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Book reviews for "Hunter,_Edward" sorted by average review score:

A Hunter's Heart: Honest Essays on Blood Sport
Published in Hardcover by Henry Holt & Company, Inc. (1996)
Authors: David Petersen, Edward Abbey, and Rick Bass
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $7.00
Collectible price: $21.18
Average review score:

Living with Blood on Your Hands.
This book is a collection of essays on hunting by some excellent outdoor writers, including former President Jimmy Carter. The writers talk about why they hunt. This book examines that question and finds that there are many reasons different people give to that same question. You may agree with some or disagree, but you'll definitely think long and hard about the answers given.

This book's thought provoking essays also force all of us to think about our own carnivorous instincts. Since almost all of us eat meat from the supermarket the book takes cows as an example and asks non hunters if the castration of bulls, the branding, the feeding of them in outdoor, closed in, excrement filled pens and the eventual slaughter of them is really somehow better than the hunter who shoots and kills a deer in the wild? It seems we all live with blood on our hands. But not to let you think this book is simply cut and pasted from the pages of American Hunter. The book also questions trophy hunting and whether hunting should even be considered a sport.

Since many hunters spend a good deal of time defending what they love to do, I would recommend that they pick up a copy of this book in order to be able to answer the question "why do I hunt?"

Pray, read this book.
I could not think of a title for my review. I don't write many and find Amazon's 5 star system constraining. This book is extraordinarily good. The title will, unfortunately, be off-putting to some. If one could choose another title, I would suggest: A compendium of almost four-dozen essays written by men and women about their love and passion for wildlife and conservation. It is so much more than a book about hunting, that one cannot describe it simply. Further, what is equally astounding is the fact that the "collector," David Petersen, was able to obtain such a wonderful robust collection.

If one expects this to be a book merely about hunting, that expectation is wrong. If one expects this to be essays written only by undereducated, good old boys-"slob hunters"-who relish ambushing Bambi from a truck that is wrong. If your expectation is that all the essays will be unambiguously pro-hunting or gun sport, you are "off the mark." Fairly, Nelson, in his introduction says," In the United States, hunters are probably the largest, most diverse, and most important potential advocates for preservation of natural habitats and protection of wild animal populations." That remark comes close.

I believe that many city folk have so lost touch with wild life that they now believe that hunting is something akin to a video game using live ammunition. That a hunter would relish spending an entire day tracking game, and not succeed seems antithetical to their purpose for some. After reading these essays, one understands why the writers deem the day a success, something very special; e.g., "I began to realize that what I like best about hunting was the companionship of a few good old trusted buddies in the out-of-doors."

If hunters can feel so deeply-even those who later abandon it-one hopes for a return to earlier days when more Americans shared the pastime. Pete Dunne writes about "the Great Moment: How the universe held its breath, waiting-waiting for the sound of an echo that never came; the echo of a shot that was never fired" while sighting a deer-and not shooting-after his many years of hunting. You can feel the heart of this "ex"-hunter who still declares that "anti-hunters who believe that hunting is synonymous with killing and that anyone who hunts is unfeeling and cruel" ... "aren't dishonest. They are merely wrong."

I could go further, providing so many wonderful examples of the humanity of these writers. I suggest, however, that you make the time to read this book. Perhaps the greatest compliment I can pay to these writers is that they are knowledgeable, articulate, caring people. If their hunting experience has helped them become that way, hunting is very important to our culture and our society.

An incredible read
One of the things a hunter struggles with is how to describe to others what the importance of hunting is. This book is a compilation of insights written by those who ask themselves the question, "Why do you hunt?".

Cross a Bridge
Published in School & Library Binding by Holiday House (1998)
Authors: Ryan Ann Hunter, Edward Miller, Ed Miller, Elizabeth G. Macalaster, and Pamela D. Greenwood
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $0.94
Buy one from zShops for: $1.76
Average review score:

Children learn of structures in their own backyard.
This book takes the pre-schooler easily through the history and constructions of all types of bridges. As every book should, it encourages the child to look more closely at elements of his/her everyday life and environment. It's great to see non-fiction for children. Great graphic images.

