Book reviews for "Herbert,_Martin" sorted by average review score:

Fishing (Golden Guides)
Published in Paperback by Golden Books Pub Co (Adult) (1987)
Amazon base price: $5.95
Average review score: 

"Golden Books" were great for my children and grandchildren, and now their "Fishing", "A Guide To Fresh and Salt-water", book helps me with salt-water fish identification and tackle preparation. I have recently relocated to the S.C. coast and do a lot of salt-water fishing. With all of the rules and regulations relative to fish size and limits, "Fishing" comes in handy in identifying the fish caught so as not to run afoul of the "man" by having the wrong fish in the creel.

A powerful, pocket-sized introduction to the wide world of fishing. Excellent, extensive illustrations. I loved this book when I was a kid, and it still holds up well. I recommend it for anyone, child or adult, who is new to the angling arts.

Coward's Guide to Body Piercing
Published in Paperback by Boston America Corporation (01 September, 1996)
Amazon base price: $5.95
Average review score: 

Very humorous book. This book pulls fun at pierced people butin an unoffensive way. Much in the way we would make fun ofourselves. As far as I can tell, the names of the piercings are accurate and humor is a good way to remember them, but the information on what happens when you get pierced is exaggerated for effect.

Flowers: A Guide to Familiar American Wildflowers (Golden Guides)
Published in Paperback by St. Martin's Press (1987)
Amazon base price: $5.95
Average review score: 

This is a great little book to take along on family outings. It's not comprehensive, but it was not meant to be; it does identify the most common plants that one is likely to run across and be curious about. The illustrations make the plants readily identifiable, along with regional distributions and common names. Small, easy to carry along, inexpensive enough take some rough handling by children. This small book could be the impetus for younger members of the family to find a new interest, but is also thorough enough to make walks in the woods enjoyable for the adults. I found it to be well worth the price.

Luther's Prayers
Published in Paperback by Fortress Press (1994)
Amazon base price: $9.99
Average review score: 

This book of Luthers prayers brought great comfort to me during some difficult times in my life. Luthers personal insight into the sins, trials and tribulations of the every Christian is shown here in these very inspiring prayers. I just wish it was still available in the small red hardcover.

Major Short Stories of D.H. Lawrence: A Handbook (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, Vol. 1948)
Published in Library Binding by Garland Pub (01 October, 1997)
Amazon base price: $80.00
Average review score: 

This guide is designed for those who would be knowledgeable readers of major short stories by D.H. Lawrence when the store of scholarship, investigation, and appraisal is far too vast for all but the expert. A thorough examination of what has been written about these short stories, each chapter deals with a different short story and consists of five distinct sections: (1)the complete publication history, including all revisions and variants; (2)an inclusive examination of recognized and hitherto unrecognized sources, as well as the influences at work on Lawrence in the creation ot the story; (3)the story's relationship to Lawrence's other writings; (4)acknowledgement and summary of all extant critical studies; and (5)a bibliography of works cited.

Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms: Disperse Systems
Published in Hardcover by Marcel Dekker (1988)
Amazon base price: $170.00
Average review score: 

General things of Pharmaceutical Suspensions, Stability of this dosage form. Quality assurance of Pharmaceutical suspensions

Rules for Engaged Couples
Published in Paperback by Boston America Corporation (01 June, 1998)
Amazon base price: $5.95
Average review score: 

I recently got engaged and was a little stressed out on what to do! I of course have never done this before and was a little overwhelmed. I saw this at a local novelty store and started giggling in the isle as I flipped through it. As my luck would have it I didn't have any $$ on me. I went back to the store with cash in hand and the book was missing! Of course I figured it would be because it was the last book and it was very funny book. I work for and in searching an item for a customer a luckly ran into this book again! I was so excited and I almost had forgotten how funny this book was until it arrived. Now I show it to everyone who wants to see what I'm laughing at. This book takes a fresh look at problems and issues that modern engaged couples deal with an adds a hilarious spin (complete with goofy cartoon) to it. Anyone who just got engaged and feels as overwhelmed about the wedding, meeting the future in-laws, your fiance's crazy relatives, learning to share your stuff, and dealing with each others' idiosyncrasies should get this book! A total comic relief!

Scratch 'n Sniff Fart
Published in Paperback by Boston America Corporation (1997)
Amazon base price: $8.94
Average review score: 

I loved this book you do not want to be in a closed space while reading it you may have trouble breathing. Make sure to keep out of reach of Young Children. I would read this book over any other book in the world.

Troubled Families-Problem Children : Working with Parents: A Collaborative Process
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Son Ltd (1994)
Amazon base price: $245.00
Average review score: 

This book offers an excellent review of the clinical process of working with troubled families. The first author has published numerous controlled studies demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach. The book offers detailed descriptions of what it is like to be a parent of a troubled child, and what it is like for such a parent to go through therapy unavailable anywhere else. It also includes a detailed description of the collaborative process needed to engage families. The group-based approach described in this book is ideal for families who have a child identified as ADHD, Oppositional or Conduct Disordered, as well as for abusive families, multi-problem families and families at risk.

The World of Tomorrow: The 1939 New York World's Fair
Published in Hardcover by HarperCollins (1988)
Amazon base price: $40.00
Average review score: 

The book has fantastic photographs, both color and black and white, of the most interesting American worlds fair. The chapters are divided by sections of the fair, such as foriegn participation, transportation, communications. Some of the chapters are reproductions from contemporary sources, including the New York Times. My favorite chapter is the one showing memorabilia- a real treasure for the worlds fair collectors! The photographs are wonderful, showing interiors and exteriors, day and night shots, candids and official photos, color and black/white. The photographs are worth the price of the book, but it is well written, informative and interesting.For anyone interested in the 1939 New York Worlds Fair, this is the best!
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I try to not leave home without a copy!