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Book reviews for "Goodovitch,_Israel_Meir" sorted by average review score:

The Boundaries of Liberty and Tolerance: The Struggle Against Kahanism in Israel
Published in Hardcover by University Press of Florida (1994)
Authors: Raphael Cohen-Almagor and Geoffrey Marshall
Amazon base price: $59.95
Used price: $47.27
Average review score:

A quintessential case study
Living in a country like Israel, which is beset by fateful ongoing conflicts from within and without, one is torn between impulses of appeasement and revenge, diplomacy and force, empathy and despair. A particularly difficult dilemma arises when dealing with hate-and-violence rhetoric against the Other - rhetoric which, ipso facto, challenges the selfsame democratic system that allows it to exist in the first place. It is this "catch of democracy" that Raphael Cohen-Almagor examines in The Boundaries of Liberty and Tolerance: the Struggle Against Kahanism in Israel. As a layperson in the disciplines upon which he draws - philosophy, jurisprudence, political science - I approached the book with some trepidation. Much to my relief, though, I found that it to be reader-friendly yet extremely thorough in attempting to delineate the boundaries of liberty and tolerance in a democracy.

From the outset, the decision to allow a racist demagogue like Kahane to run for a seat in the Israeli legislature raised ethical issues of the most troubling kind. The decision to revoke that privilege was no less troubling: as they fought to have Kahanism outlawed, advocates of tolerance and democracy came under bitter attack for defying the very principle which they claimed to support. The book provides a reasoned, thoughtful and comprehensive explanation of the ethical questions underlying this problematic position. And as we know only too well, no country is immune from such questions; i.e. from the emergence of would-be political parties brandishing blatantly racist or xenophobic slogans, or advocating blatantly racist or xenophobic measures. The analysis set forth in the book examines the most sensitive implications of such a development, particularly the need to reconcile the sacrosanct principles of freedom of speech, on the one hand, with the obligation to stem any tangible threat to democracy, on the other. In trying to gain a better understanding of this complex paradox, I found Cohen-Almagor's lucid description of the distinction between freedom of expression, per se, and infringements of the Harm and Offense Principles particularly enlightening.

I too believe, like the author (and indeed, who doesn't?), in the solution outlined in Epilogue - education - as the ultimate means of delegitimizing and eventually eradicating racist politics. And yet, while pursuing the educational route, it also behooves us to continue grappling with the excruciating moral and legal dilemmas which these politics force upon us. I would heartily recommend Cohen-Almagor's book as a quintessential case study, capable of shedding light on one of the most problematic challenges to the democratic system.

A work that should fascinate and provoke democrats
Raphael Cohen-Almagor maps the course of the struggle against Meir Kahane in the Israeli courts and legislature. But he places it firmly in the context of the traditional controversy over the limits of toleration, providing us with a rigorous examination of the damage principle as it applies to speech and expression. He forces us to face the question why, if we refuse to tolerate the damage done by thefts, assault, fraud or murder, we should tolerate the potential damage that can be brought about by aggressive or violent speech. His work blends together political philosophy, contemporary history, and constitutional theory. It deserves the close attention of students of all three disciplines. But it should fascinate and provoke also all those who wish to confront what is probably the principal dilemma of the modern democratic practice.

A significant edition to political philosophy
As long as men and women strive to civilize their society the problem of tolerance will remain, because the urge toward intolerance will not go away. The achievement of Dr. Cohen-Almagor's work is that it adds to our knowledge and awareness of this central problem of politics. His arguments are made in the context of classical liberal thought, of practical politics, and of jurisprudence.

They Must Go
Published in Hardcover by Grosset & Dunlap (1981)
Author: Meir Kahane
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $35.00
Collectible price: $34.45
Average review score:

Logic and Clarity
Kahane's politics, while controversial and highly criticized, are made clear and concise in this work. Once having read this book, the reader has no doubt as to Kahane's philosophy and ideology on the matter of the Arabs in Israel. He uses logic and clarity in the presentation of his politics and does an incredible service to his readers with the use of historical precedent.

What a book!
Rabbi Kahane shows the greatest and most realistic understand of the question about the arabs who live in Israel, as citizens.He explanates the impossibility of jewish-arab togetherness in Israel and the threat which is Arabs living in Israel.Quoting several researches, journal articles, Torah(bible)passages and historical facts, Rabbi Kahane clearly reveals the blindness and fear of Israel's government about the question, making critics on both left and right wing parties.But he doesn't stop on the critics; he goes further and proposes a solution which, in my point of view, is very reasonable and logic. Anyone looking for an unbiased and realistic thought over the Israeli arab question must read this awesome book.

