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Admittedly, this is not the easiest thing in the world to read, but simply reading major parts is worth it, without necessarily following the story of Tristram or other such details. Most interesting in this poem is the relationship between Guinevere and Lancelot, which is complicated and sometimes dark. Tennyson's characters are complex beings, complete with inner shadows and desires which sometimes conflict with the ideals put forth by Arthur's "Table Round."
Since it is after all Tennyson, the language is breathtaking, though one familiar with his other poetry might be slightly regretful, as I was, that it occasionally lacks the power of his other poems. Perhaps this is to be expected, given the length: and since it is Tennyson, less powerful than his other work is still marvelous.
Some may be irritated by Tennyson's moralistic streak, which is hard to ignore, as well as the distinct parallels with Christianity which the poet introduces from time to time. The idea that women somehow embody all sin certainly makes an appearance here, as Guinevere is sometimes portrayed almost as evil incarnate.
Nonetheless, with its almost mystical undertones, beautiful language and psychological complexity, "Idylls of the King" is worth checking out, whether you are a fan of King Arthur or Tennyson; it is an epic which combines emotion and the magical, life and the legendary.

This is one of my favorite Arthurian romances. Tennyson's verse is beautiful and vivid, and his story is both compelling and easy to follow. No study of English Romanticism would be complete without Tennyson, and this is one of his finest works.

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is now routine thanks to the excellent software that
has been developed over the past two decades. Now
students and professionals can have a better
appreciation of the geometrical properties of these
objects thanks to these software packages. In this
book the author has done a great job of doing this,
having chosen one of the best tools for this purpose:
Mathematica. The book is a hefty one, totaling almost
1100 pages, but its perusal is worth the effort for
those who want a more intuitive appreciation behind
the concepts of differential geometry. Physicists in
particular, who usually need a pictorial approach to
complement the learning of a subject, should really
enjoy this book. It could definitely be used as a
textbook in a beginning course in differential
geometry since there are problems at the end of each
chapter and most of the results in the book are proven
with the required mathematical rigor, I.e. this book
is not just code and pictures, and a substantial
portion of it is devoted to definitions and rigorous
proofs. This is especially true for the discussion on
differentiable manifolds and Riemannian geometry. The
author also includes a brief biography of the
mathematicians who have been involved in differential
geometry at various places in the book. The
Mathematica code in the book though can be revised to
make it look more like standard mathematical notation,
thanks to the new features of Mathematica that have
appeared since this book was published (1997). The use
of color shading is not done in the book, except for a
short insert with pictures of several surfaces, but
the reader can easily experiment with the color
functions available in Mathematica if needed. A very
lengthy appendix that lists the functions and code
used in the book is included.
Some of the concepts that are usually
difficult to grasp intuitively for those approaching
differential geometry for the first time but are here
illustrated nicely include: 1. The computation of the
curvature of plane curves and the plotting of this
curvature. The curvature of the famous Lissajous
curves, very familiar from oscilloscope traces, is
computed. The author might have spent a little more
time explaining why the curvature plots have the shape
they do however. 2. The treatment of osculating curves
to plane curves. 3. The finding of curves whose
curvature is equal to the arc length times a Bessel
function. The resulting plots are very entertaining.
4. The computation of the torsion of a curve in space.
The discussion on torus knots is particularly well-
done. 5. The author's discussion on surfaces in
Euclidean space motivates well the concept of a
differentiable manifold. He plots a few surfaces with
coordinate patches that have a singularity, and shows
how to plot surfaces that defined nonparametrically.
Kummer's surface, of particular importance in
algebraic geometry, is plotted here. Even more useful
is the author's treatment of nonorientable surfaces,
wherein he shows the reader how to plot the Moebius
strip, the Klein bottle, and two realizations of the
projective plane using Mathematica. Several examples
of the Gaussian curvature of surfaces are plotted. The
Gauss map, one of the most important tools for the
physicist, is given detailed treatment. 6. Rare in
textbooks at this level of differential geometry is a
discussion of minimal surfaces, but the author gives a
very nice treatment in this book. The Enneper's,
Scherk's Henneberg's and Catalan's minimal surfaces
are plotted along with the Gauss map of Enneper's
surface. Minimal surfaces are extremely important in
theoretical physics, such as superstring and membrane
theories, and are also very important in optimization
theory, so it was nice to see a discussion of them
included in the book. In recent years galleries of
minimal surfaces have appeared on the Web, and this
book allows one to plot these without too much effort.
The author even introduces the use of complex analysis
in the study of minimal surfaces. Readers interested
in understanding the mathematics of string theory will
appreciate this discussion. In addition, the
Weierstrass representation, which allows generation of
new minimal surfaces, is introduced. Readers familiar
with the Weierstrass function for elliptic curves will
see it used here for this generation.

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