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Book reviews for "Hosozawa-Nagano,_Elaine" sorted by average review score:

Chopsticks from America
Published in Hardcover by Polychrome Pub Corp (31 May, 1994)
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $4.57
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Used price: $4.57
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Average review score: 

As a teacher, I am always looking for good books to supplement what I am covering in class. My sixth-graders loved this book. They really enjoyed discussing the notion of moving to the country their own ancestors came from and about what life in Japan was like for Americans. One of my students told me later that based on this book, when she grows up, Japan is the first country that she plans to visit. Gorgeous pictures, too.

I loved the way this book explored the differences between being Japanese and Japanese American. It really captures the feeling of isolation that a Japanese American can feel living in Japan. The illustrations are gorgeous examples of contemporary Japanese kiri-e art and provide a beautiful and striking balance to the two children's view of life in Japan. The book provides a wonderful introduction to Japanese life and culture that will strike a responsive chord with anyone who has ever visited Japan. A wonderful gift book!
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