Should have been listening to him all along
Now that we see Palestineans dancing in the street over American deaths, we can finally stop deluding ourselves as to their better intentions. Rabbi Meir Kahane forsaw the ultimate failure of the peace process in Israel in 1980 and for his troubles he was branded a Jewish Nazi, an Ayatollah, an extremist, etc.

While his argument tends to the extreme and while he paints the picture in blacks and whites, he does have a good point in this treatise.

Basically, the Palestineans feel that their land has been stolen. They will not be bought by educational opportunities, land for peace deals or economics. All liberal attempts to do these things only insult the Palestineans. His argument is that we must save lives by removing Arabs from Israel (including the so-called occupied territories) once and for all. To fail in this will only cause bloodshed on both sides.

It's sad to know how right he was proven by the Barak administration (one which I supported up until the attempts to give away Jerusalem). It would have been better to listen to Kahane in the 70s, but it's not too late to listen to him now.

Uncomfortable Questions for Comfortable Jews
Published in Hardcover by Lyle Stuart (1987)
Author: Meir, Rabbi Kahane
Amazon base price: $18.00
Used price: $38.79
Collectible price: $21.99
Average review score:

Painfully Honest
This book is an expose' of the hypocrisy that defines individuals and organizations that supposedly represent the Jewish communities of the world. Kahane, in his hallmark straighforwrd approach, uncovers with glaring clarity what should have been seen for decades.

A hard, honest and gripping look at the truth
This masterpiece takes a hard look at the demons that possesses the State of Israel, Zionism, and Word Jewry. Rabbi Kahane intelectually exposes the lies and fraud of the establishment that lays claim to the representation of Jews and Israel. Hard questions posed to them such as 'do the Arab citizens of Israel, under the current form of western democracy have the legal right under a majority to peacefully remove Jews from power by way of vote? And if so, does that not contradict the true ideals of Zionism (the right for Jews to establish a homeland in Israel)?' Is Israel a Jewish state or a state of Jews? Indeed, those contradictions as well as the the gripping tragedy of a bankrupt ideal which is secular Zionism which has caused urban strife, intermarriage, crime and worst of all..self hatred v.s. religious Zionism based on the everlasting, authentic ideals of the Torah are exposed to the max. It goes to the root of the problem and once exposed, he offers his soloution. Once the reader gets a clear insight to the tragic truth, and understands that the answers to these questions pose a direct threat to the power of the armchair establishment of Israel and American/World Jewry, then he understands why Rabbi Kahane was consistantly slandered and unjustifiably banned. Undoubtably the most misunderstood man of our time. This is a must read book for anyone who wishes to learn the truth and distinguish the lies.

This book gives you an idea of where the Jews are coming from, where they are, and where they should be...

Israel: Revolution or Referendum
Published in Hardcover by Barricade Books (1991)
Author: Meir Kahane
Amazon base price: $18.00
Used price: $26.47
Buy one from zShops for: $40.00
Average review score:

A haunting insight into Israel's future
Meir Kahane wrote this book about 2 years into the first intifada of 1987. He never lived to see Oslo, any subsequent agreements, or the 2000 Al-Aksa Intifada. But you wouldn't know that just by reading this book; the words he wrote over 10 years ago ring true now more than ever.

The thesis of this book is simple: the Israeli government has become an obtuse, impotent entity that is unwilling to protect its citizens. This situation will not continue because it simply cannot, but will the change come about through revolution or referendum?

The majority of this book is anecdotal; that is, Kahane illustrates his point through voluminous tales of government hpyocracy, cover-ups, and the like. He cites, for example, many incidents where Israelis are jailed for using lethal force against Arabs when the Israelis themselves are in real mortal danger.

As a Zionist and seeker of truth, I say that this is a must-read. Kahane wrote to make people emotional and uncomfortable, and this does just that.

On Jews and Judaism : selected articles 1961-1990
Published in Hardcover by Institute for Publication of the Writings of Rabbi Meir Kahane (01 January, 1993)
Author: Meir Kahane
Amazon base price: $5.95
Average review score:

Current and Topical
This books deals with today's issues as if were written only yesterday. Rabbi Kahane's incisive articles are as true today as ever.

In fact, the articles in this book were written by Rabbi Kahane between 1961 and 1990, but if their dates would not have been given, I would have thought that he wrote them only last week.

He insisted that Jews must be proud of being Jewish. This is the basis of his philosophy, whether he applies it to determining government policy or to conducting one's private life.

This book must be read - it is a breath of fresh air!

