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Book reviews for "Horton,_Frank_E." sorted by average review score:

Professional Oracle 8i Application Programming with Java, PL/SQL and XML
Published in Paperback by Wrox Press Inc (2000)
Amazon base price: $59.99
Used price: $21.00
Buy one from zShops for: $24.97
Used price: $21.00
Buy one from zShops for: $24.97
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To produce this book, Wrox took twenty expert Oracle developers and had each of them write about their area of expertise. The result is that whether you are a manager, a developer, or a DBA, if you are working with Oracle 8i this book should be on your desk. This book covers virtually every topic that you need to understand about the Oracle 8i development platform. It does not cover each topic completely but it provides a thorough and in most cases sufficient introduction on each topic. For a particular topic of interest you may need an additional book but to get all the information found in this book you would need ten volumes at least. The book opens with an introduction to Oracle 8i and some of its components including Net8 (Oracle's network solution) and Designer 6i (Oracle's development environment). The next section covers PL/SQL and PSP (this is similar to JSP). This is followed by an extensive section covering Java. This section covers JDBC, SQLJ, EJB, and interMedia (Oracle's powerful search tool). The last section covers XML and includes information on DOM and SAX parsers, SOAP, XSL, XSQL, and more. Extensive case studies are scattered throughout the book. Examples show how to use Oracle tools such as BC4J to develop enterprise applications. The book even includes primers on Java and XML. As a tour of all the features of Oracle 8i, this book is without competition.

One of the best books around for database application developers working with Java/XML on the Oracle platform and who don't nowadays! The book is up-to-date with Oracle 8.1.7 and covers new aspect such as JDBC2.0 and the Java to native compiler (NCOMP). I give it five stars because it covers all important Java/XML aspects in great detail and because it already proved its worth by providing me with solutions for really tricky problems. The only neagtive thing I can think of is its size. But I guess the American authors probably got paid per line.

Guide to the records of the Chancellor's Office at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Published in Unknown Binding by Golda Meir Library, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee ()
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $121.65
Used price: $121.65
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The Pottery of the Shenandoah Valley Region (The Frank L. Horton)
Published in Hardcover by Museum of Early Southern (1994)
Amazon base price: $150.00
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Many books cover Java or XML or SQL and the like; but this is one of the few books that delves into HOW to put all of these together to make it work! As this book is released in newer additions, I shall be buying it as soon as it is available.