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Book reviews for "Herman,_Charlotte" sorted by average review score:

How Yussel Caught the Gefilite Fish: A Shabbos Story
Published in Hardcover by Dutton Books (01 February, 1999)
Authors: Charlotte Herman and Katya Krenina
Amazon base price: $16.99
Used price: $2.99
Collectible price: $13.34
Buy one from zShops for: $5.95
Average review score:

Our Favorite Book
I originally found this in my local library 18 months ago. When we returned it after two weeks, my 2 year old kept asking me to read it again, so I bought a copy. We continue to read it often. It's a delightful story about Shabbat and family, and why it's all so special to a little boy. In addition to being a wonderful story, the illustrations are beautiful, and the typography is far better than most children's books. It looks like this book was an act of love for everyone who contributed to it.

What a Delight!
This is a wonderful story about a young boy who is going on his first fishing trip with his Papa, and is determined to catch himself "a gefilte fish". Absolutely charming and captivating story that you and your kids will want to read over and over again.

Max Malone Makes a Million
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: Charlotte Herman and Cat Bowman Smith
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $5.98
Buy one from zShops for: $12.15
Average review score:

Very entertaining!
The perfect book for my 6 year old, who dreams of becoming rich himself.

String Bean.
Published in Library Binding by Book Trading Ltd (1972)
Author: Charlotte. Herman
Amazon base price: $2.99
Used price: $37.55
Average review score:

Anyone who grew up as a "string bean" will relate.
This is a wonderful childrens book with great illustrations

You'Ve Come a Long Way, Sybil MacIntosh: A Book of Manners and Grooming for Girls
Published in Hardcover by Scroll Pr (1974)
Author: Charlotte. Herman
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $5.00
Collectible price: $7.41
Average review score:

Fun Enough for a Gift
Who wants a book of etiquette? Well, any child, who cares about other people and loves to laugh would want this one. It's written for girls, but good manners are for anyone. This book is fun, informative, and a pleasure to read and look at, even for adults and folks who already have nice manners. The author stresses courtesy and niceness rather than such specifics as how to eat a banana with a fork and knife, but that makes it applicable to just about any situation involving other people who appreciate thoughtfulness.

What Happened to Heather Hopkowitz?
Published in Paperback by Jewish Publication Society (1994)
Author: Charlotte Herman
Amazon base price: $10.75
Used price: $3.25
Average review score:

What Happened to Heather Hopkowitz?
Heather desires a more Orthodox life after she lives with an Orthodox family for a month, while her parents are on vacation. This book emphasized the struggle between Heather, who wants to become an Orthodox Jew, and her mother, who couldn't stand the idea of no twinkies, lard,frappes and hamburgers etc.

If anything was faulty about this book it was the fact that it slightly over emphasized. The only other fault I could think of is that the end is too happy go lucky, too fast. This was a great book for roughly 5th or 6th graders.

Good book for junior high or high school
When Heather, from a non-observant Jewish family, spends some time with a friend from a religiously observant family (despite her mother's hesitation about the idea), she discovers there is much to respect and admire in a more religiously observant lifestyle and starts to follow it at home, trying to keep her secret from her parents.

This book is good reading for high school students and advanced readers of junior high age, as well. Watching Heather discover more about her religious background can be quite enriching for Jewish students, from observant and non-observant backgrounds. Non-Jewish readers may enjoy the book as well, but may not find themselves identifying with the characters and siutations quite as much. However, if they have ever had questions about their religious background, they may find Heather's journey quite intriguing.

My Mother Didn't Kiss Me Good-Night
Published in School & Library Binding by E P Dutton (1980)
Authors: Charlotte Herman, Bruce Degen, and Ann Durell
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $9.95
Average review score:

A funny and comforting book about childhood worries
My daughter asks for this book every night. I think it comforts her to know that other children worry about these things too. This book is about a child trying to figure out what he did to cause his mother NOT to kiss him good-night. Was it when he told the person on the phone that his mother couldn't come to the phone because she has cramps? Was it because he tracked mud all over the floor? Was it because he wouldn't eat his banana yogurt and alfalfa sprouts, or was it because he left the choclate ice cream out? His mother finally comes to tuck him in and tell him that she has to skip the kiss due to the fact that she has a "code". They blow kisses and exchange hugs with their eyes instead. Fantastic illustrations. This is a must have for chilly winter nights!

De methode van zelf-confrontatie in de praktijk : de procesbevordering van Charlotte
Published in Unknown Binding by Swets & Zeitlinger ()
Author: H. J. M. Hermans
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
No reviews found.

The Difference of Ari Stein
Published in Hardcover by Harpercollins Juvenile Books (1976)
Author: Charlotte. Herman
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $5.85
Collectible price: $8.14
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Family Policy in the USSR Since 1944
Published in Paperback by R & E Pub (1979)
Author: Charlotte. Herman
Amazon base price: $11.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

High on the Mainmast: The Life of Herman Melville
Published in Hardcover by New College & University Press (1966)
Author: Charlotte Keyes
Amazon base price: $18.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

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