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Book reviews for "Harris,_David_W." sorted by average review score:

Before Beveridge - Welfare Before the Welfare State (Choice in Welfare 47)
Published in Paperback by Institute of Economic Affairs (1999)
Authors: David Gladstone, David A. Green, Jose Harris, Jane Lewis, Pat Thane, A.W. Vincent, and Noel Whiteside
Amazon base price: $20.00
Average review score:

A Welcome Addition to the Literature
This book sits rather oddly with others in the Institute of Economic Affairs Choice in Welfare Series. Whilst the sub-title 'Welfare before the Welfare State' suggests that this is an account of self-help swept away by the state the content is more contested arguing that the self-help which was available was confined to the skilled and semi-skilled working class rather than to all of the working classes at the time. This point of view is not particularly challenged, a fact which, given the genesis of the project, is surprising to say the least.

Before Beveridge is a welcome addition to the literature about welfare before the state intervened in Britain. Contrary to the establishment history books which used to argue that the benevolent state stepped into a welfare vacuum, a number of studies have challenged this claim with books and scholarly articles demonstrating that the working classes were more than capable of providing education and welfare for their families by themselves as individuals and in groups long before the administrative machine moved in.

In this slim volume it seems that the editor and the staff at the IEA Health and Welfare Unit have rather abdicated the case for individual enterprise in welfare provision to those authors who put forward the view that in reality this provision was available to a select number of the working classes and the unorganised and the poor were not able to avail themselves of the opportunity. The so-called liberals appear to stand aside in the face of the attack and do not attempt to join battle with those propositions. I find the papers of Whiteside, Harris, Vincent and Thane to be particularly well researched and argued as well as persuasive given the paucity of David Green's paper especially.

The weakness of the writers who suggest that there was indeed a need for the intervention of the state in bringing welfare provision to the neediest in British society is the determination to overlook the evidence that many of the disenfranchised working classes who did not belong to either friendly societies or trades unions were determined to provide education for their children regardless of their personal circumstances. The fact that individuals of limited means were capable of identifying, by themselves, often without any education of their own, options for the betterment of their children over the longer term and were prepared to forego current onsumption to pay for it speaks volumes which significantly undermines the position supporting the need for state involvement.

This is a very thought provoking book which adds substantially to the lierature and which colours the debate about welfare provision more vividly than before. I would heartily recommend the book to sixth form and college students of history and social policy as well as practitioners of the black arts of social policy and policy-makers in general.

A welcome addition to the literature
This book sits rather oddly with others in the Institute of Economic Affairs Choice in Welfare Series. Whilst the sub-title 'Welfare before the Welfare State' suggests that this is an account of self-help swept away by the state the content is more contested arguing that the self-help which was available was confined to the skilled and semi-skilled working class rather than to all of the working classes at the time. This point of view is not particularly challenged, a fact which, given the genesis of the project, is surprising to say the least.

Before beveridge is a welcome addition to the literature about welfare before the state intervened in Britain. Contrary to the establishment history books which used to argue that the benevolent state stepped into a welfare vacuum, a number of studies have challenged this claim with books and scholarly articles demonstrating that the working classes were more than capable of providing education and welfare for their families by themselves as individuals and in groups long before the administrative machine moved in.

In this slim volume it seems that the editor and the staff at the IEA Health and Welfare Unit have rather abdicated the case for individual enterprise in welfare provision to those authors who put forward the view that in reality this provision was available to a select number of the working classes and the unorganised and the poor were not able to avail themselves of the opportunity. The so-called liberals appear to stand aside in the face of the attack and do not attempt to join battle with those propositions. I find the papers of Whiteside, Harris, Vincent and Thane to be particularly well researched and argued as well as persuasive given the paucity of David Green's paper especially.

The weakness of the writers who suggest that there was indeed a need for the intervention of the state in bringing welfare provision to the neediest in British society is the determination to overlook the evidence that many of the disenfranchised working classes who did not belong to either friendly societies or trades unions were determined to provide education for their children regardless of their personal circumstances. The fact that individuals of limited means were capable of identifying, by themselves, often without any education of their own, options for the betterment of their children over the longer term and were prepared to forego current onsumption to pay for it speaks volumes which significantly undermines the position supporting the need for state involvement.

