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Book reviews for "Holzer,_Erika" sorted by average review score:

Double Crossing
Published in Paperback by (2001)
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $2.95
Collectible price: $9.99
Used price: $2.95
Collectible price: $9.99
Average review score: 

In the end, a good novel is about people and Ms. Holzer does a wonderful job in "Double Crossing," making us care about those who live in slavery and will do anything to find freedom. This is an uplifting, powerful novel by someone who obviously knows the territory. i recommend it highly.

This is probably the most consistently riveting book I've ever read. It maintains a tension throughout, and the plot twists never let the reader get a sense of what is to come next. The term is greatly overused, but it applies here; I couldn't put it down!

Eye for an Eye
Published in Paperback by (2001)
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $0.92
Used price: $0.92
Average review score: 

I saw the film before reading the book. I think I like the film better. The first part of the book is good. The subsequent parts, however, I think are a bit out of control especially the parts when Karen worked as a double agent and when she confronted with Kagan.

"eye for an eye" was such a powerful movie that we forget there
was an even more powerful book behind it. holzer's novel is still in the front rank of tales of violence and retribution. the characters ring true, the action will have you gritting your teeth, and the climax can take your breath away. as good...and as as it was when first published.
was an even more powerful book behind it. holzer's novel is still in the front rank of tales of violence and retribution. the characters ring true, the action will have you gritting your teeth, and the climax can take your breath away. as good...and as as it was when first published.

Aid and Comfort: Jane Fonda in North Vietnam
Published in Hardcover by McFarland & Company (04 March, 2002)
Amazon base price: $38.95
List price: $39.95 (that's 3% off!)
Used price: $33.50
Collectible price: $75.00
List price: $39.95 (that's 3% off!)
Used price: $33.50
Collectible price: $75.00
Average review score: 

Where have the authors been for the past 30 years?
Times have moved on. Yet the writers seem to be stuck in this time warp where this matter is still relevant. Like it or not, Jane Fonda's visit happend - end of story.
The US goverment have bigger fish to fry than a 65 year old actress living in Georgia.
Times have moved on. Yet the writers seem to be stuck in this time warp where this matter is still relevant. Like it or not, Jane Fonda's visit happend - end of story.
The US goverment have bigger fish to fry than a 65 year old actress living in Georgia.
- This book is great for Vets and patriots that just wont move on, or atlease feel the world still owes them some thing.
Though I disagree with the book's conclusions, in fairness, the authors set a clear argument with their reasons why Jane Fonda should be tried for treason and use as many facts as possible (instead of lies)

...A lot of US soldiers were betrayed by what Ms Fonda said and did during her trip to Vietnam. Many of her ilk (for example Bill Clinton)protested our involvement in Vietnam because it was fashionable. Unfortunately, Vietnam vets weren't allowed to be fashionable as they were dying overseas to the tune of 58 thousand over 10 years.The purpose of the book as I see it is "He who forgets history is doomed to repeat it"...

This text is a superbly written and seriously scholarly product that provides the fundamental basis, based on a foundation of thorough legal analysis of documented events, for formulating what amounts to an indictment of the behaviors of a traitor. The text is fascinating but nevertheless maintains a rigorous adherence to analyses of various data bases, and provides the reader with a fine example of integrated logic and reasoning in what could easily have been be a purely emotional treatise which typically characterizes much of the published articles concerning Ms. Fonda's behaviors in time of war.

Eye for an Eye-18.95
Published in Hardcover by Smithmark Publishers (1996)
Amazon base price: $4.98
Average review score:
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Fake Warriors
Published in Hardcover by Xlibris Corporation (2003)
Amazon base price: $31.99
Used price: $31.46
Buy one from zShops for: $29.37
Used price: $31.46
Buy one from zShops for: $29.37
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