This book is the only one by Ingo Hasselbach that has been translated into English. It is essentially an updated/revised version of his German language book "Die Abrechnung" which I read in the late 1990's while still active in the East German Skinhead scene as a resident of the State of Brandenburg and active member of the NPD.
Hasselbachs necessarily sanitized "introduction" to one facet of the East German Skinhead Scene is commendable and the details of many events/activities are accurately described despite his attempts to minimalize his role in much of it. I never met Hasselbach personally nor was I ever active in any of the specific organizations that he led or supported. My firsthand experience in the scene however allows me to confirm that this book (english version) accurately recreates a "generic" picture of what the movement was like during those "early" years following the fall of the Wall. My only complaint with the book is the lack of space devoted to describing the plentiful NON-violent moments and acts of true brotherhood and compassion shown amongst Kameraden. There are two sides to every story and this one seems to focus on Hasselbachs relative innocence, the structure and internal workings of his movement and descriptions of their evil deeds. Many were and are mere thugs and common criminals but many are also intelligent and sincerely committed individuals who may share a common ideology but refrain from acts of violence and hatred.
This book is an excellent description of Hasselbachs specific experience but does not necessarily reflect the entire East German Skinhead experience which even to this day varies greatly from region to region and city to city. It blurs the often very distinct lines between nationalism and neo-nazism but is a must read for anyone interested in this topic
Used price: $134.91