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Book reviews for "Grayson,_Marion_F." sorted by average review score:

Let's Do Fingerplays
Published in Hardcover by Robert B. Luce (1988)
Authors: Marion F. Grayson and Nancy Weyl
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $2.24
Collectible price: $9.50
Average review score:

A comprehensive and well organized fingerplay book .
As a preschool teacher and public children's librarian for over ten years,I have to say that this is still my favorite fingerplay book. It contains a fingerplay for every occasion and theme.The fingerplays are also indexed by subject which makes using the book so easy. You are guaranteed to find some of your own childhood favorites and some new favorites to use with children of all ages. This book is well worth the money and it will be used for years to come. Fingerplays are a great way to introduce poetry,humor and many other elements of language development. It is also a fantastic way to get individuals in a group setting involved and have a feeling of success when they can remember the short verses and actions of the fingerplays. Not to mention the pride and delight of the parents and teachers. I highly recommend this book for every teacher or librarian who wants an excellent source for ideas to enhance the learning experince in any setting.

Let's Count and Count Out
Published in Hardcover by Robert B. Luce (1975)
Author: Marion F. Grayson
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $18.76
Collectible price: $12.95
Average review score:
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