Intelligent, wonderful introduction to bridges for kids
The author truly captivated my child for hours on end with a simple to understand primer on bridge design. The illustrations were magnificent and my daughter can now appreciate the many different types of bridges in her world.

Hunter-Book Hermit
Published in Paperback by White Wolf Publishing Inc. (2001)
Authors: Tim Dedopulos, Greg Stolze, and Tommy Lee Edwards
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.95
Buy one from zShops for: $10.00
Average review score:

Almost Unplayable But Good Reading
So, what happens when you play an Imbued that can't really come close to another Imbued, or a monster, without getting a debilitating headache due to sensory overload? You get a Hermit.

Hunter-Book: Hermit details the first of the two "lost" or "damaged" creeds, and it does explain a lot about these particular Hunters. Of course, there's a real challenge involved for both player and Storyteller with even considering using one of these, as playing one "correctly" would mean minimal contact with most of the rest of a game troupe. A truly experienced or mature player could no doubt pull it off, but this is merely a warning from me to you for those considering playing one of these. The experience will no doubt be worth it, and it can be fun, but also a real stretch in creativity as a roleplayer.

Still, this book offers good insight into a group of damaged people, and even offers what appeared to be (to me) a sneak preview of the upcoming Demon: The Fallen in a section describing one Hermit's encounter with women who were a little too perfect.

A new View for Hunter's
Hermit is a unique class of Hunter, very insightfull yet due to their "curse" they have trouble even being near other Hunters. I wouldn't reccomend as a player character, but for the storyteller, an excellent source for assisting their troupe.

Buckskin Joe: Being the Unique and Vivid Memoirs of Edward Jonathan Hoyt Hunter-Trapper, Scout, Soldier, Showman, Frontiersman, and Friend of the in
Published in Paperback by Univ of Nebraska Pr (1988)
Authors: Edward Jonathan Hoyt and Glenn Shirley
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $4.05
Collectible price: $6.13
Average review score:

Fun-filled packed adventure!!! You'll want to read it again!
Glenn Shirley does an excellent job of organizing Edward Jonathan Hoyt's (a.k.a. Buckskin Joe's) memoirs. The historical content along with the incredible adventures of this Wild West Showman leave you breathless and wanting more! Batman move over, PT Barnum eat your heart out. I absolutely loved the book. I am buying it for my friends! An easy read. Appropriate for children.

Dig a Tunnel
Published in School & Library Binding by Holiday House (1999)
Authors: Ryan Ann Hunter and Edward Miller
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.14
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $3.49
Average review score:

it is a interesting book
This book captivates the minds of young readers and makes them feel like they're "digging a tunnel". I was astonished this book didn't get an award. My child couldn't put the book down. I went to the book store and bought it for my friends' kids. Dig a Tunnel is a healthy, want-to-learn book for children. I was surprised at the illustrations of this book. It was neat for my children to look at. I give it 5 stars!!!!!

Fossil Feud: The Rivalry of the First American Dinosaur Hunters
Published in Paperback by Julian Messner (1997)
Authors: Thom Holmes and Cameron Clement
Amazon base price: $11.00
Used price: $6.50
Average review score:

Fossil Feud is an informative and entertaining book.
Mr. Holmes's love affair with, and possibly his night dreams (hopefully less traumatic than those of Mr. Cope) of dinosaurs reach embodiment in Fossil Feud. A result of over ten years' research, this book is informative and easy to read. The text is not only child-friendly but educational for adults like myself who have had little previous exposure to these fascinating creatures of yore. Mr. Holmes's scientific and historical exploration is detailed without being tedious, leading to a smoothly flowing narrative (as a historical writer, I know how difficult this can be!) I found the use of period photographs and drawings and the illustrations of Mr. Clement to be very engaging.

In addition to explaining the benefits and liabilities of scientific research as lived out by Messrs. Cope and Marsh, the author provides many other useful features within the covers of Fossil Feud. Mr. Holmes gently encourages the reader's further exploration of dinosaur lore by including a list of rules for what makes a dinosaur a dinosaur, diagrams of basic anatomical and physiological features of a dinosaur, a geologic time line, a listing of the 335 genera of dinosaurs in the order in which they were discovered, a reading list, and a listing of North American dinosaur museums.

