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Book reviews for "Horst,_Irvin_Buckwalter" sorted by average review score:

Mennonite Confession of Faith: Adopted April 21st, 1632, at Dordrecht, the Netherlands, and Widely Accepted in Germany, France, Colonial Pennsylvania, the United States, Canada, and (Mennonite Sources and Documents, No 2)
Published in Hardcover by Lancaster Mennonite Historical (1988)
Amazon base price: $16.95
Average review score: 

If you're looking for a brief, concise explanation of the Mennonite faith, best look elsewhere. This pseudo-leather bound, gilt-lettered version has a photostat of the original lettering in the second half of the book and is essentially a collector's item for hoarders of Mennonite trivia. A good suggestion for graduations, baptisms, and other events where gifts are given that will gather dust for years to come. For a solid and readable official creed, I suggest Herald Press's 1995 paperback confession for $4.99 (ISBN 0836190432).

The radical Brethren Anabaptism and the English reformation to 1558
Published in Unknown Binding by De Graaf ()
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $136.56
Used price: $136.56
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