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Book reviews for "Furlonge,_Geoffrey_Warren" sorted by average review score:

Palestine is my country: the story of Musa Alami
Published in Unknown Binding by Murray ()
Author: Geoffrey Warren Furlonge
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

The other side of the debate
This worthy, in parts slow book, is about two things: firstly, one man and his family, settled in what the Zionist-dominated American press would probably call "Israel" but others call "Palestine"; secondly, the book is a history of those times in the last century when misguided English and American politicians allowed the Zionist fanatics to ethnically cleanse part of the Middle East and to either drive out the former owners of Palestinian lands or to use them as economic serfs. The book is a small voice of truth against the Zionist claque which constantly propagandizes that Jews "made deserts bloom" and similar nonsense, whereas in fact they just stole land belonging and worked peacefully by others for hundreds and even thousands of years. The book stands against the "Israel" which relies totally on money and arms fed to it by the misguided American taxpayer (and despite the fact that Israel has been said by the US State Department to be among the worst moneylaundering and swindling states of the world). Overall, worth reading but not an exciting read.

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