Fossil Feud is a valuable tool, both educational and entertaining, which leaves no stone unturned, as it were, in its goal of completeness and accessibility. I highly recommend it.

Hunter-Gatherer Mortuary Practices During the Central Texas Archaic (Texas Archaeology and Ethnohistory)
Published in Hardcover by Univ of Texas Press (1994)
Author: Leland C. Bement
Amazon base price: $37.50
Used price: $18.00
Collectible price: $31.76
Average review score:

Finally someone publishes archaeological data from a dig.
First, the down side. For $37.50, I hoped for a big book full of on-site color pictures and visual data. Doesn't have that. Information wise, it is outstanding. It is very difficult to find easily read data concerning ancient man in Texas. This book not only contains the information for which it is named, but includes parametal info as well. I really enjoyed the information on faunal, artifacts, species and other information pertinent to the time period. Even the weather is included as best can be determined. The concept that many other sink holes in the area could be cemeteries is amazing in itself. Where are the other tens of thousands of deceased people that once occupied this land? More archaeologists in the future should take the time to actually publish this interesting and valuable data for the general public.

Into the Sky
Published in School & Library Binding by Holiday House (1998)
Authors: Ryan Ann Hunter, Edward Miller, Ed Miller, and Elizabeth G. Macalaster
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.50
Collectible price: $21.18
Buy one from zShops for: $2.50
Average review score:

A fasinating story, like all of her other stories!
This book is a fasinating child's book with spectacular pictures os skyscrapers. Ryan Ann Hunter has written other wonderful books such as Cross a Bridge and Dig a Tunnel. I took one look at this book and bought it for my six year old daughter. I would recommend this book to anyone who's son or daughter is interested in building or artitecture. I give this book five stars!!!!!

Whigs and Hunters: The Origin of the Black Act
Published in Paperback by Pantheon Books (1976)
Author: Edward Palmer Thompson
Amazon base price: $11.47
Used price: $6.50
Collectible price: $15.88
Buy one from zShops for: $11.43
Average review score:

A very serious study of natural resource policy
This book has influenced an entire series of books on understanding the evolution of natural resource policy and culture. It is especially important in understanding the development of laws and policy about wildlife. It is, to use a worn-out phrase, a seminal work.

This book is not for casual reading at all. In fact it is a difficult and very scholarly treatment of a period in English history that has repercussions into present day policy in the United States.

Anne of Avonlea (Children's Classics)
Published in Hardcover by Random House Value Pub (1992)
Authors: Lucy Maud Montgomery and Stan Hunter
Amazon base price: $12.99
Used price: $3.60
Buy one from zShops for: $4.75
Average review score:

A Great Sequel to a Great Book
Anne of Avonlea was almost as good as the first Anne book. It is about Anne's life as a school teacher in Avonlea. Marilla adopts two mischievous twins and Mrs. Rachel Lynde moves in. So life is never dull for Anne at the school house or at Green Gables. You could read it on its own, but I recommend you read Anne of Green Gables first.

one of the most wonderfull bokks that had ever been written
Anne Shirley returns in another wonderfull book that bring us back to her little world of Avonlea Where now she teaches and also founding the organization for improoving Avonlea. The way of writting in this book cna hypnotyze you and even can make you feel like you are inside the story and you see and feel and here everything that happens in the story. everytime that i read the book I start to jelouse in the children that are anne's students just because she is their teacher Anne's character again is charming and wonderfull and easy to like from reading this book and all her others and liking her character my whole Identity designed like hers and till today she is my favorite character in literature. I'd like to get responses for what I wrote.

The best book I've read in my life.
Anne is a marvellous girl with a big imagination that capt your mind. Besides, she's very impulsive and optimistic. When you start reading this book, you want to not stop. I personally read it in about one day and after that, I re-read it about 6 times without being tired or boring. Lucy Maud Montgomery made characters that are really fantastic. She's a good writer and I admire her. When I read "Anne of Avonlea", I felt myself very optimistic and happy. I advice you to buy this fantastic book. You will not regret that at all especially if you like stirring books.

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