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Book reviews for "Furui,_Yoshikichi" sorted by average review score:

Ravine and Other Stories
Published in Paperback by Stone Bridge Press (01 September, 1997)
Authors: Yoshikichi Furui and Meredith McKinney
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $5.00
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Average review score:

One of the finest examples of modern Japanese Literature
After having read this book for a U of A Japanese Literature course, I can see why it would be a necessary book for any fan of modern japanese literature. "Ravine" is a collection of four stories by Yoshikichi Furui that are somewhat autobiographical in nature. What sets Furui apart from his contemporaries is the almost poetic prose that he adopts - a poignant stream of consciousness that draws in the reader and commands the imagination. Although for the most part very somber, these stories liberate the mind to wander over the plains of the subconscious that Furui masterfully constructs, sometimes even with a dash of humor. Most important to any student of Japanese literature however, are his perceptions of the internal workings of Japanese society, and the personal level on which the Japanese operate with one another. I would agree with the foreword of the book that suggests an expository style to the writing, reminiscient at times of an essay. And although these stories may move a little too slowly for some, people wanting a taste of what a master of modern Japanese literature can provide should find a home in "Ravine".

Those interested in Furui's works may also want to check out Haruki Murakami, Shusaku Endo, and Kobo Abe.

Published in Unknown Binding by Fukutake Shoten ()
Author: Yoshikichi Furui
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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Child of Darkness: Yoko and Other Stories (Michigan Monograph Series in Japanese Studies, No. 18)
Published in Paperback by Univ of Michigan Center for (1997)
Authors: Yoshikichi Furui, Furui Yoshikichi, and Donna G. Storey
Amazon base price: $16.95
Average review score:
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