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Book reviews for "Herron,_Carolivia" sorted by average review score:

Thereafter Johnnie
Published in Hardcover by Random House (1991)
Author: Carolivia Herron
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $2.07
Collectible price: $2.92
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this book belongs back in print
i lent this book to a woman who needed to read it. it was never returned. too bad. I would love to read it again. a lyrical, beautifully written powerful disturbing terrific book. Carolivia Herron has voice that i wish to hear more of...

Nappy Hair
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: Carolivia Herron and Joe Cepeda
Amazon base price: $14.70
Average review score:

A definite five stars!
I first heard of this book in a comedy club a few nights ago. The comedian was talking about judging books by their covers. Ironically, I came across the book today and read it before buying it. I was throughly delighted and impressed. This book addresses and celebrates one beautiful uniqueness of Black people. It delivers such culture in a fun and positive way. The book is wonderful. Some who wrote on-line messages disagreed with the book's content as it used the word "nappy" and mentioned God. The term, "nappy", is part of Black culture. It identifies a particular texture of hair characteristic of Blacks. It is widely accepted by Blacks as self-description and therefore appropriate. This specific word, "nappy", creates a culturally rich text. In regards to the mention of God, it is anyone's right to choose not to believe in God. However, it is also the right of believers to express their faith. As an overwhelming number of people believe in God, exposure to the "idea" is one minisucule component of one's education; their well-rounded-ness. Knowledge of God should help question or define one's own beliefs. Exposure does not necessarily mean condolence. Exposure is plainly the means through which education occurs. People today are so concerned about political correctness. However, a strictly "politically correct" society would sacrafice ethnic and human culture. Nappy Hair is an exemplary illustration of both ethnic and human expression!

Nappy Hair
Three years ago, after reading about a white teacher who was nearly fired for reading this books to students in her class, I personally bought six copies to be used in my classroom. I told my students why I had purchased the books and why I had brought them to our classroom. The students were quite surprised that a teacher could be almost "fired" for reading this book to students. In my school, neither the students, the principal, the parents, nor I had a problem with this wonderful book ... at least I am not aware of a single complaint/problem in reference to my using this book, Nappy Hair, in the classroom.)

For months, I read Nappy Hair at least once a week to the class. The students were encouraged to interact with the poetic flow of the text. We had great discussions about why this book was considered by some to be controversial. Students wrote expository/persuasive paragraphs defending the book and telling why they liked/loved the story. By the end of the year, each student had personally read Nappy Hair at least twice ... a class of more than 32 students. Also, by the end of the year I had given, as gifts, six or seven copies of Nappy Hair to students who just loved the book ... Nappy Hair.

I now, each year, purchase copies of Nappy Hair for the enjoyment of my students. Each year I give more gifts of this delighful, soulful, and self-empowering book to many children. I will continue to do so! I am joyous that this book, this little masterpiece, work of art ... Nappy Hair, is available to us.

Thanks to the author, Carolivia Herron and thanks to the illustrator, Joe Cepeda. Thanks******

~~Read Nappy Hair and give freedom to your joyous spirit!~~

I am what God says I am.
I read and enjoyed this beautiful story. I have purcahsed several of these books for my younger cousins and friends. The story was first presented to me at church during the Children's period. I laughed and laughed untill I cried. This was such an appropriate place to present such a heart warming story.

My uncle, who is now deceased, used to talk about my hair all of the time.This book reminded me so much of his lectures. I was reminded of when he would come over for Sunday dinner and tell stories of how he and my daddy and all of there other 11 brothers and sisters would sit around and tell old stories. It was also a reminder of the fact that he used to constantly preach to me about spending my $25.00 allowance on getting my hair done every week because I did not want it to be " nappy ". "Your grandmother used to press her hair once a month, twice if she was lucky. Back then we did not worry about how our hair was looking we were concerned with fellowship of our family and friends." He constantly preached these stories to me weekly about how easy it is to forget where we came from. How easy it is to forget the sacrifices that our ancestors made so that we could have a better life than they did. I appreciated these lectures then, but now I appreciate them even more.

I am an adpoted child who has known that I was adopted all my life. Children can be so cruel sometimes and as a result of this I was constantly teased because of it. But as I have grown older and professed a hope in Christ, I have learned that God made me, not just my physical appearance but every aspect of me. He has molded me and shaped me. Everything that I am God has allowed me to be. Not because I am so holy but, because he's God. A God with new mercies everlasting and I am so thankful for it.

People often characterize African-Americans by their nappy hair. This book is just a reinforcement that God made me and God doesn't make junk. Everything he creates is perfect.

We are living in a world now where everyone has to have a hero or a role model. Children are so easily influenced and we as adults oftentimes take that for granted. If we act positively and in a spiritual manner, and we instill values and morals in our childrens minds; then our children we learn that they are truly indeed special. Each one of us are our own individual. We have special traits and characteristics that make us different. That diverse individuality is what makes us all so special and so perfect.

If you have not read this book I highly encourage you to do so. If you put all of your prejudice attributes away and view it as a story of human creation, you can not help but to be truly blessed!

Selected Works of Angelina Weld Grimke (Schomburg Library of 19th Century Black Women Writers)
Published in Hardcover by Oxford University Press (1991)
Authors: Carolivia Herron and Angela W. Grimke
Amazon base price: $49.95
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