Our Golda: The Story of Golda Meir
Published in Hardcover by Viking Press (1984)
Authors: David A. Adler and Donna Ruff
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $2.00
Collectible price: $3.65
Average review score:

I think this story touches on the basics of the women of the century-Golda Mier was definitely an outstanding woman and this author has touched on the finer points regarding her character. I've already read her biography and another non-fiction book written about her times and travels...beginning in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Being a Wisconsin native myself-This woman definitely inspires me. True to form, Golda is portrayed as a strong, determined woman on a mission..somewhat along the lines of Eleonor Roosevelt.

My life
Published in Unknown Binding by Weidenfeld and Nicolson ()
Author: Golda Meir
Amazon base price: $
Collectible price: $37.06
Average review score:

20th century Hero
This is a first rate account of the history of Israel told through a compelling and modest voice of one of its most important founders. This book greatly deserves a new printing and extensive circulation.

Golda Meir's autobiography is simply and powerfully written. Her account of her childhood in Russia and youth in the USA is straightfoward and unsentimental and shows the early roots of one of the most dedicated and ethical leaders of the century. While free of self-aggrandizement her gifts as a speaker and reprentative of the Jewish people are clearly presented (through speech excepts), and her account of the development of the state of Israel and its first 30 years.

Great book.
This is a first-hand account of the history of (modern) Israel, and the part Golda Meir played in it. It is amazing to see how a young Jewish girl from Kiev, USSR, makes it to the highest office in the new nation of Israel.

When I read accounts like this, it just infuriates me when I realize how much hatred the world has had, and still does have, for the Jews, and how much the Arabs will stop at nothing to destroy them. Make no mistake. . . while some of the Arab people may want peace, the Arab leadership does not. This is obvious when you look at this history of the region. The only times the Arab leadership has really pursued peace are the (5!) times they've gotten their tails kicked severely after attacking Israel.

The dedication of the Jewish people comes alive in this book. Many gave the utmost sacrifice in contribution to the founding and preservation of the Nation.

I recommend this book for anyone who is curious about the founding of Israel. One warning: Golda Meir (as were many of the founders of Israel) was an ardent Socialist; this was definitely evident in her book, and was a bit hard for me to stomach at times.

A Great Historical Text.
This was a very good history book as well as a touching novel. You are able to trace the life of Golda Meir from her days as a school teacher in Milwaukee to her days as prime minister of Israel. Through this book you are also exposed to a great deal of Israeli history. This book also gives you insight into some of the great leaders as well as the great events that helped to shape the nation of Israel. It was especially entertaining to read her opinions of David Ben Gurion and Moshe Dayan. The Yom Kippur war also makes for interesting reading. All in all this is an interesting book that you will certainly enjoy reading.

Listen World, Listen Jew
Published in Hardcover by Institute for Publication of the Writings of Rabbi Meir Kahane (01 January, 1995)
Author: Meir Kahane
Amazon base price: $12.00
Average review score:

Powerful and brilliant in its prose - yet stark
When Meir Kahane was assassinated, I only knew that he was one of the most vicious impediments to Israeli peace with the Arabs. I tended to see the conflict as a simple matter of Israel expanding its borders at the expense of the native population. I still can't say that I wholeheartedly agree with Kahane's solution but his motivations are beautiful.

In this book written with the style of a poet and the intensity of a machine gun, Kahane again and again asserts that he is a Jew and he is a Zionist and that the two are inseperable. Because he is religious, he can only see the state of Israel in a religious context and that is that G-d gave Jews the right to the state of Israel and the duty to settle the land, and anyone who would impede it is going against the will of G-d. He discusses what Judaism means in a religious context, why Judaism is needed in the world and why non-Torah-based versions of Judaism aren't Judaism. He bristles with indignation at Christians who want to sweep centuries of murder, pillage and mayhem under the rug and he mocks parents whose children have gone to become Jews for JC stating that that is the end result of assimilation.

When he gets to the history of the modern state of Israel, he uses the pre-state riots and the British oppression for maximum effect. He uses the quotes of "respected" politicians like King Faisel and Sadat to maximum effect as Faisel is accusing Jews of blood libel while Sadat is threatening to have another Holocaust.

What makes this book refreshing is the counterpoint to Arab propaganda. Over and over again, Palestineans declare that Israel is an illegal state, bring up the U.N. resolutions that were "violated" and throw words like state-sponsered terrorism, unchecked aggression and Holocaust around without understanding for the context. Meanwhile Jewish defenders of Israel have to talk about concessions, Palestinean rock throwers and pleas for calm. Meir Kahane is meeting the battle head-on. No returning of land won during a war taht was supposed to wipe Israel off the map is giong to make peace. As long as Palestineans want to remove Israel once and for all, Israel must respond in kind.

