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Book reviews for "Herbert,_W._N." sorted by average review score:

Chemical Curiosities
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (06 August, 1996)
Authors: Herbert W. Roesky, Klaus Möckel, William E. Russey, and T. N. Mitchell
Amazon base price: $54.95
Used price: $34.67
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Obstetrics and Gynecology
Published in Paperback by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers (February, 2002)
Authors: Charles R. B. Beckmann, Frank Ling, Barbara M. Barzansky, Douglas W. Laube, and William N. P. Herbert
Amazon base price: $49.00
Used price: $39.20
Buy one from zShops for: $44.10
Average review score:

Must have for OB/Gyn rotation
This book is absolutely an A+. Of all of the required texts I have purchased this year, this one is by far the best. It is very well written. The information is detailed enough without overwhelming a third year student. The book provided short and manageable chapters that could be read and digested quickly. The questions at the end were a life-saver come test time.

Oxford Bible Atlas
Published in Paperback by Oxford University Press (January, 1985)
Authors: Herbert Gordon May, R. W. Hamilton, and G. N. S. Hunt
Amazon base price: $22.95
Used price: $9.25
Buy one from zShops for: $15.00
Average review score:

Oxford Bible Atlas
The Oxford Bible Atlas, edited by Herbert G. May, is a detailed, extremely useful book that will heighten anyone's general understanding of biblical geography. It contains more than maps as it delves into the history behind the maps, and the archaeology behind the history. It cites biblical sources but also cites apocryphal books unfamiliar to most Protestant readers. The end result is a colorful, informative work that helps place both Old and New testaments into perspective.

The book is divided into three sections, the first introducing the ancient world, then the several maps, and concluding with an archaeological overview. Part one blends seemingly incompatible topics of biblical and geologic history. It includes biblical and secular accounts of ancient history. The atlas does not attempt to expound too greatly on the "Holy Land" as being somehow superior in importance. In fact the Holy Land occupies an important crossroads between east and west more so than it stands as a regional religious center of its own merit. Those who held power such as David, Herod, or even Pontius Pilate were rarely more than a regional or even local rulers who paled in stature when compared to Alexander or any of the Roman Emperors.

The map section covers most of the primary locations mentioned in the Bible, and illustrates the vastness of the biblical lands. Many maps retain ancient place names, though the primary focus is on the Near East. There are some areas not covered, such as the city of Tarshish, Jonah's destination when he attempted to flee from his responsibilities, and the route of the Exodus does not take them across either the Red Sea, or either the modern Gulf of Suez or Gulf of Aqaba. But these apparent omissions do little to detract from the overall effectiveness of the maps.

The final section is akin to a primer on biblical archaeology. It introduces Carbon 14 dating, how a site is developed, and a brief history of archaeological efforts in the region. It shows how cultures are understood by what has survived through the ages, and helps fill gaps when written records are not available.

The end result is a very informative atlas that readers of many different backgrounds will appreciate.

Textbook of Internal Medicine (Single Volume) (Book with Diskette)
Published in Hardcover by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers (15 January, 1997)
Authors: William N. Kelley, Herbert L. Dupont, John H. Glick, Edward D., Jr Harris, David R. Hathaway, William R. Hazzard, Edward W. Holmes, Leonard D. Hudson, H. David Humes, and Donald W. Paty
Amazon base price: $99.00
Used price: $10.97
Buy one from zShops for: $38.95
Average review score:

new publish
when will come new publish of this book ?

An encyclopedic, reference textbook The gold standard.
There are many excellent textbooks about Internal Medicine on the market, and I own a lot of them. But the Kelley's book is the one I look up more often. It stands out, since it gives you the broadest and deepest clinical coverage of the internal medicine you can find in a two-volumes textbook. The forthcoming 4th edition, which is scheduled for 8/2000 and will be edited by Humes, will expand furter the coverage, reaching an unprecedented range, at least as can be judged by the anticipated index. For the sake of clarity and completeness, each subspecialty (cardiology, endocrinology and metabolism, and so forth) is divided in three parts: the first group of chapters is devoted to the pathophysiologic foundations, the second to diseases and the third to the diagnosis and treatment. This format is clever, because allow you to study each section separately without being overwhelmed by the astonishing amount of information it contains. A lot of chapters are devoted to the approach to the patient with different symptoms, to the interpretation of instrumental data and to the treatment: they are another distictive feature of the book, making it invaluable. If you are a physician or a serious student searching for an authoritative, encyclopedic textbook with broad pathophysiologic coverage and wide sections about the management of the patient, the Kelley's textbook will not disappoint you. For many of us, it is a must buy. For all, it is a bargain. This textbook is the gold standard as Internal Medicine textbook: it got 5-stars from Doody, and as far as I know, it was the only one awarded with such a high acknowledgement. I agree: five stars.

excellent textbook
most comprehensive work edge over Harrison &Cecil.must buy.

The Big Bumper Book of Troy
Published in Paperback by Bloodaxe Books Ltd (May, 2003)
Authors: W. N. Herbert and W. S. Herbert
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.92
Buy one from zShops for: $13.92
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Cabaret McGonagall
Published in Paperback by Bloodaxe Books Ltd (01 January, 1996)
Author: W. N. Herbert
Amazon base price: $16.95
Average review score:
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The Control and Censorship of Caroline Drama: The Records of Sir Henry Herbert, Master of the Revels 1623-73
Published in Hardcover by Oxford Univ Pr (April, 1997)
Authors: N. W. Bawcutt, Henry, Sir Herbert, and Priscilla Bawcutt
Amazon base price: $111.00
Used price: $63.60
Buy one from zShops for: $146.18
Average review score:
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Early Jewish Hermeneutics and Hebrews 1:5-13: The Impact of Early Jewish Exegesis on the Interpretation of a Significant New Testament Passage (American University Studies. Series Vii, Theology and Religion, Vol 193)
Published in Hardcover by Peter Lang Publishing (August, 1997)
Author: Herbert W., IV Bateman
Amazon base price: $61.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Forked Tongue
Published in Paperback by Bloodaxe Books Ltd (01 January, 1994)
Author: W. N. Herbert
Amazon base price: $16.95
Buy one from zShops for: $4.98
Average review score:
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The Grand Strategy of the Soviet Union
Published in Hardcover by St. Martin's Press (August, 1983)
Authors: Edward N. Luttwak, Herbert Block, and W. Seth Carus
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $2.00
Collectible price: $1.99
Average review score:
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