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Book reviews for "Herbert,_Thomas_Walter,_Jr." sorted by average review score:

The Classic Hundred Poems: All Time Favorites
Published in Audio CD by HighBridge Company (1998)
Authors: William Harmon, Sir Thomas Wyatt, Sir Walter Ralegh, Sir Philip Sidney, Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare, John Donne, Ben Jonson, Robert Herrick, and George Herbert
Amazon base price: $27.97
List price: $39.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $27.67
Buy one from zShops for: $25.00
Average review score:

This collection is a travesty indeed. Great poems no doubt, but abysmally read. Furthermore they should have put all the introductions together separate and apart from the poems. It's nice to hear intros the first time around. But who wants to hear the intros everytime you listen to the poems? Sometimes I want to hear just a stream of poetry without any interuptions and this format makes that impossible. It's incredible that such a great concept could be so terribly executed.

Absolutely Terrible Readings
I could not get this back to the store for a refund quickly enough. While the poem selection is great and the poem introductions are narrated well, the choice to use "modern poets" as the readers made this compilation utterly unlistenable. The only one that I found acceptable was Anthony Hect--the others were notably bad. In particular, I found Jorie Graham's "readings" to be abysmal. She reads each poem as if it were simply a string of unconnected words, giving equal stress to each, with halting pauses between them, never breaking out of a drowsy monotone. Other readers were not much better.

There are three major flaws in the readings:

1) The readers are no better than the average untrained person, and often much worse. (You've just got to hear them for yourself to appreciate how bad they are.)

2) Successive poems by the same poet are read by different "readers." It's jarring to hear 3 or 4 poems from Poet X, each in a wildly different voice.

3) No regard is given to matching the sex of the poet and reader. In general, it is really annoying to hear your favorite poet read by the wrong sex. In particular, making this mistake on "gender specific" poems (like having a woman read Poe's "Annabel Lee") is unforgivable.

Why is this all so upsetting? Because it is practically impossible to find poetry collections on CD, making this a serious waste of limited resources. If you are looking for a good collection on CD, buy "81 Famous Poems CD" by Audio Partners (ISBN 0-945353-82-0). It's a good collection on two CDs and is read by professionals: Alexander Scourby, Bramwell Fletcher, and Nancy Wickwire. In the meantime, we can only hope that the producers of this collection will eventually come to their senses and re-record the poems with the services of trained professionals.

The Classic Hundred Poems: All Time Favorites
If you are prepping for the GRE in literature or are trying to gain a basic understanding of literary periods and poets, this audio-collection is a must. It features a brief introduction about each poet's life. It also includes a brief introduction about the theme of each poem. The fact that you have to listen to these introductions before listening to the poem inculcate the poem and aids retention. If literature has turned into a cumbersome and overwhelming task, this collection will not only provide you with a sense of direction but will also make literature far more pleasurable.

Marquesan Encounters: Melville and the Meaning of Civilization
Published in Hardcover by Harvard Univ Pr (1980)
Author: Thomas Walter Herbert
Amazon base price: $40.00
Used price: $15.96
Average review score:
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Moby Dick and Calvinism: A World Dismantled
Published in Hardcover by Rutgers University Press (1977)
Author: Thomas Walter Herbert
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $57.00
Average review score:
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