What makes this book troubling is the anger involved. It is propaganda and should be read as such. Kahane is silent about laws of gerus and settlement statutes that would make the Palestinean presence in Israel acceptable from a religious standpoint (although they wouldn't please Palestineans), he doesn't mention that the page of Kesuvoth that he cites is also used by the Satmir Rebbe as an argument AGAINST an Israeli state settled by secular Jews.

Regardless, no matter what you feel about Israel - whether you are Palestinean, embarrassed American Jew, Israel hater, Israel lover, Israeli - you owe it to yourself to read this book, if only to know what you are fighting against.

Very good book
In this book, Rabbi Kahane's main goal is to show that zionism is inherent to judaism and to the jews. By comenting historical events of jewish persecutions, he afirms the necessity of the jews having a place(land of Israel) to dwell alone and self-government. The Rabbi urges the jews not to assimilate and also makes severe critics to the american jewish stablishment.It's a very meanfull book for the modern jew and for anyone who wants to understand real zionism.

Jewish History Comes Alive
If you want to know what Zionism is, this book is must reading. It did not start with Theodore Herzl in 1895. It started almost 2,000 years ago, when the Jews in the Land of Israel were defeated by the Romans and chased out of their land.

The story of the long Jewish exile, as 'guests' in other countries, is told here in an exciting manner. It all leads up to the return of the Jews to their own land in the late 19th century and early 20th century.

If you read this book, you will understand why the Jews returned to the Land of Israel.

Esau: A Novel
Published in Hardcover by HarperCollins (1994)
Authors: Meir Shalev and Barbara Harshav
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $2.24
Average review score:

don't miss this israeli writer
Shalev is one of the most original and exciting Israeli novelists, and not well known in the US. This book is fascinating as is Blue Mountain!

Darker and more difficult than Blue Mountain
I found this book darker and more difficult than Blue Mountain; perhaps it is best labelled "advanced Israeli fiction," whereas Blue Mountain is more accessible to the casual reader. Both books are greatly enhanced by familiarity with their settings and history, but Esau seems to actually demand it. Most notable is one character's experience of the pre-statehood Arab riots in Jerusalem, focusing on the intimacy of personal experience, rather than the comfortable distance of historical perspective. Shalev is a rare writer, intimate with the topography of grief, able to convey the absolute ridiculousness of it without losing sight of the black whole. A most evocative tale, but sometimes difficult to digest. A note: just as Blue Mountain will be of special interest to anyone planning to visit a kibbutz or moshav, or the Galilee for that matter, Esau will probably benefit by being read in Jerusalem.

I consider this to be Shalev's best novel
This book contains 3 short sotries combined in the whole major plot (and hints on it). I read it in hebrew and as always Shalev uses up almost all the words there are in hebrew to describe the emotions of the characters and what hapens to them. Should pay attention to what's happening and the story for example about the 2 soldeirs entering the bakery at night - that was Shalev in his military service. In one of his lectures Shalev admits that writing in first body ("me") is considered to be like masochism. "P.S." There isn't a Jew named Esau.... Is Esau a liyer ?

The Loves of Judith
Published in Hardcover by Ecco (1999)
Authors: Meir Shalev and Barbara Harshav
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $1.94
Collectible price: $3.13
Buy one from zShops for: $2.02
Average review score:

sad sadder and saddest
Hi i refuse to give this book a worthy so called star. it doesn't deserve it. you'll want to sell the book before you even finish it. before you buy it check at your local library first. it is a book i took out of my collection and trashed it. it wasn't worth my time and i'm sure it won't be worth yours either. it was just about judith going to all these guys. personally it reminds me of someone from where i came from. don't fall for the book it's not worth anyones time. Thank You.

Will tug at your heartstrings!
In post World War II Palestine, Judith is dead and her son Zayde inherits something from each of his three fathers. Moshe, the first of the three fathers, hires Judith to care for his two children when his own wife dies in a tragic accident. Globerman, the cattle dealer and the second of the three fathers , falls in love with Judith when he comes to do business with Moshe. Sheinfeld, a canary breeder and the third father, believes he has a relationship with Judith when, in fact, he doesn't. Who the fathers are and the extent of their relationships to Judith and Zayde are revealed as the story is told.

Shalev is most magnificent when he describes the pioneers of Israel as individual characters. They are colorful, quirky, and strong. Again in this book, the author uses the splendor of animals and nature to create a rich, complex story. It may seem confusing at the onset, but all pieces fall into place in the end and the vivid imagery lingers long after the book is closed.

must read
I won't add to the description of the book, I just want to add my praise. This is the 3rd novel I have read of Shalev's and he is a great Israeli writer. Up there with Yehoshua who I also enjoy and respect tremendously. Try Shalev's other books, Blue Mountain and Esau, and Yehoshua too - especially Mr. Mani, the Late Divorce and the Lovers! Beautifully written and great stories.

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