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Book reviews for "Gingrich,_Newt" sorted by average review score:

Saving Lives & Saving Money
Published in Paperback by Gingrich Communications, Inc. (2003)
Authors: Newt Gingrich, Dana Pavey, and Anne Woodbury
Amazon base price: $24.95
Average review score:

Powerful book that could change our country
Our health care system would improve and the cost would go down
if the people of our country would read this book. It is powerful and could really change our country for the better.

A Must Read for All in Need of Health Care in America
A student of history and a proponent for the possible, Newt Gingrich reviews America's Health Care System and recommends a Revolution. While most politicians and policy makers see only the ability to tweak the current system, Gingrich studies it and determines and documents that the entire system must be revamped. He bases his analysis both on the history of America's health care system and on sound economics. In addition, Newt adds the spice of stories of those who are already playing a part to utilize today's technology to develop a health care system that promotes personal relationships between the patient and both his/her physician and his/her source of health care funding. But most important, Newt outlines what each individual can do to revolutionize America's health care in order to both 'save lives and save money.' This book is a must read for anyone in America in need of health care. The life and money you save just might be your own.

A Roadmap to Healthcare Transformation
As a citizen, nurse and consultant in medical information technology, I found this book of great interest and value. It provides a framework for transforming the current healthcare system into a 21st century health and healthcare system. A system that is individual centered, values driven, knowledge intense, innovation rich, prevention focused, electronically based, market mediated, of increased choice, quality driven, outcomes based and of lower overall cost.

Filled with real life examples of transformational solutions and specific ways for all citizens to get involved in the healthcare debate, this book is a call to action. It provides one with an understanding of the problems of the current system, a vision for the future system and challenges one to get involved in the transformation. I am very interested in the Center for Healthcare Transformation that was mentioned as one way to get involved.

I recommend this book to private citizens and healthcare and IT professionals who want to transform the current system. I also recommend it to students of any health related discipline (nursing, medicine, health system administration to name a few) wanting to better understand the problems of the current system and the transformation that is needed.

Newt is a visionary and a gifted teacher. This book is an excellent blend of those talents.

Restoring the Dream: The Bold New Plan by House Republicans
Published in Paperback by Times Books (1995)
Authors: Stephen Moore, Armey Dick, Gingrich Newt, Newt Gingrich, and Dick Armey
Amazon base price: $10.00
Average review score:

Beyond the Contract....
"Restoring the Dream" goes far beyond its predecessor, "Contract With America." It talks in-depth about the accomplishments and minor failures of the then new Congress, and how the Clinton Administration will handle the bills passed by Congress. Each bill, representing the ten points outlined in "Contract With America," is followed with a detailed summary of why Congress believes the given bill is needed. Of some interest is, term limits, the Presidential line item veto, the Taking Back Our Streets Act, and the need for National Missile Defense. In an almost "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington"-esque style, Newt Gingrich went to Washington to take down the bad guys, bureaucrats. We all know their kind. Those who spend years upon years walking the corridors of the Capitol Building, out of touch with their voters and hometown, and seeing every event in a political sense. They are greedy, self-serving opportunists with no regard for the rest of America. The only solution to ridding Congress of these people is through term limits. "Restoring the Dream" talks of why Representatives should be limited to 4 terms in the House, and why Senators should be limited to 2 terms in the Senate. Interestingly enough, Congressional Republicans felt strongly about enacting a Presidential line item veto, even with a completely incompetent President, Bill Clinton. They knew it was in the best interest of the country and for the progress of democracy to quickly enact such legislation. They did. For those not acquainted with the concept of line item veto, it is when the President gives a warm reception to a bill passed by Congress, but finds one minor flaw and ends up having to veto the entire bill. With line item veto power, a President can veto certain mandates in a given bill, but still pass the bill in its modified form. This means more can get done for the people of America, and less partisan bickering on Capitol Hill. Urban areas have been deteriorating rapidly sense Lyndon B. Johnson's proclamation of his "Great Society" in the mid 1960s. Murders, drugs, gangs, and robberies have become all too common in America's largest cities. The Taking Back Our Streets Act addresses such concerns. Children must be taught at an early age that they are responsible for their behavior and punishments do follow for inappropriate or violent behavior. They need to grasp the American Dream and understand that they too, can contribute a great deal to society. Without such education, violence in our urban areas is inevitable. The Taking Back Our Streets Act stops crime in our cities dead in its tracks. Iraq, Iran, North Korea, and Sudan are just some nations attempting to obtain or already possessing nuclear missiles. The threat grows rapidly with each passing day, and the US currently has no system to protect its soil from a nuclear attack. National Missile Defense is a must for the modern and unpredictable world that we live in. The legislation mentioned in this book became the National Missile Defense Act of 1999, passed by both chambers of Congress, and signed into law by President Clinton.

