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Book reviews for "Futabatei,_Shimei" sorted by average review score:

Japan's First Modern Novel, Ukigumo of Futabatei Shimei.
Published in Paperback by Univ of Michigan Center for (1990)
Author: Marleigh Grayer Ryan
Amazon base price: $65.00
Used price: $57.84
Average review score:

Interesting read
Ukigumo is Japan's first modern novel, and it is fascinating to read. Modern Japanese literature has a compressed development, and it started here. The translation is very good.

Don't get me wrong, this is a strong novel with a good story. But it is more than worth reading just for the history.

An adopted husband
Published in Hardcover by Classic Books (1919)
Author: Shimei, pseud. Futabatei
Amazon base price: $118.00
Average review score:
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Bronis±aw Pi±sudski i Futabatei Shimei : w swietle korespondencji Bronis±awa Pi±udskiego do Futabatei Shimei
Published in Unknown Binding by IIEOS ()
Author: Ma±gorzata Ciesielska
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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