Laurie Colwin, the wonderful food columnist and sadly departed novelist, mentions Happy Winter as the source for an excellent recipe for chocolate cake and indeed the recipe is included.
We had originally read this book in paperback form until it was in pieces and, miraculously, I found a hard cover in pristine condition at a local used bookstore a couple of years ago.
It's a perfect before-bed book - ends with a soothing lullaby-like trance of winter sky poem.
I brought this book with me to a workshop given by Nancy Ekholm Burkert and most in the audience were not familiar with it but all showed keen interest after my introduction.
The idea that mother and child go together is reinforced several times throughout with phrases like: "Leaves with tree and you with me," or "Sand and sea and you with me," and concluding with, "Sky with blue AND ME WITH YOU!"
The small size of "Some Things Go Together," make it perfect for mother and child reading together, especially with preschool or kindergarten aged children.