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Book reviews for "Geist,_William_E." sorted by average review score:

Little League Confidential: One Coach's Completely Unauthorized Tale of Survival
Published in Paperback by Dell Pub Co (1993)
Authors: Bill Geist and William E. Geist
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $0.30
Collectible price: $3.00
Buy one from zShops for: $0.45
Average review score:

So True!
If you are involved with Little League, you will see many true moments in this book. Your perpspecitve may be any of player, parent, coach, umpire, spectator. It is quite humorous and will have you both laughing and shaking your head.

Especially good for new coaches. You may have heard that Little League is "very political". It is. The author highlights many ways that it is and also gives very good pointers on how you can get "advantages" in this "non-competitive" environment.

Highly recommended.

Geist hits a home run!
What a fantastic, funny book. Anyone who has ever been involved with Little League or any organized kids sports league has to read this book. As I was reading Little League Confidential, I kept thinking that Geist, a reporter for CBS, MUST have had a video camera at one of my son's games. So much of what he writes is so hilariously on-the-mark , perceptive and insightful. It was just so much fun to read and very well-written.

Is this fiction or non-fiction?
The humorist columnist Bill Geist had many years of experience coaching his son's little league baseball and kids basketball and his daughter's softball team. He relates his experiences with his usual wit, sarcasm and humor. The book focuses on a particular season of little league baseball where he was able to work with his son Willie's team and actually win the league championship by upsetting Knavery's team in the final game of the season. The tale tells how he bends the rules (though not as much as some other) in a way that still allows the weak players to have fun and yet stay competitive. There is a large degree of truth to the various caricatures of players, coaches and parents that he presents in this tale. But some of the stories are so incredible and it seems like fiction is mixed with reality but clearly it is based on real experience. I relate to many of the issues he brings out. ...

In the epologue Geist confesses that he want his son Willie to be a star player but was satisfied that he made the high school varisty teams. In the end no matter how good or bad they are in little league they all eventually stop playing to do other things that interest them more or they find to have more success and rewards.

To illustrate the humor in the final game losing 12-4 Geist gives the kids sugar treats to pick up their energy. A rally starts but thinking ahead with the worst hitter Monique likely to come up with two outs, Geist gets a 40 ounce drink and gets her to leave on a bathroom break. ... This book has short easy to read chapters and integrates Geist's softball and basketball experiences in the theme of the little league season whereas Dunow had long chapters going back and forth from little league with his son to his childhood experiences with his father. Both books are good in their own way. But this one is much easier to read and more light hearted.

Monster Trucks & Hair-In-A-Can: Who Says America Doesn't Make Anything Anymore?
Published in Hardcover by Putnam Pub Group (1994)
Authors: Bill Geist and William E. Geist
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $1.69
Collectible price: $1.77
Buy one from zShops for: $2.75
Average review score:

A serious look at American industry, told with great humor!
Mr. Geist takes an extremely interesting look at entrepreneurs in America, proving things still are produced here and the American dream is alive and well. While he has obviously done his research and the underlying theme of the book can be serious, Mr. Geist has a wonderful, delightful sense of humor that permeates the book. After I finish this review, I'm going to seach for more books by him!

City Slickers
Published in Paperback by Viking Penguin Inc (1989)
Authors: William E. Geist and Herman Van Der Wee
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $8.95
Collectible price: $10.59
Average review score:
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