Continuing the Contract's legacy
Even thought this book is five years old, it's intriguing to see how the plan by the House Republicans actually came to be and how successful it was in transforming America. Their main objective was to improve conditions for families, create an opportunity society, and balance the budget. In my opinion, they succeeded at all three, and then some. Through emphasizing personal responsibility, trusting the individual, and placing power back in the hands of state and local authorities did the Republicans promote their message that large, inefficient government was useless and harmful and that decentralization truly epitomizes compassionate conservatism. Now that we have a balanced budget, welfare reform, lower crime, and booming economy, the GOP can take credit for the work they performed to make these unattainable goals during Democrat-run Congresses a reality. These men and women proved that lower taxation, deregulation, limited government, and faith in the local community can make the American dream possible.

Phase II of the Bold Plan to Take on the D.C. Establishment
I didn't used to believe the rhetoric leveled against President Clinton regarding his "borrowing" of conservative issues for political gain. But now I understand where such accusations come from. This book was written in 1995, after the new Republican Majority (104th Congress) finished its first 100 days of marathon legislation in order to fulfill its Contract With America (documented in another book). Restoring the Dream is an outline of the next steps in the Republican Plan to remake Government. The book begins by enumerating the success of the first 100 days of the Contract and devotes the remainder of the book to elaborating on new pledges for further reform. To say that such a plan is (was) bold would be an understatement. I have gained new respect for the Republican Party after reading this book and it has called into question the common conservative stereotypes. Unless this book is a cruel hoax and I'm a dupe, I believe that the Republican Party genuinely wishes to ensure that all Americans have an equal opportunity to succeed and to achieve the American Dream. In retrospect, it is a shame that Republicans were demonized and maligned by the establishment, having to endure accusations that simply do not coincide with the proposals outlined in this book. And while this book is certainly "dated" by now, it is instructive to see how much the Republicans have actually delivered on their pledges and promises - especially on welfare reform and a balanced budget. I recommend this book to every American interested in understanding the forces that are shaping America's future.

Newt Gingrich: Speaker to America
Published in Paperback by Penguin USA (Paper) (1995)
Authors: Judith Warner and Max Berley
Amazon base price: $5.99
Average review score:

Background of his life, personal and political motivations
Written after Gingrich's acension as Speaker of the House, this book provided many things, both trivial and significant, that I wanted to know about Newt Gingrich. Where he came from, how we grew up, personal life & influences, and how his political philosophy was formulated and developed over the course of his career. He changed the strategy of the Republican House minority and charted it's course to become the majority party long before it occurred after the elections of 1994. For that he deserves credit for long-term planning and strategy, and his constant drive to achieve his political and societal goals for America--whether love him or hate him--he must be given the serious credit for start, development, and eventual shift. Gingrich was the ultimate Machiavelian politician. The ends justified the means. He threw bombs, toppled Jim Wright and uncovered some of the pompous transgressions of House members. Newt didn't live in a glass however. GOPAC was another siginificant achievement of his. I highly recommend this book. I am aware that there are several Gingrich books available now that are more updated.

Quotations from Speaker Newt: The Little Red, White and Blue Book of the Republican Revolution
Published in Paperback by Workman Publishing Company (1995)
Authors: Newt Gingrich, Peter Bernstein, and Amy D. Bernstein
Amazon base price: $5.95
Average review score:

A great book by a great American!
Some awesome quotes by a guy who was on his way to put America back on track when he decided to resign. Many of his points make so much sense, you wonder why the man didn't run for President himself . . .

Tell Newt to Shut Up: Prizewinning Washington Post Journalists Reveal How Reality Gagged the Gingrich Revolution
Published in Paperback by Touchstone Books (1996)
Authors: David Maraniss and Michael Weisskopf
Amazon base price: $13.95
Average review score:

More Newt Needed
I never really liked Newt and I was hoping this book was going to be 200 pages of more reasons to dislike him or at the least more facts to sustain my current dislike of his politics. The tittle sure said to me that that was the focus of the book, unfortunately for me that was not what the book turned out to be. The authors decided to review 1995 and the battles between Newt and the rest of the world on policy. It was interesting and well written but the book Showdown by Drew did a much better job of covering the period of time.

