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Book reviews for "Hirschfelder,_Arlene_B." sorted by average review score:

Children of Native America Today
Published in School & Library Binding by Charlesbridge Publishing (2003)
Authors: Yvonne Wakim Dennis, Arlene B. Hirschfelder, and Maya Ajmera
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Careful attention to what life is really like
The collaborative effort of Yvonne Wakim Dennis and Arlene Hirschfelder, Children Of Native America Today introduces young readers to the lives and cultures of Native Americans all across the nation. Ranging from the Ojibway and Cherokee peoples, to the Pueblo and native Hawaiians, Children Of Native America Today is enhanced with color photographs illustrating an outstanding survey which broadly touches upon a variety of different Native American tribes and cultures -- rather than going for an in-depth on any particular one. Careful attention to what life is really like, and emphasizing the importance of not allowing stereotypes to cloud one's judgement, make Children Of Native America Today a highly recommended addition to school and community library Native American Studies collections for young readers.

The Encyclopedia of Native American Religions
Published in Hardcover by Fine Communications (1997)
Authors: Paulette Molin and Arlene B. Hirschfelder
Amazon base price: $12.98
Average review score:

Encyclopedis of Native American Religions
In a time of considerable misunderstanding, ignorance, and confusion with regard to the historica religions of Native Americans, this book supplies a much-needed resource for information and correction. I teach a course on Native American History and Culture and will use this book a required reading for my students.

It addresses an area of interest to them. The book will help the reader not only understand traditional beliefs and practices but, also, the impact and consequences of contact with Europeans and other groups who were not Native American upon Native American religions.

This book is a must-read for all serious students of Native American History and Culture.

Rising Voices: Writings of Young Native Americans
Published in School & Library Binding by Atheneum (1992)
Authors: Arlene B. Hirschfelder and Beverly R. Singer
Amazon base price: $14.00
Average review score:

Book written by students-great for students.
How often does a teacher find a book that is written totally on the level of their students? This is a little anthology of essays and poetry written by Native American students. It gives such insight into what these young people feel and think. The thoughts are contemporary but show us the heritage and its importance - but also the struggle it can cause. These selections range from third grade through high school. I consider it a must for teaching multi-cultural lit. The thoughts can be compared to what the students feel - especially when it comes to heritage. Some are sad - some defiant - some confident and joyful. These will get students thinking and discussing. A treasure!

Native Americans: A History in Pictures
Published in Hardcover by DK Publishing (01 May, 2000)
Authors: Arlene B. Hirschfelder, Arlene Hirscbfelder, and Beverly Wright
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

A fascinating collection of native american history
I originally picked up this book with the intention of buying it for my father, who has an avid interest in Native American history. I was quickly fascinated myself, however, by the striking photographs. I expected to see many of the typical photographs of Native Americans in full ceremonial dress. What I found was a book brimming with real life photos.

This book is an account of the everyday lives of the Native Americans - from the peaceful times through the tragedy brought about by the advance of the white man. In the pages of this book, readers are drawn into the work, play,joy, culture, and suffering of these Native Americans' lives. Interspersed with photographs on every page are brief accounts of Native American history, fact boxes, and photograph captions that are far from what you would find in a dry history text. This pictoral history book of Native American culture and experiences is a must for every person who values the history of this country. I am sure it will be handed down through generations of our family.

Encyclopedia Of Smoking And Tobacco:
Published in Hardcover by Oryx Press (19 October, 1999)
Author: Arlene B. Hirschfelder
Amazon base price: $69.96
Average review score:

Lots of biographical entries, little on tobbaco details
The Encyclopedia of Smoking and Tobacco is a good resource to begin a research paper on the historical aspects of tobacco control and smoking; however, entries for current items tended to be short and lack crucial information. For instance, the Encyclopedia has no entry for tobacco stamps or herbal cigarettes (which are not the same thing as either clove cigaretts OR bidis). The cross-indexing also leaves something to be desired, i.e., there was an entry for "loosies" but not for the more popular term "single sticks." Don't bother with this book unless you are doing historical research. For current tobacco topics better resources are the CDC, NCADI, NCI or your local tobacco control program.

Good source material on many subjects
As one reviewer said, but more vociferously, this encyclopedia covers more Anti-tobacco issues than tobacco issues. It might more properly be entitled A Bibliography of Anti-Tobacco Personalities and Literature. There are some good articles on smoking, cigarettes and tobacco per se, but most deal with the personalities and issues of the tobacco wars.

An Excellent Resource
I was somewhat dismayed when I read the other reviews as well. I have to admit that I am a former smoker myself, but did not find this book as "biased" as some have indicated. I am a librarian by profession and find this an invaluable resource when I have people who are writing research papers. It is chock full of information and very well organized. Certainly, up-to-date topics and statistics are - because of the fact that this is a book and not because of the author - not present. What is found though, are easy to read articles, photographs and a plethora of information that give one an overview on the many aspects of the tobacco industry. I reccomend this book highly and wish the author would update the volume.

American Indian and Eskimo Authors: A Comprehensive Bibliography
Published in Paperback by Assn Amer Indian Affairs (1986)
Author: Arlene B. Hirschfelder
Amazon base price: $4.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

American Indian Lives Mixed Set
Published in Hardcover by Facts on File (2002)
Authors: Arlene B. Hirschfelder, Victoria Sherrow, and Nathan Aaseng
Amazon base price: $200.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

American Indian Stereotypes in the World of Children
Published in Hardcover by Scarecrow Press (28 July, 1999)
Authors: Paulette Fairbanks Molin, Yvonne Beamer, Yvonne Wakim, and Arlene B. Hirschfelder
Amazon base price: $45.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Annotated Bibliography of the Literature on American Indians Published in State Historical Society Publications: New England and Middle Atlantic stat
Published in Textbook Binding by Periodicals Service Co (1983)
Author: Arlene B. Hirschfelder
Amazon base price: $70.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Kick Butts!
Published in Textbook Binding by Scarecrow Press (2001)
Author: Arlene B. Hirschfelder
Amazon base price: $24.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

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