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Book reviews for "Freyer,_Tony_Allan" sorted by average review score:

Democracy and Judicial Independence: A History of the Federal Courts of Alabama, 1820-1994
Published in Hardcover by Carlson Publications (1996)
Authors: Tony Allan Freyer and Timothy Dixon
Amazon base price: $60.00
Used price: $58.81
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Forums of Order: The Federal Courts and Business in American History
Published in Hardcover by JAI Press (1979)
Author: Tony Allan Freyer
Amazon base price: $56.50
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Harmony and Dissonance: The Swift and Brie Cases in American Federalism
Published in Hardcover by New York University Press (1981)
Author: Tony Allan Freyer
Amazon base price: $50.00
Used price: $7.03
Collectible price: $13.22
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Producers Versus Capitalists: Constitutional Conflict in Antebellum America (Constitutionalism and Democracy)
Published in Hardcover by University Press of Virginia (1994)
Author: Tony Allan Freyer
Amazon base price: $37.50
Used price: $9.78
Collectible price: $9.53
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Regulating Big Business : Antitrust in Great Britain and America 1880-1990
Published in Hardcover by Cambridge University Press (1992)
Author: Tony Allan Freyer
Amazon base price: $75.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

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