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Book reviews for "Hurtado,_Albert_L." sorted by average review score:

Indian Survival on the California Frontier (Yale Western Americana Series, No 35)
Published in Hardcover by Yale Univ Pr (1988)
Author: Albert L. Hurtado
Amazon base price: $50.00
Used price: $2.22
Collectible price: $37.06
Buy one from zShops for: $46.10
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California's True History Isn't Rosy
This book describes the affects of Spanish, Mexican, and American settlement in Indian country on Californian tribes. The author points out differences and similarities between northern, central and southern coastal California Indians and how some tribes were affected and therefore reacted differently to new arrivals from Spain, and the east coast of the blossoming United States.

California is unique to all other areas in today's United States in that it was the last area occupied by American settlers. It was also the last place left for fleeing and exiled tribes from the east to go to. This not only caused strife for local Californian tribes, but led to integration of cross-tribal cultures. Native Americans were very unique from not only outsiders, but also to other tribes.

This book is clearly written and moves at a consistent pace because every sentence is pertinent to California's amazing history!

Sutter's treatment of and plan for Native Americans is something so-called "historians" at Sutter's Mill should learn about before they tout him as some kind of heroic frontiersman. Rape, murder, suicide, disease, corrupted politics, vigilantism, paradoxical alliances between tribes and "White" men... and much more are all in here! I couldn't put this book down! Though it is a history book (of sorts), it reads like a dramatic murder-mystery book... only difference is is that this is non-fiction!! I never knew California's history was so unique and full of intrigue! You'll never think of California as the surfer-dude, Hollywood, sunny golden state again after reading this book...

Intimate Frontiers: Sex, Gender, and Culture in Old California (Histories of the American Frontier)
Published in Paperback by University of New Mexico Press (1999)
Author: Albert L. Hurtado
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $15.00
Buy one from zShops for: $14.50
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Published Reviews of INTMATE FRONTIERS
"Hurtado tackles two of the thorniest of historical subjects--frontiers and sexuality. That he does so with good research, style, and wit makes this an enthralling, sophisticated study." (Anne Butler, JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY)
INTIMATE FRONTIERS "is a truly masterful piece of history that reveals the significance of gender and sexuality in the American West and further proves the importance of the West to the study of American history in general. The book will prove valuable in U.S. survey, women's history, and American West classes as well as popular among more casual readers of history." (Margaret Jacobs, AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW)
"In INTIMATE FRONTIERS Hurtado has pushed discussions of gender and culture in the Borderlands toward a new level of sophistication." (Dedra S. McDonald, NEW MEXICO HISTORICAL REVIEW)
"INTIMATE FRONTIERS, intended for stuidents and the general reader, does a masterful job of explaining in clear, jargon-free language, the theoretical keystones of contemporary gender scholarship. Hurtado's selection of vivid vignettes regarding the Donner Party, Olive Oatman's captivity, and Amelia Kuschinsky's abortion will engage readers." (Sherry L. Smith, WESTERN HISTORICAL QUARTERLY)

Californian Indian Nights of the World, of Man, of Fire, of the Sun, of Thunder
Published in Paperback by Univ of Nebraska Pr (1990)
Authors: Edward Winslow Gifford, Gwendoline Harris Block, and Albert L. Hurtado
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $3.95
Collectible price: $5.81
Average review score:
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The Destruction of California Indians: A Collection of Documents from the Period 1847 to 1865 in Which Are Described Some of the Things That Happene
Published in Paperback by Univ of Nebraska Pr (1993)
Authors: Robert Fleming Heizer and Albert L. Hurtado
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.99
Average review score:
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The Fatal Confrontation: Historical Studies of American Indians, Environment, and Historians (Historians of the Frontier and American West)
Published in Hardcover by University of New Mexico Press (1900)
Authors: Wilbur R. Jacobs and Albert L. Hurtado
Amazon base price: $45.00
Used price: $19.95
Average review score:
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The Indians of Southern California in 1852: The B.D. Wilson Report and a Selection of Contemporary Comment
Published in Paperback by Univ of Nebraska Pr (1996)
Authors: Benjamin Davis Wilson, John Walton Caughey, and Albert L. Hurtado
Amazon base price: $18.00
Used price: $7.14
Buy one from zShops for: $7.83
Average review score:
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Major Problems in American Indian History (Major Problems in American History Series)
Published in Paperback by D C Heath & Co (1994)
Authors: Albert L. Hurtado and Peter Iverson
Amazon base price: $28.36
Used price: $3.25
Collectible price: $10.88
Buy one from zShops for: $31.90
Average review score:
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The Spanish Borderlands: A Chronicle of Old Florida and the Southwest (Historians of the Frontier and American West)
Published in Paperback by University of New Mexico Press (1996)
Authors: Herbert Eugene Bolton and Albert L. Hurtado
Amazon base price: $26.95
Used price: $15.88
Average review score:
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The Sutter Family and the Origins of Gold-Rush Sacramento
Published in Paperback by Univ of Oklahoma Pr (Trd) (2002)
Authors: John Augustus, Jr. Sutter, Allan R. Ottley, Albert L. Hurtado, Alan Ottley, and Sutter John
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $12.00
Buy one from zShops for: $12.21
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