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This book brought me to that understanding that I was looking at all the things that love was not, which I mistook for love, and gave me the vision to see what love really is. I am now on my journey to find true love for myself.

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WOW! This book is packed with words that blow your mind and also ring true at the same time. I'm still trying to organize all the information in my head so I can start to apply everything practically.
I KNEW there was something wrong with the world. The Matrix has most people!

In plain language, and without the usual New Age claptrap, Mr. Baines outlines the matter and method of Hermetic awakening and becoming a Stellar Man. It is both simple and profound, and with depths of insight that many writers wish they had.
If you feel a restlessness and urge to become more than what common society wants you to be, you will find this book, and its introductory companion "The Secret Science", a very helpful guide.

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Used price: $12.12
While the core focus of the book is to teach the reader exactly what true love is and exactly what it is not; it goes beyond and takes the reader through various psycological analysis of the many types of people, their sentimental,sexual and psycological behaviour and the reasons they engage in the types of relationships they do. All of this being achieved with bullseye accuracy, logic reasoning and awakening clarity.
Are you in love now? Think you don't need this book? THINK AGAIN!
Chances are you may need this book even more than those that seek to find love! You heard me right. It is unfortunate so many people today mistake feelings of extacy, moments of passion and romance, friendship and times of admiration for their partners for TRUE LOVE.
You will also find the book being composed of about 10% spirituality (without pushing any one specific religion/path) and 90% psycology. The spirituality side is partially derived from 5000 year old path called Hermetics -A very balanced Occidental path (with many parallels to Yogic,Buhddism, and whose modern version is influenced with Kabbalah). There are some quotes from the Christian bible as well in this book - but let me repeat, this book is for absolutely everyone, regardless of their spiritual path/religeous beliefs or lack of either.
If you would ever consider seeking counciling in an attempt to better understand or mend a relationship then you would be wise to pick up this book. In other words, don't wait until that day comes, educate yourself today so you won't have to save the relationship of tomorrow. If you've had many failed relationships it's time to ask yourself why and get to the bottom of it before failure comes strolling down your alley again. For those dilusioned by ignorance and lack of relationship experience who think they know how to have a healthy relationship, then time to get this book and get a serious reality check.
I find this book of such high value that I would recommend it even to the counselor(s) of relationships. Yes, even you WILL learn something here!