This is a very thought provoking book which adds substantially to the lierature and which colours the debate about welfare provision more vividly than before. I would heartily recommend the book to sixth form and college students of history and social policy as well as practitioners of the black arts of social policy and policy-makers in general.

Truss Fun
Published in Paperback by BaHa Enterprises (20 July, 2000)
Authors: David W. Harris, Library of Congress, and John Maxwell Collection
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $15.70
Buy one from zShops for: $17.50
Average review score:

Good work
With many examples of Basic codes for checking stresses on trusses' bars and several historic notes and blueprints. Good for classrooms notes and teaching.

Textbook of Internal Medicine (Single Volume) (Book with Diskette)
Published in Hardcover by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers (15 January, 1997)
Authors: William N. Kelley, Herbert L. Dupont, John H. Glick, Edward D., Jr Harris, David R. Hathaway, William R. Hazzard, Edward W. Holmes, Leonard D. Hudson, H. David Humes, and Donald W. Paty
Amazon base price: $99.00
Used price: $10.97
Buy one from zShops for: $38.95
Average review score:

new publish
when will come new publish of this book ?

An encyclopedic, reference textbook The gold standard.
There are many excellent textbooks about Internal Medicine on the market, and I own a lot of them. But the Kelley's book is the one I look up more often. It stands out, since it gives you the broadest and deepest clinical coverage of the internal medicine you can find in a two-volumes textbook. The forthcoming 4th edition, which is scheduled for 8/2000 and will be edited by Humes, will expand furter the coverage, reaching an unprecedented range, at least as can be judged by the anticipated index. For the sake of clarity and completeness, each subspecialty (cardiology, endocrinology and metabolism, and so forth) is divided in three parts: the first group of chapters is devoted to the pathophysiologic foundations, the second to diseases and the third to the diagnosis and treatment. This format is clever, because allow you to study each section separately without being overwhelmed by the astonishing amount of information it contains. A lot of chapters are devoted to the approach to the patient with different symptoms, to the interpretation of instrumental data and to the treatment: they are another distictive feature of the book, making it invaluable. If you are a physician or a serious student searching for an authoritative, encyclopedic textbook with broad pathophysiologic coverage and wide sections about the management of the patient, the Kelley's textbook will not disappoint you. For many of us, it is a must buy. For all, it is a bargain. This textbook is the gold standard as Internal Medicine textbook: it got 5-stars from Doody, and as far as I know, it was the only one awarded with such a high acknowledgement. I agree: five stars.

excellent textbook
most comprehensive work edge over Harrison &Cecil.must buy.

Developing Theories of Mind
Published in Paperback by Cambridge Univ Pr (Pap Txt) (1990)
Authors: Janet W. Astington, Paul L. Harris, and David R. Olson
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Electronic Surveying in Practice
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (1983)
Authors: Simo H. Laurila and David W. Harris
Amazon base price: $62.50
Used price: $25.00
Collectible price: $29.65
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Geotechnical Engineering Congress 1991: Proceedings (Geotechnical Special Publication, No 27)
Published in Paperback by American Society of Civil Engineers (1991)
Authors: Francis G. McLean, Dewayne A. Campbell, and David W. Harris
Amazon base price: $105.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Managing In The Digital Economy: Do You Have What It Takes?
Published in Digital by Accenture LLP (15 June, 2001)
Authors: Jeanne G. Harris, David W. DeLong, and Anne Donnellon
Amazon base price: $10.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

The Newspaper Truss (A Learning CD)
Published in CD-ROM by BaHa Enterprises (21 August, 2001)
Author: David W., Ph.D. Harris
Amazon base price: $12.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Solid Freeform Fabrication: A New Direction in Manufacturing: With Research and Applications in Thermal Laser Processing
Published in Hardcover by Kluwer Academic Publishers (1997)
Authors: Joseph J. Beaman, Joel W. Barlow, David L. Bourell, Richard H. Crawford, Harris L. Marcus, and Kevin P. McAlea
Amazon base price: $201.50
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Spotting An Effective eManager
Published in Digital by Accenture LLP (15 June, 2001)
Authors: Jeanne G. Harris, Anne Donnellon, and David W. De Long
Amazon base price: $2.75
Average review score:
No reviews found.

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