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Book reviews for "Freedman,_James_O." sorted by average review score:

Liberal Education and the Public Interest
Published in Hardcover by University of Iowa Press (2003)
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $20.54
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Used price: $20.54
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"Liberal Education" initially appeared promising. After an interesting chapter on the history of college presidents, Freedman discusses the current and future states of higher education. As expected he passionately defends liberal education and intellectualism. I was stunned, however, when in the middle of the second chapter (p. 42), he defends tenured faculty by drawing on the following statistics: there are perhaps "200,000 faculty members" at significant research universities and colleges in the United States, a country of "280 million people." He concludes that such faculty "make up less than .0001 percent of the nation's population." He repeats this assertion in the following paragraph, indicating that this was not simply a typo. He makes no small mistake: it is the equivalent of standing in Chicago and stating that Boston is about a mile away. Freedman attempts to mislead the reader (he uses these numbers to argue for academic freedom for a small proportion of the population); as my expertise is limited, I cannot tell if he has made other such mispresentations of facts, but one such significant mistake is enough to make me distrust the remainder of the book.

Idealism and Liberal Education
Published in Paperback by University of Michigan Press (2001)
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $12.95
Collectible price: $11.95
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Used price: $12.95
Collectible price: $11.95
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