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Book reviews for "Holubitsky,_Katherine" sorted by average review score:

Alone at Ninety Foot
Published in Paperback by Orca Book Publishers (1999)
Amazon base price: $5.95
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Used price: $3.45
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Average review score: 

I love this book. It was THE best book I've ever read and if I could I would give it ten stars but I guess I'll have to stick with five. If you're thinking of reading this wonderful book then don't give it any more thought, you should go out and get it now! Katherine Holoubitsky is truly inspiring.

Have you ever felt lonely? Have young ever lost someone you love? Katherine Holubitsky takes you through the exciting life of Pamela Collins. For being Katherine Holubitsky first book it is really good. The book has lots of wonderful characters like Pamela who is the principal character, her father, the boring girl friend of her father, and the other people at school.
Pamela is about 14 years old. She likes to sped most of her time at a mountain called Ninety Foot, she likes these place because she uses it as a hiding place when she escapes from school and it also reminds her of her mother. For Pamela this mountain is special but for the other people in town no because lots of people have gone missing and lots of murders have take place in there. Pamela is affected because of her mothers death how jumped of a bridged because of the depression of her lost child. After the sad death of her mother Pamela finds out that her father is dating a women but for Pamela these is not a problem because he doesn't last much with her. After one more women Pamela's father ends up with a women, which results to be a banker and a nerd.
Pamela at school is a lonely girl who doesn't likes to socialize just with her friends. Pamela has problems with the most popular girl at school because she is very stuck up. Pamela hates to hear stories about people dieing or committing suicide because it reminds her of her mothers death. Pamela is having problems because she is experiencing the development of her body. During the book Pamela struggles during her teen-age life.
I like this book because it made me read and read until a finish it. I also liked it because it has good descriptions. I hope you read this book.
Pamela is about 14 years old. She likes to sped most of her time at a mountain called Ninety Foot, she likes these place because she uses it as a hiding place when she escapes from school and it also reminds her of her mother. For Pamela this mountain is special but for the other people in town no because lots of people have gone missing and lots of murders have take place in there. Pamela is affected because of her mothers death how jumped of a bridged because of the depression of her lost child. After the sad death of her mother Pamela finds out that her father is dating a women but for Pamela these is not a problem because he doesn't last much with her. After one more women Pamela's father ends up with a women, which results to be a banker and a nerd.
Pamela at school is a lonely girl who doesn't likes to socialize just with her friends. Pamela has problems with the most popular girl at school because she is very stuck up. Pamela hates to hear stories about people dieing or committing suicide because it reminds her of her mothers death. Pamela is having problems because she is experiencing the development of her body. During the book Pamela struggles during her teen-age life.
I like this book because it made me read and read until a finish it. I also liked it because it has good descriptions. I hope you read this book.

Last Summer in Agatha
Published in Hardcover by Orca Book Publishers (2001)
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.82
Buy one from zShops for: $9.23
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.82
Buy one from zShops for: $9.23
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I want to say that I have enjoyed reading your story, "Alone at Ninety Foot". I liked it because it was very sad. It reminded me of my friend's grandmother. I realized how it feels to lose someone special. My friend's and Pamela's actions were the same. It made me want to read the story even more. It is very depressing knowing that you can't replace a loved one. Therefore my opinion on the story is that it is very touching. You can go through a lot of pain and grief losing a loved one.
I like to commend youfor such a good job on organizing the story. The character development was great. It made the story easier for me to understand. I like how you organized the character's roles.
In conclusion, I want to say thank you for doing a great job and letting me to enjoy a wonderful novel.
Truly yours,
Manly Lau(Francis Libermann Catholic High School)