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Book reviews for "Gabbard,_Krin" sorted by average review score:

Psychiatry and the Cinema
Published in Paperback by Amer Psychiatric Pr (15 March, 1999)
Authors: Glen O. Gabbard and Krin Gabbard
Amazon base price: $27.95
Used price: $16.00
Buy one from zShops for: $14.99
Average review score:

It was helpful!
As a psychiatrist and also a great movie fan, I always eagered for a book which reviews movies from the viewpoint of 'pschoanalysis'. At last I found this book. What I liked most about this book is that it covers recent movies, like 'Good Will Hunting' or '12 Monkeys', which are my favorites. The stories of the reflected images and their changes throughout the film history of the psychiatrists who appeared in the movies were also interesting.

Jammin' at the Margins: Jazz and the American Cinema
Published in Paperback by University of Chicago Press (Trd) (1996)
Author: Krin Gabbard
Amazon base price: $20.00
Used price: $7.50
Buy one from zShops for: $16.25
Average review score:
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Jazz Among the Discourses
Published in Paperback by Duke Univ Pr (Txt) (1995)
Author: Krin Gabbard
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $8.50
Buy one from zShops for: $19.70
Average review score:
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Representing Jazz
Published in Hardcover by Duke Univ Pr (Txt) (1995)
Author: Krin Gabbard
Amazon base price: $59.95
Average review score:
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