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Book reviews for "Holum,_Dianne" sorted by average review score:

Complete Handbook of Speed Skating
Published in Library Binding by Enslow Publishers, Inc. (1984)
Amazon base price: $31.95
Average review score: 

the information is pretty good. it tells one about the things that one must do to improve on his or her speedskating. i wish the book had alot more picture sketches and pictures of eric heiden at the world championships, etc. this book is recommended to those who speedskate and who want to improve when it comes to speed, and technique. one has to lift weights, sprint on the track and run long distance for endurance, and stretch alot.
i have to say that any information on eric heiden is very mysterious, he is a mysterious man. nice. literature(the book)is recommended to all who practice this sport or fans who want too know the ways olympians did it in the past(training). you will hear of some commenting that this book is old, but this is just said because those dont want one to improve and want to be the only ones doing it. apply this information to your work out: lifting weights, running the sprints & long distances and having a positive attitude and you should do well when speedskating. very unbiased. holum is great!
i have to say that any information on eric heiden is very mysterious, he is a mysterious man. nice. literature(the book)is recommended to all who practice this sport or fans who want too know the ways olympians did it in the past(training). you will hear of some commenting that this book is old, but this is just said because those dont want one to improve and want to be the only ones doing it. apply this information to your work out: lifting weights, running the sprints & long distances and having a positive attitude and you should do well when speedskating. very unbiased. holum is great!
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While the sections on training and race strategy could be interesting to athletes in other sports, it may be too sport-specific to be of interest.