With such a campy title I was looking for a lot of wit and humor and that really was not the strong point of the book. Overall the book lays out the facts in an easy to read way and it is well written, it just did not have the detail to make it the one complete record or the story and it did not have the sharp wit to make it satire.

Gingrich vs. Clinton Analyzed Fairly
From all aspects of the political spectrum left and right we should read this book and learn the cost of democracy. Newt Gingrich had a dream to spearhead a Republican Revolution and to bring it about as forcefully as possible. Unfortunately for him his nemisis William Jefferson Clinton knew how to counter him and how to do it well. The writing in this book is honest, and doesn't attempt to take sides. Anyone who truly wants to know why Congressman Gingrich exited from public life, you need not look further.

A year in the life of the Republican revolution
This book gives a good profile of the major figures of the Republican leadership of the 104th Congress. I have always enjoyed books such as this one, and Bob Woodward's "The Agenda," which give more insight into the personalities of their subjects than you would ever get from TV or newspapers. In the last two chapters in the book, which wonderfully describe the tedium of budget negotiations at the end of 1995, I could definitely feel some of the frustration that this group felt in their impasse with the White House.

America's Congress: Actions in the Public Sphere, James Madison Through Newt Gingrich
Published in Hardcover by Yale Univ Pr (2000)
Author: David R. Mayhew
Amazon base price: $40.00
Average review score:

"Cute" Concept but Worthwhile
Although the analogy used to organized the book was "cute," it was useful in that the presentation was interesting, and at times, powerful and persuasive. The material was current and could be applied to events occurring today-foreign policy issues, the slow track for approval of judicial candidates, the continuing debate over the impact of majority minority districts, and the toll a negative media can take on an institution whose legitimacy depends upon the trust of the people.

Fascinatingly Detailed
Mayhew once again delivers an insightful and original treatise on the machinations of the world's preeminent legislative body. A must-read for any serious student of political science.

Gettysburg: A Novel of the Civil War
Published in Hardcover by Thomas Dunne Books (2003)
Authors: Newt Gingrich and William Forstchen
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

A Surprisingly Powerful Epic
I have to admit, I was surprised and pleased when I read Gettysburg by Newt Gingrich and William Forstchen. Their previous effort at alternate history, 1945, did not do very well, primarily in my opinion because that book was slapped together in haste to try to sell books based on Speaker Gingrich's name and fame.

Not so this offering. The premise is simple. On the second day of the battle, Lee does not assault the Little Round Top. Instead, taking Longstreet's advice, he sends a goodly portion of his army round to the far right flank of the Union Army, seizing its supplies and cutting it off from Washington. What follows is a hellish bloodbath which is all the more searing to the Civil War buff as one sees what happens to familiar charecters such as Chamberlain, Hood, Armestead, and others. I cannot recommend this book enough. It is nothing less than a counterfactural Killer Angels.

It is also, irritatingly, the first of a trilogy. Now we'll have to wait for the narrative of the second volume, to be named apparently Grant Comes East.

Take It From Me: Buy This Book
I am a lifelong Marylander and raised in the midst of tons of Civil War history. Gettysburg, especially, has always fascinated me. In addition, I am a huge fan of author William Forstchen. Even with both of those points, I was unprepared for just how fantastic this book truly is.

The book begins with detail worthy of a true history book, but done in such a well-written way that you are soon with both armies as they prepare for their epic conflict.

You can see the fields filled with soldiers in both blue and gray, hear the roar of the cannons and almost smell the smoke. The people and places are described so well that they almost jump off the page.

The battle begins just as it really did. For those of us who love history (and alternate history), it draws us in beautifully. But then events begin to change. There comes a moment when history, as we know it, is altered.

Now it is up to the soldiers themselves -- officers and enlisted men as drawn believably by the authors -- to act as they would have done. What will Lee, the master tactician do now? How will Meade react, so new to command?

I can't tell you and I'd love to, but I won't spoil one page of this book. Just know this: Buy the book. You won't regret it. (As an aside, I almost never bother with these online reviews. I like the book so much, I just had to.)

Gettysburg--a Must Read for Managers
It would be a shame if the readership of this masterful book were confined to Civil War buffs and students of military history. For them this book will be of enormous interest, but "Gettysburg" has great value to those who manage at all levels of the corporate world. What sets this book apart from the many others that have crossed over the topography of that great battle is its uncanny ability to get inside the heads of the major and minor characters who fought there. The dialogue comes across as authentic and highly revealing as the principle actors share their convictions and misgivings with the reader. There are dozens of case studies within that tell aspiring and seasoned managers more about so many of the situations faced in business than a dozen issues of the Harvard Business Review. The inner workings of self-doubt, motivation, timing, risk taking, prioritzation and, above all, leadership flow out of each chapter. This is a meticulous exposition of the science and black arts of making things happen. It is a compulsory read for those who manage through people as well as the numbers.

