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Paths of Armor: The Fifth Armored Division in World War II (Divisional Series, 27th)
Published in Hardcover by Battery Press (1986)
Authors: Vic Hillery and Emerson Hurley
Amazon base price: $39.95
Collectible price: $130.00
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Average review score:

one of the best, factual combat histories i've ever read.
I joined the 46aib in Eupen around 3 jan 45. was assigned to co. C, as rifleman. when we got to Krefeld around the 1st of Mar., I got transferred to the Medical Detachment. Rode a litter jeep until Apr 4. Replaced Eddie Farris as medic with B co. He got an 88 bounced off his helmet & was evacuated (against his protestations!) Would like to hear from anyone still able to communicate. It was a great outfit--only took 2-3 weeks before everyone was friendly--understandable after what they all had been through, up to & including the Hurtgen forest. graff, a comrade of vic hillery in 5 a.d ,great book.BR
Having been a vet of the 5th i really enjoyen a well written review of the divisions travels. We were not covered in daily reports as many of the other A>D s were . We were known as PATTONS GHOSTS.Mr Hillery was assigned to Hq. CC B and later sent to an a armored infantry unit.My last contact with Vic was ar the 5th A.D. reunion in Colorado Springs this last Nov. I HAD PURCHASED TWO COPIES OF PATHS OF ARMOR so that my children and grandchildren could learn of the deeds of a cirizen soldier unit of the U,S. Army. H de graff

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