List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $12.88
Collectible price: $12.75

This is well worth the adventure into reading and exploring other lands (not in the least textbook dry). Have the Posh Puffs (tissues) on standby!
Two thumbs up to Joei Hassock on her writing endeavor!

List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $35.35
Collectible price: $50.00

List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $10.41
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Used price: $10.49
Collectible price: $15.87

I was hard pressed to give this a 4 star rating as opposed to a 5 star rating as you could feel and endure the heartwrenching feelings left over from the last book that is revisited in the beginning of "Restless From The Start". I have to admit, I had to get my box of Posh Puffs back out. This writer really knows how to make the reader feel all that she is and did feel. The reason for the 4 stars instead of the 5 stars is two folded. In some of the chapters were kind of choppy, the subjects and places she journeyed to were visited but at times abruptly stopped as we went on to the next place. Secondly, I found myself wanting to know more of what was discovered and experienced in each of these places (as this writer did in "Everyone's Dream, Everyone's Nightmare"). I found myself wanting to know MORE about the Alaska adventure and MORE of her Turkey adventure.
All in all, this book is very much WELL worth the read especially if the first book has been read. Mrs. Hossack's journey into healing is truly inspiring and leaves the reader to thinking about their own life. Are we living each day to the fullest? Are we doing the things that we have on the "Want To Do List" now, while we can enjoy them? How would we deal with loss in our lives?
As Michael W. Smith sings, "This Is Your Time. This Is Your Dance....Live Every Moment Leave Nothing To Chance". In my opinion this book motivates, touches the soul and can enrich one's life.
This book would rate a 4 1/2 stars if the option had been given to the reviewer. I understand there are more books by this author and I am avidly searching to go along with Mrs. Hossack as she travels the world over.

Used price: $10.95