Contract With America: The Bold Plan by Rep. Newt Ginrich, Rep. Dick Armey and the House Republicans to Change the Nation
Published in Paperback by Times Books (1994)
Authors: Newt Gingrich, Bob Schellhas, Ed Gillespie, Richard K. Armey, Rep Newt Gingrich, and Dick Armey
Amazon base price: $10.00
Average review score:

A Contract On America
The reactionary lunacy contained within this book and the opposition it engendered provided a major contribution to the success of the Clinton administration. It's a book for people beliving that America should be a country with a minority of haves and a majority of have-nots who serve them.

Nevertheless, it's an important historical document. Read it to understand what might have happened had Americans chosen to go over to the "dark side."

How Republicans Can Save America!
In 1993, Democrats, with the help of Vice-President Gore, passed the largest tax increase in America. Through 1993, and 1994, there was no success with these tax hikes. Fortunately for America, Newt Gingrich and an overwhelming majority of Congressional Republicans were elected into office in November of 1994. What the recipe to the Republican's success? This book. As oppose to pork barrel spending, and double talk, Republicans sent a clear vision to the people, showing what they wanted and how it would get done. This was more than a mere election promise, it was the best way to renew America from the tight grip of the Clinton Administration. It worked. Within the first 100 days of the new Republican majority, 9 of the 10 points published in this contract were passed by the House. The Republican's promise to live up to their vision, and make the Contract happen is probably what has enabled them to maintain the leadership in the House and Senate. (The population of Vermont did not vote on whether or not Sen. Jeffords should switch political parties.)This book is the key to the Gingrich Revolution and should be in the hands of all conservatives!

Legislation for a stronger America
Within this book are ideas that have helped make America a better place in terms of the economy, crime reduction, welfare reform, and improving conditions for families. I'll admit Newt Gingrich is not going to win the character of the year award, but his treatise, along with approval from his fellow Republicans, was a stepping-stone to ensure that wasteful, inefficient liberal spending was ended and fiscal responsibility was integrated. Because of this, we enjoy the budget surpluses of today.

Unfortunately, not all parts of the Contract were signed into law, but what did get signed clearly shows in what it set out to accomplish. Gingrich takes on many issues like budget deficits, welfare, crime, family issues, judicial affairs, the size of government, and job creation and offers commons sense ideas on how to either improve in these areas or solve these burdens on the American people. He gives hypothetical myths and answers with actual facts, and how the Contract was not some kind of political stunt or way to win voters. It was a necessary collection of ideas that stress personal and fiscal responsibility, limited government, liberty, and safety at home and abroad. It also preaches the need to end modern liberal spending pracices and return to more sensical limits to government's scope and power. Luckily for America, the Contract started the ball rolling to clean up government and give more voice to the people who desire the power to fix America's problems.

The Gentlemen from Georgia: The Biography of Newt Gingrich
Published in Hardcover by Mercer University Press (28 February, 2000)
Author: Mel Steely
Amazon base price: $29.95
Average review score:

Not the Definitive Work
Followers of the career of Newt Gingrich will be disappointed by this biography. The book is at its best in describing the ins and outs of the local elections Newt fought and won in Georgia, with a lot of background information on each election. But the sections on Newt's Washington career are culled mostly from newspaper articles and interviews with some of the players in the Gingrich era that--surprisingly--add few insights into the nature and character of Gingrich. Steely's prose is often wooden and the numerous changes of tense are jarring. The text in fact at times reads more like a first draft manuscript than a polished biography. Gingrich is clearly the most influential Republican figure of the 1990's and political history demands a sweeping documentation of his career. We'll just have to wait for one.

A Remarkable Book about a Remarkable Statesman
Newt Gingrich is one of the more remarkable and misunderstood statemen in the history of the American Republic. He embodies in one man a genius for ideas and a genius for action.

The latter is not entirely belied by his fall from the pinnicle of power. In his short years as Speaker he accomplished much. He ended welfare as an entitlement. He turned chronic deficits into lasting surpluses. The man who was nominally in charge of the United States, Bill Clinton, is a cipher by comparison. History will show that the most influential politician of the 1990s was Speaker Gingrich.

He was hated by his enemies, whose power he had taken away. He was distrusted by his friends, to whom he gave power. That latter fact is the irony of Gingrich's triumph. Those who owed Gingrich everything in the end drove him from elected politics.

