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Book reviews for "Herbert,_Marie" sorted by average review score:

Frommer's 2002 New England (Frommer's New England, 2002)
Published in Paperback by John Wiley & Sons (1901)
Authors: Wayne Curtis, Herbert Bailey Livesey, Marie Morris, and Laura M. Reckford
Amazon base price: $19.99
Used price: $7.50
Buy one from zShops for: $7.80
Average review score:

A travel guide for readers
Let's face it; most travel books are a glance-and-go proposition. Most of them do a passable job providing key information, but they aren't exactly a pleasure to read. Frommer's New England 2003 changes all that. Not only are the cititations clear, correct, and complete, many of them are laugh-out-loud funny or wickedly sly. At the end of a busy day on the road, I actually found myself reading the guide for fun (while happily settled in one of the recommended accommodations).A literate guide obviously written by folks in the know.

Frommer's New England 2003
Great for a recent trip to Boston and Newport, RI.

The tips on what to see and what to avoid were dead on.

Extremely Valuable
I have never bought a Frommer's Guide Book before, and now after I purchased this one, I am a loyal customer! I found it extremely insightful as to the most quaint New England towns to visit, which are the best routes to get there, practical information on the restaurants in town as well as their price ranges for any type of budgets - as well as advice on the many different bed and breakfasts that are available. This book caters to all travel styles, preferences and budgets. I planned most of my vacation with this book because it had phone numbers, prices, excellent directions... I could probably go on and on. Definitely a must for anyone who is traveling and not familiar with the area. It's like talking to someone who has lived in New England their whole life and is on hand to give you all the practical information you need to have a successful and fun/relaxing vacation. As if the book weren't great enough - they give you a wonderful full-sized pullout map that has all the towns marked on it which are mentioned in the book.

Blood on the Sun (World of Darkness)
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Harper Mass Market Paperbacks (1996)
Authors: Brian Herbert and Marie Landis
Amazon base price: $5.50
Used price: $0.49
Collectible price: $3.00
Buy one from zShops for: $2.00
Average review score:

Excellent vampire story.
I'm not familiar with vampires or should I say books about them. However anyone can enjoy this delightful book about Desidra the vampire who helps out the USA in WW II. The story starts in Seattle and she serves as a code breaker in Anchorage, AK and "travels" to Japan. There is romance and intrigue. In the end you will have to decide who is more thirsty for blood and territory, humans at war or vampires?
The plot is good, the descriptions and dialogue are believable and the historical and cultural facts seem well researched. Brian Herbert is best known for his Dune prequels, not vampire novels, but he and Marie Landis produced this most enjoyable little story and I think it is a jewel.

Courts, Law, and Politics in Comparative Perspective
Published in Hardcover by Yale Univ Pr (1996)
Authors: Herbert Jacob, Erhard Blankenburg, Herbert M. Kritzer, Doris Marie Provine, and Joseph Sanders
Amazon base price: $55.00
Used price: $21.01
Buy one from zShops for: $49.82
Average review score:

Well Written and Informative
I am no expert on this subject, but I was able to learn a lot in a short time. The authors compare the interrelationship of the Courts and politics in the United States, England, France, Germany and Japan. The book is well structured and easy to read. "Apples" are compared with "apples" in each section of the book, providing the reader with a cogent comparison of these systems. If you are interested in comparative law or just want to learn about the legal systems of one or more of these countries, this book is worth reading.

Healing Quest: The Sacred Space of the Medicine Wheel
Published in Paperback by Red Wheel/Weiser (1997)
Author: Marie Herbert
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $3.69
Collectible price: $6.35
Buy one from zShops for: $3.50
Average review score:

Incredibly written journey that you go on
This is a story of a mother who has suffered great loss at the death of her young daughter, and goes on a Quest to find answers on how to heal herself and move on with life.

You are taken through her experiences and go to the "sweat lodge" with her and experience what she goes through and also onto her "healing quest" that she undertakes and how it makes her a stronger person.

Promising Again (Family Living in Pastoral Perspective, No 4)
Published in Paperback by Westminster John Knox Press (1996)
Authors: Herbert Anderson, David Hogue, and Marie McCarthy
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $10.93
Buy one from zShops for: $10.50
Average review score:

Buy the Whole Series
I own Anderson's entire Family Living in Pastoral Perspective series (Leaving Home, Becoming Married, Regarding Children, Promising Again, and Living Alone), and I refer to them frequently.

Each book focuses on a different transitional event and the family tasks that event brings into focus. Anderson and his co-authors deal sensitively with the pastoral issues involved.

The books are well-written and easy to read--no convoluted prose to parse here. The works have added texture from the many personal examples shared by the authors (both their own and examples others have shared with them).

Every book in the series deserves an honored place on any religious professional's shelf. Except, you may find them so valuable they rarely make it back to your shelf.

Frommer's 99 New England (Serial)
Published in Paperback by Hungry Minds, Inc (1998)
Authors: Wayne Curtis, Herbert Bailey Livesey, and Marie Morris
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $1.55
Buy one from zShops for: $2.99
Average review score:

Useful and well-organized, it saved us money.
We used this guide on our recent trip to Maine, from Portland north to Bar Harbor. The suggestions about economical lodging in Bar Harbor alone saved us over $200! We are passingly familiar with all of New England, and we found this guide to be the most useful of the three we had with us (this one, Fodor's, and AAA). I would recommend it alone if you have to choose just one guidebook for your trip.

Winter of the White Seal
Published in Textbook Binding by Thorndike Pr (Largeprint) (1940)
Author: Marie Herbert
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $2.75
Collectible price: $9.50
Average review score:

Definitely worth reading!
This is the kind of book that stays with you long after you read it. I'd recommend it for any teen or adult with an interest in reading about adventures most of us will never experience. A very heart-warming story!

Bridges of Hope
Published in Paperback by North South Inst (1986)
Authors: Tim Brodhead, Brent Herbert-Copley, and Anne-Marie Lambert
Amazon base price: $14.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Frommer's New England '98
Published in Paperback by Hungry Minds, Inc (1997)
Authors: Wayne Curtis, Herbert Bailey Livesey, Marie Moris, Marie Morris, and Will Tizard
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $1.16
Buy one from zShops for: $6.49
Average review score:
No reviews found.

A Ghost in My Mirror
Published in Paperback by Second Story Press (1992)
Authors: Marie-Francine Herbert, Philippe Germain, and Marie-Francine Hebert
Amazon base price: $5.95
Average review score:
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