrow argues that this second mountain is unaviodable and unclimbable. Because this is unacceptable for some, many chose ot ignore it or dismiss it. However, despite their efforts the mountain is still there and as Jastow points out, the mountian is there for good. Calling this mountain the Big Bang does not solve anything, rather it avoids the issue altogether.
Very well written. If you have not read books on astronomy do not worry. Nothing to complicated here, so you can dive right in.

The book's greatest flaw, in my opinion, is that at times it does not seem techincal enough. The type of person most likely to purchase this book is frequently well-read and informed about the issues, and well able to handle a deeper discussion.

Used price: $3.00

I have a confession to make. Astronomy has always fascinated me -- ever since I was a very small child. When other 2nd graders were talking about whatever it is that normal 2nd graders talk about, I was talking about Clyde Tombaugh, Sir William Herschel, John C. Adams, etc. -- the men who discovered Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. I remember scanning the skies for hours on end with a 6 inch Newtonian reflector borrowed from my uncle. I could go on and on -- but I think you understand my point. I have always loved Astronomy.
This wonderful book should be back in print. It is a readable (and beautiful) college-level introduction to the basic ideas, concepts, and history of this fascinating science. It is perfectly accessible for the layman -- and even for those previously unfamiliar with Astronomy.
Dr. Jastrow's text is clear and well-written, and the illustrations provided suit the discussion.
A worthy book.

Used price: $0.94
Collectible price: $5.29
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Used price: $1.79
Collectible price: $4.19
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Used price: $0.50
Collectible price: $1.07
Buy one from zShops for: $1.35