Nevertheless it may be comforting that the story of Newt Gingrich is not over yet. He continues in the private sector to do what he does so well, to drive ideas and foster change. If George W. Bush rises to the Presidency, he could do far worse than to offer the former Speaker a cabinet post. That certainly would make for an excellent second volume.

Mel Steely his a homerun with this in depth study
In the Gentlemen from Georgia: The Biography of Newt Gingrich, University of West Georgia History professor Mel Steely profiles one of the most remarkable individuals to ever to serve the American public from Capital Hill.

I have known Mel Steely for over two decades as a friend, professor, Congressional intern, Campaign Aid & mentor. This book is something that many, including myself, have long wanted to see released.

Mel Steely, as Newt's most loyal and trusted aid, as well as an accomplished historian in his own right, is uniquely qualified to profile Newt Gingrich. Steely comments on the public Newt, the one that millions of Americans know from the portrayals of Dan Rather C-SPAN & CNN as well as the Newt that was rarely seen in public.

This story is compelling at so many levels. Newt was the only GOP candidate in the terrible GOP election year of Watergate to nearly knock off a 32 year incumbent Democratic. Later as a backbencher Newt earned a name for himself on C-SPAN as the intellectual hard charger to a bloated & corrupt Democratic Party with institutionalized power. Several times Newt nearly escaped political disaster with razor thin re-election margins both in the GOP Primary and the General election and at other times he was the most popular politician in Georgia. He quarterbacked the Contract with America and took back the House after 40 years of liberal Democratic control.

Uncluttered with the inside the beltway mentality that so often is the source for boiler plate political bios, this story is compelling because it was written by someone who really knows the man. Steely brings an academic objectivity combined with a personal experience that no other author could ever hope to match.

From the Social(ist) Science building on the University of West Georgia campus where Mel Steely has lectured students for the last quarter century, he became a lightning rod for the radical campus left. They could never accept that a young brash college professor of humble beginnings could become the leader of the Conservative movement in the United States and third in line to the U.S. President. In this hostile environment Mel served his students as well as his country and found for himself a most unique vantage point for the chronicle he was so uniquely suited to write.

Perhaps, one day, they may even rename that Social(ist) Science Building to Gingrich Hall in honor of the University's most famous professor, who later became a professor to all American people.

It would be a fitting commentary to the Psychology Department hippie commune and the Political Science true believers of Karl Marx to have to conduct their classes in such an environment.

This is a great book about a great man. I highly recommend it to anyone interested interested in government and the renewal of the Republican Party. I would even go so far to say it ought to be required reading for Political Science Students @ the University of West Georgia.

To Renew America
Published in Paperback by Harper Mass Market Paperbacks (1996)
Author: Newt Gingrich
Amazon base price: $6.99
Average review score:

The Most Important Thinker In America Since Jefferson.
This book should be required reading by every person in this country from age 12 to 18. It is the manifesto for getting this greatest of nations back on track. Read it with an open mind, and you'll see why liberals hate Gingrich more than anything...he has nailed them politically, and their days in the political sun really are numbered...if people really care about this nation, that is.

The book that turned me around
Before reading this book, I had all sorts of notions about conservatives in general and Newt Gingrich in particular. However, my viewpoint has been radically changed after reading this book. Gingrich's conservative message makes sense and it contains none of the anti-poor, anti-environment, pro-rich bias for which conservatives are frequently accused. I have found Gingrich to be someone who genuinely cares about America, with compassion defined not by the status quo handout, but rather by giving people a fair shake at the American Dream. For me, this book also provoked anger - not towards Gingrich or conservatives - but towards Democrats and the media for unfairly demonizing Gingrich and corrupting the true intent of his ideas. While I'm not so naïve as to think this book will persuade liberals to become conservatives, I do believe that it will dispel many of the myths and falsehoods surrounding Gingrich and his ideas for renewing America.

God has blessed America with Newt Gingrich
If you read this book with an open mind you cannot help to sense the positive spirit with which it is written, and the love for America with which the ideas contained in it are crafted. Gingrich's plans for renewing America are so simple and so filled with common sense that they are brilliant. They appeal to me, and I am not rich, elitist, or in posession of a powerful office. They do not leave me behind, though I am a woman. And they are for everyone but "soreheads and losers..." which does not refer insultingly to women and blacks (to assume so would call into question your own opinion of those groups, not Newt's). Reading "To Renew America" was a joy. I refer to it often. If you're in the market for some hope for the future, this book is for you.

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